WiKAWpedia - A Guide to KAW Lore

Discussion in 'Guides' started by JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019.

  1. #101 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2020
  2. A

    • The Abyss - The underwater continent. A powerful enchantment over the entire country allowed land-dwellers to walk and breathe freely in the underwater domain. From Gateway to The Abyss and A Cast of Falcons.


    • The Abyssal Portal - An ominous skull-shaped portal that lead to the underwater continent known as The Abyss. From Gateway to The Abyss.
    • Aecorite Trench - A deep trench in the ocean floor of the western seas. It contains a large deposit of the rare aecorite gem. From Event Legends.
    • Aeon Hatchling Hoard - A spy defense building in the Fatesands Lands. From Buildings & Land.

    • Aeonic Realm. - The dwelling place of eternal beings like Angels and Demons and the Ancients. From Aeonic Chest.
    • Akiidae Estate - The palatial home of General Paru Akiidae, the Shasa overseer of Baqiar Madi. From Akiidae Estate Box.
    • Alramalia - The ancient name of the Fatesands, which is still used by some of its people, mainly the Shasa. From Asura General's Box.
    • Alverdine - A southern port city on the Majara Sea. It was once attacked by corsairs after your journey in the Koti Jungle. From Alverdine Aflame.
    • Amylon Mountains - The mountain range near Neshia-Ysania; known for its sage Ysanian firm which is an herbed, creamy cheese. From Svathmar Chest.
    • Anfangstadt - A city of iron works in the Lowlands of the Kingdom of Kestral. Its mining district was known as "Iron Town" locally. Its iron was in high demand all over the kingdom and beyond. Duke Casnir was its ruler. The palace of the Duke of Anfangstadt was where Kish discovered The Star of Damas hidden in a secret wall safe. From A Cast of Falcons Ch. 1 and Equipment & Charms.
    • Arboreal Dungeon - A defensive military building in the Lowlands and Highlands that imprison unwelome guests in living cages of gnarled wood. From Buildings & Land.

    • Argelied, Kingdom of - The kingdom of the master golem craftsmen. From Escarian Box.
    • Arkosa's Den of Dune Spiders - A den of giant arachnids controlled by Arkosa. From Skorpios the Deathstalker EB series.
    • Armes Abbey - A fortress-like abbey where initiates were trained and tested. To enter, one would ring a large cast iron bell with an iron mallet. From The Farmer's Journey, Part 4.
    • Aurafrost Palace - The icy host location in the Hoarfrost Lands by the Rime Elves for the traditional holiday sled race. From Aurafrost Palace Chest.
    #102 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2024
  3. B

    • B'ganteh - An area where small growths of zaera flowers were known to be, literally "blossom garden." From The Farmer's Journey, Part 2.
    • Baadal Cordillera - A giant and dangerous mountain range, the tallest peak being Mount Panganod atop which sits a pyramid shaped temple that serves as the gateway to the Osman Rai lands. From A Cast of Falcons Ch 10 and Once Beyond Reach.
    • Baalirian Temple - A granite, gold, and amethyst temple dedicated to the deity Baalir. It is believed to be located in the Fatesands. From Baqiar Madi Box.
    • Baqiar Madi - The Shasa city and birthplace of Maaku. From Baqiar Madi Box.
    • Barrenhigh - The stronghold capital of King King Renaullus of Vengaelia. From Barrenhigh Stronghold Box.
    • The Baron's Lodge - The stately dwelling place of the Baron where the Boy ran for help when the bandits of the mountains began raiding the farms nearby. From The Farmer's Journey, Part 1.
    • Barracks - A defense heavy, military troop building in the Lowlands. Soldiers train at the barracks in preparation for battle. By the time they leave, they are hardened warriors. From Buildings & Land.

    • Beast Hatchery - An ancient hatchery tended to by a mysterious group of forest sages. From Hatchery Chest.
    • Beastiary - A balanced stat, military building in the Lowlands. The beastiary produces some of the wildest creatures in the land. Only your strongest warriors can handle these beasts. From Buildings & Land.

    • Beacon Tower - A spy defense military building in the Abyss lands.Its light pierces the endless murk of the deep and reveals all. From Buildings & Land.

    • Bellephus - A battle location during the Garne War. From The Farmer's Journey, Part 5.
    • Bjellma Island - The location of a rare vein of etymite sought by Mighty Kyzarian, ruler of the underworld and god of the forge, for his smithy. Also said to be the birthplace of Kyzarian. From Orisons of Glory: Part 7 - The Ordeal of Kyzarian: The Quest for Etymite and Equipment & Charms.
    • Blodcyth - A giant underground city of marble hidden behind large mysterious silver doors. From Blodcyth, City of Marble.
    • Blodcyth Palace - The palace of the king of the Blodfolc in the vampire city of Blodcyth. From The Rise of the Bloddrihten King.
    • Blood Barracks - An attack heavy, military troop building in the Hoarfrost lands. Countless fools meet their end upon the razor-edged spikes of the Blood Barracks. From Buildings & Land.

    • Boreastor Vista - A beautiful vista looking over boreal forests, mountains and valleys. From Waterlogged Chest.
    • Boreastor Wilds Woods - The location of the towering ardentcore trees. From The Otherkeeper's Challenge Side Legends and Waterlogged Chest.
    • Brakmire Village - A balanced stat, military building in the Deepmine lands. They are the home of the Nakra tribe, a fierce race of alligator-men, locked in the eternal combat with the Troggub and the Dugorim. From Buildings & Land.

    • Brandmere - An entire fortress that materializes from the ether. A cursed city, the wailing of thousands of souls emanates from it as it perpetually burns from the flames of a giant demon named Zelgarad the Accursed. From Black Friday 2015 story and Cycle of Flames.
    • Brum Nazak - The land of the siege dragons, and an allied kingdom against the Empire of Vigona, that neighbors the country of Escaria far away. From The Land of the Siege Dragons, The Alliance Against Vigona, A Change of Ranks, and The Summoners' Circle.
    #103 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2024
  4. C

    • Caducean Village - An isolated village found by the Oracle and Sister Aetheldine in a dark forest, where the people were suffering from plague and monstrous attacks. From Caduceal Box. Caer Sidh

    • Caer Sidh - An ancient kingdom in the Highlands known for their snake-like form. Part of the Highland Pact with Novgoravia and Claimont. The General of their army sits upon the Throne of Ard Ri. From Highlander Chest.

    • Castle - The base military stat building in the center of the Lowlands from where you rule your kingdom within its fortified walls. From Buildings & Land.

    • Castle L'Heureux - Deep in the Highlands lies Castle L'Heureux, long abandoned after the disappearance of princess Morrigan L'Heureux. Around the castle is the mysterious Grieving Grove, where some say Morrigan now resides… From Fairy Tale Box.
    • Chamber of the Ordeal - The room where the Acolyte underwent the Ritual of the Ordeal test. It was on one of the highest levels of the Armes Abbey. It was a large, pillared stone room. Acolytes would lay on a stone table in the middle of the chamber to undergo their trial. Once they passed, they became initiates. From The Farmer's Journey, Part 4.
    • Changeling Watchtower - A spy defense military building in the Highlands. The ever-present gaze of the changeling will haunt your enemies' waking days. From Buildings & Land.

    • Chessair Archipelago - A region of the continent from which the Harpies' Harriers hail. From Scylla's Chest.
    • Circle of Elementals - A balanced stat, military building in the Lowlands and Highlands. This is where powerful elementals, capable of harnessing the forces of nature, are summoned. From Buildings & Land.

    • Ciro - A holy city and birthplace of St. Timaios that held the Grand Temple of St. Timaios. From The Farmer's Journey, Part 3.
    • Ciroa - A distant country, famous for its fine leather goods. From Equipment & Charms.
    • Citadel of Eyes - A spy defense military building in the Deepmine Lands. This nightmarish structure is not a building but a summoned being from a dimension of madness. From Buildings & Land.

    • Clairmont - A wealthy kingdom of the Highlands ruled by the L'Heureux Family. A garden maze within the castle is the home of a huge minotaur. Part of the Highland Pact with Novgoravia and Caer Sidh. From Clairmont Chest.
    • Clairmont Crime Department - Paid for by Clairmont's taxes and tariffs, this detective unit is run by Elron Fillibuster. It's halls always smell of coffee. From Detective Chest.
    • Coafell - A plagued town near Fort Margorie. From The Warding of Coalfell.
    • Colosseum of Aolus - Every few years, gladiatorial games are held in this arena in the Hoarfrost city of Aolus. From Aolus Chest.
    • The Colony - A balanced stat, military building in the Highlands. Ill-faited foes shall feel the sting of your insectoid drones from this location. From Buildings & Land.

    • Coraxian Lair - A ruined tower inhabited by the cultist followers of Hexavia, the Witchqueen. From Leidamea Box.
    • Cordimancer's Lair - The hidden place where malevolent marionettes dance and necrotic enchantments linger, from which the Cordimancer uses his psychic powers over dead and trapped souls in his puppets, effigies, and at one point even golems and their makers. From Unmasking the Puppeteer.
    • Corvidaemonium - The land of the Corvelias, a race of witches and warlocks. From Malphas, Unbound.
    • Cult of the Abyssal Eye - A military spy building in the Abyss lands where no creature is safe from the cult of masked fanatics. From Buildings & Land.

    • Cursed Foundry - An attack heavy, military troop building in the Lowlands and Highlands. A cursed sect of blacksmiths work tirelessly to create weapons of war at this evil place. From Buildings & Land.
    #104 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2024
  5. D

    • Dabroa Ma'ar Desert - Also known as the Dabroan Desert. A vast desert, home to the kingdom of Ridalah and three wandering tribes, the greatest of which was known as the Aradmel. The word Dabroa can refer to both the desert itself or to the name of the territory, meaning literally "great sand." From A Covert Crossing and The Farmer's Journey, Part 2.
    • Daegdreor - The ancient kingdom of the pre-cursed Blodfolc. From The Dawn of the Blodfolc Event.
    • Damas - A desert city ruled by King Darius. The first Estoc Trials were held here in his honor. From Estoc Trials.
    • Darden Forest - An area north of Anfangstadt and south of Veles. It was on the route that Valerja and Kish took when moving the Star of Damas from Anfangstadt to the Hoarfrost lands. Also the first forest Kish had ever seen. From A Cast of Falcons Ch 4.
    • Deep Gate - The entrance to the Deepmines. From Equipment & Charms.
    • Deepmine - A subterranean continent of stone and fire that was never meant to see the light of day. It was accidentally dug up during a desperate search for more treasure. From Dig up the Deepmine.
    • Defensive Fortress - A defensive military building in the Lowlands and Highlands that are advanced defenses for your kingdom. From Buildings & Land.

    • Defensive Tower - A defensive military building in the Lowlands that are fortified with your soldiers. They are the last line of defense when you are under attack. From Buildings & Land.

    • Descry Fasthold - A spy defense military building in the Hoarfrost lands. The arrows of the Descry always find their target. From Buildings & Land.

    • The Despairing Swamp - The first layer of the Underworld. From The Eternal Mire and Despairing Soul Box.
    • Dileas Mountains - The mountains that separated Kestral from the Hoarfrost Lands. From A Cast of Falcons Ch 3.
    • Dimnes Moors - A section of the Deepmines whose inhabitants were once plagued by a vampire. From The Dimnes Vampire.
    • Dimnesmarch - The location of the castle on which the Blodfolc descended to conquer in the ancient past. Sister Aethel and the Old Dimnesmarch hunter named Cenhelm helped you defeat the Blodfolc. From Old Dimnesmarch Box.
    • Dragonwing Kingdom - One of three ancient primordial Fae kingdoms. From The Shadofael Event.
    • Drakelancer Castle - The home of the clan of Dragon Hunters. From Drakelancer Box.
    • Drest Tower - Located in the castle of King Scias the Enduring, where St. Timaios was detained in 3255. From The Farmer's Journey, Part 3.
    • Duskwalker Sanctum - An ornately carved sanctuary for the Duskwalkers of the Pallumen Lands. From Vivenstone Box.
    • Dwarvenmake Fortalice - A defensive military building in the Deepmine lands. This invisible steel fortress protects the treasures of the Khruta-Kadh. From Buildings & Land.
    #105 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2022
  6. E

    • Elheim - One of two nations at war with the Kingdom of Kestral. They eventually come to the aid of Kestral and fight alongside them against the Prizmai invasion. From A Cast of Falcons Ch 6.
    • Elrengoth Forest - A place where a group of druids live and from where they perform their rituals to keep the dark side of nature at bay, especially during the season of Samhain. From The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest.
    • Elven Temple - A balanced stat, military building in the Hoarfrost lands. The ancient knowledge of the Rime Elves is contained within this sacred circle. From Buildings & Land.

    • Elven Temple in Galdurheim - The arranged meeting location for Sir Angas and his mysterious helper, which turned out to be Rilin Telthas. Later, the Rime Elves harbored Kish and his helpers here after returning the Star of Damas to Valerja. From A Cast of Falcons Prolgoue.
    • Emberdeep Hollow - A cavern where molten rivers flow from deeper underground. From Dwarven Furnishings Set.
    • Empire of Vigona - A vast and powerful empire, far from your kingdom. An alliance was formed to fight off the advances of this warring country. The pirate sisters, The Harpies of Vigona, were from this empire. From The Land of the Siege Dragons and The Vigonian Letter.
    • Empyrean Lair - An attack heavy, military troop building in the Osmon Rai lands. Levels 1-10 are a flying island and den to the enigmatic Thaumadrake. Levels 11-20 are the disposal site from which spawns the horrific Necroste. From Buildings & Land.

    • Escaria - A land far from your kingdom that is home to the Mages. From A Change of Ranks and The Alliance Against Vigona and Escarian Box.
    • Escaria Magic Academy - The school of magic inside the Kingdom of Escaria where mages are trained. From Escarian Box.
    • Eskerith Reach - Snow-covered mountains in the village of Frostheim can be found. From Schnapphorn Box.
    • Estoc Trials Dungeon - An intimidating dungeon in the city of Damas for those that await participating in the Estoc Trials. From 15th Anniversary Chest.
    • Ethor Shipyards - A city-state of Osmon Rai, ruled by the Ethor Shipyards' Merchant's Guild headed by Governor Cardynham. From Welkinaut Box.
    • Ethereal Surgery Facility - A laboratory where the boundaries of science and magic are blurred. From Caustic Chest.
    #106 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2024
  7. F

    • The Face of the Lustrous - A defensive military building in the Pallumen Lands. From Buildings & Land.

    • Faerie Realm - The lands of the faefolk (faeries). From The Faeries' Game.
    • Fanged One's Realm - The sinister realm of the demon god Nraizu. From Nraizulian Disciple Box.
    • Floating Kingdom - The domain of Apheriun, the Netherking. From The Netherking EB.
    • Flying Pig - A flying aeonic pig. Very cute, and possibly the source of an old adage? From Aeonic Chest.
    • Fogbound City - Another name for the city of Grimsbridge. From Grimsbridge Guard Chest.
    • Follyvine - The dwelling place of the Monarch of the Faefolk. From The Faeries' Game and The Hunt for the Dreadmoth.
    • Follyvine Border Tree - The massive tree that marks the border between Follyvine and Skimbledown. From Follyvine Invitational Box.
    • Forge - An attack heavy, military troop building in the Lowlands. The forge produces heavy armament to use against enemy forces. From Buildings & Land.

    • Fort Margorie - The location of a large battle before discovering the nearby town of Coalfell was plagued. From The Warding of Coalfell.
    • Fortiff Tree - Long ago, the Unkari discovered the miraculous healing powers of the Fortiff tree. When a member of the tribe was stricken by illness, the Unkari Monarch pried open the ancient Fortiff tree, and the sick Unkari was permitted to climb inside. Yet only the Monarch was allowed to touch the Fortiff tree, for she alone was trusted by the ancient tree spirits. From The Great Quetzal Hunt.
    • Fortress of the Radiant Wellspring - An attack heavy military troop building in the Pallumen Lands. From Buildings & Land.

    • Fortress of the Umbral Cascade - A defense heavy military troop building in the Pallumen Lands. From Buildings & Land.

    • Fountain of Fortune - A Grimsbridge landmark said to grant one wish to anyone with a coin to spare. From Grimsbridge Keep Box.
    • Fridmara - The region of the Highlands, home to the Fridmara family of nobles. Scout Captain Gwen was heir to the throne of the Fridmara family, but due to her service to the Kingdom, desired the title be passed to her younger sister, Seri. From Fridmara Box and Highland Harvest Box.
    • Frostheim - A remote village in the snow-covered mountains of Eskerith Reach where the Schnapphorn stole all of the children, but you foiled the scheme and were celebrated by the villagers with holiday festivities. From Schnapphorn Box and Gingerbread Box.
    #107 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2024
  8. G

    • Galdurheim - The capital city of the Rime Elves in the Hoarfrost. From A Cast of Falcons Prologue.
    • Gao Tesi - One of two nations at war with the Kingdom of Kestral. From A Cast of Falcons Ch 6.
    • Gen Gurum - The capital city of the Kestral Kingdom. From A Cast of Falcons Ch 3.
    • Glenhalloch - A region in the Highlands. From Murder in Halloch Moor, The Phantom Clan, and Testimony of the Dead.
    • Glimwatcher Dome - A military spy defense building in the Pallumen lands. From Buildings & Land.

    • Glimwatcher Sanctuary - A place where the Glimwatcher priests reside. From Glimwatcher Box.
    • Gobblyn Ha' - A military spy building in the Deepmine lands. They are the ramshackle lair of the conniving Dugorim gobblyns, who spend their days stealing and murdering for their beloved queen. From Buildings & Land.

    • Glenhalloch Castle - A supposedly abandoned fortress in the Highlands region of Glenhalloch, but a series of murders began to take place in the nearby village after lights and movement were seen in the imposing towers of the fortress. It was eventually discovered to be the home of the vanished phantom Clan Duneghal. From Murder in Halloch Moor, The Phantom Clan, and Testimony of the Dead.
    • Grand Hermetic Heavenarch - The portal guarded by the Thaumadrake Astral, a crystal dragon. From The Keeper of the Gate.
    • The Great Lattice - The Prizmai term for the afterlife. From A Cast of Falcons Ch 10.
    • The Great Loch - The deepest loch in the Highlands that holds all sorts of mysteries. From Highlander Chest.
    • The Greedy Barrens - The second layer of the Underworld. It was a desolate landscape where jealous and avaricious souls are doomed to a life free of riches and resources. From The Greedy Barrens.
    • Grimsbridge - A crime-ridden city on the outskirts of the Lowlands. A training location for Crownseye, the royal spy network. Also the birthplace of Spymaster Thanna. From Grimsbridge Guard Chest.
    • Grimsbridge Keep - The fortress where the leaders of Grimsbridge convene and work. From Grimsbridge Keep Box.
    • Guild - A military spy building in the Lowlands and Highlands. Spies, thieves, and assassins gather at the guild, awaiting to do your dirty work. From Buildings & Land.
    #108 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2024
  9. H

    • Hall of Aberrant Alchemy - A lab where twisted experiments blur the line between magic and science. From Caustic Chest.
    • Halloch Moor - The area near Glanhalloch Castle. From Murder in Halloch Moor.
    • The Hallowed Farmer's Birthplace - A farm near the Baron's Lodge. From The Farmer's Journey, Part 1.
    • Hallowgourd Castle - Jack Wickenflamme's eerie castle deep in the woods near Clairmont. From Hallowgourd Chest.
    • Hallowgourd Cemetery - The spooky cemetery outside of Hollowgourd Castle. From Hallowgourd Chest.
    • The Hatchery - An attack heavy, military troop building in the Highlands. They breed reltilian spawn to slither forth and squeeze the life from your enemies. From Buildings & Land.

    • Hawkspur Kingdom - One of three ancient primordial Fae kingdoms. From The Shadofael Event.
    • Hellgraves - The spawning site of the undead necrosteo in the Osman Rai Lands. From Ornate Zeruan Lock Box.
    • Hieledral Grove - A sacred forest deep in the valleys between the peaks of Mistbone Rise. The Vormurak beast stalked it for a time. From The Ordeal of Selona and Ithioch.
    #109 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2024
  10. I

    #110 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2019
  11. J

    #111 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2019
  12. K

    • Kersos - A city-state in the Abyss that served as the home of the Order of the Abyssal Eye. The streets were lit by large pearls in lamppost-like cages that illuminated its coralline paths and turquoise-tiled buildings. From A Cast of Falcons Ch 6 & 7.
    • Kestrelian Highlands - The hill country of the Kingdom of Kestral. From A Cast of Falcons Prologue.
    • Khruta-Kadh - An underground city of Dwarves in the Deepmines. From The Buried Continent.
    • Khruta-Kadh Forgefortress - A defense heavy, military troop building in the Deepmine lands. They are steelbound homes of the Khruta-Kadh dwarves, renowned engineers and blacksmiths. From Buildings & Land.

    • Kingdom of Kestral - Located in the Lowlands, this kingdom appears to be central to the lore and storyline of KAW. Also spelled Kestrel. From A Cast of Falcons.
    • Kingdom of Vengaelia - Located to the North, this rival kingdom, led by King Renaullus, once plotted against your kingdom after their king unearthed a powerful weapon possessed by the demon Acrimanus. From The Advance of Vengaelia.
    • Koti Jungle - The ancestral home of the Unkari elves before their banishment. From Secret Treasure of the Volcano.
    • Kraken Lair - A balanced stat, military building in the Abyss lands. It serves as the pit of the Kraken and the final resting place of numberless mariners. From Buildings & Land.

    • Krazad Circ - A mountain range and home of an evil necromancer. From Orisons of Glory: Part 10 - The Ordeal of Bryntalli: The Necromancer of Krazad Circ and Kralmora the Fallen - Necromancer's Pact EB.
    #112 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2021
  13. L

    • Labyrinth of Death - Also known as a xycton hive. From The Labyrinth of Death.
    • Laganloch - A lush section of the Highlands. From Laganloch Traveler Box.
    • The Landamari Stone - A great gray stone the height of a tower, decorated with dimly glowing blue runes, carved out of the mountainside that served as the Great Sentinel to the entry of the Hoarfrost Lands. From A Cast of Falcons Ch 5.
    • Leidamea's Mind Palace - A place in Leidamea's mind in which she imprisons and controls others with their dreams and memories. From Handy Box.
    • The Library of Arcana - Also known as The Library of the Order of the Abyssal Eye, the Library of Arcana is the greatest repository of arcane knowledge. It is located in the city-state of Kersos in the Abyss. From A Cast of Falcons Ch 6.
    • Lookout Fortress - A spy defense military building in the Lowlands and Highlands. They are forward outposts for your kingdom, capable of unveiling enemy spies. From Buildings & Land.
    • Lookout Tower - A spy defense military building in the Lowlands. Soldiers in the lookout tower are trained to spot any suspicious behavior and drive away spies, thieves, and assassins. From Buildings & Land.

    • Lowlands - The center, and beginning point, of all of KAW. Also home to the Kingdom of Kestral. From A Cast of Falcons and Lowland Wars.

    • Lupine Spa - The relaxing spa in Clairmont that Lady Morrigan frequents. The smell of lavender permeates the rooms. From Amethyst Chest.
    #113 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2024
  14. M

    • Magna Messor - The city that was home to the holy seat of the Order. The great stained glass window temple known as the Archpantheon was where the Order's annual ceremony of investiture took place. From The Farmer's Journey, Part 5.
    • Mahal - The word for Shasa castles. From Asura General's Box.
    • Mahal of the Sublime Ones - An attack heavy military building in the Fatesands lands. From Buildings & Land.

    • Majara Sea - The body of water where your kingdom encountered the Harpies' Harriers of Vigona. From The Corsair Queens EB.
    • Meadowrise - A colorful meadow which hosts the annual Oster Hare Festival. From Oster Box.
    • Mines of Talaat - The source of a flavorsome salt used frequently in Ridalani cooking. From A Covert Crossing Event Side Legend.
    • Mistbone Rise Mountains - A series of mountains where deposits of havenstone, a precious rock that "sings with ancient magics," can be found. It is said that a building whose foundation is laid with havenstone shall bring blessings to those who gather within it. The mountain range is found on the island of Seriforma. From The Oathkeeper's Challenge Side Legends and Mistbone Peak Box.
    • Mixtliacalli - Golden pyramid temples of the Mixtli. They were carried on the backs of quetzalcoatls. Also, a balanced stat, military building in the Osmon Rai lands. Levels 1-10 are a skybarge on which live the fearless Mixtli people. Levels 11-20 are temples to Volana, tended to by the Quell. From A Cast of Falcons Ch 10 and Buildings & Land.

    • Mortal Realm - Also called the Homeplane. The land of the living. From The Netherking EB and Emissaries of the Otherworlds (Season 6 Wars).
    • Montdarte - A coastal mountain city known for its granite stone. From Serpent Stash Box.
    • Mount Panganod - Known as the king of the Baadal Cordillera, this is the tallest peak in the jagged mountain range to the north. On top of the peak sits a pyramid shaped temple that serves as the gateway to the Osman Rai lands. From A Cast of Falcons Ch 7 and Once Beyond Reach.
    • Moutos the Malevolent's Cave - A dragon's lair lined with gems, gleaming gold, and priceless treasures. From Crossing the Threshold EB.
    • Mt. Drakkend - The home to the Grimgard, a clan of dwarves known far and wide for their skill in the forge and their prowess on the battlefield. Traffic moved briskly to and from the mountain, for the quality of the weapons forged by the Grimgard dwarves was without parallel. From The Riddle of Drakkend Mountain.
    • Mt. Omenar - The ancestral home of the exiled Hillbreaker clan of dwarves. After liberating their home, the dwarves invite you to join them for the Feast of Hearthlight to ring in the new year. From Feast of the Hearthlight.
    #114 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2025
  15. N

    • Nemesis' Dungeon - King Scias's secret labyrinth beneath his castle where St. Timaios and his brother were imprisoned for decades. An extremely dangerous maze, it was designed to confound and control inmates. It was filled with sliding walls and jets of poisonous mist or scalding steam that could be deployed by the monitoring guards to herd prisoners at will into locked cells, torture chambers, or worse, a small arena to fight each other to the death for the amusement of the king and his lackeys. From The Farmer's Journey, Part 3.
    • Nether Realm - Also known as the Nether Plane or Nether Shadows, this other world is in eternal, moonless darkness. From A Sacrifice of Flesh and Netherking.
    • Neshia-Ysania - A neighboring country that used to be ruled by the Witchqueen Zadreah until liberated by you. Its capital city is Svathmar. Fieldmarshall Holm's birthplace of Mt. Omenar is in the Cauness Mountains located in the borders of Neshia-Ysania. From The Siege of Svathmar.
    • Novgoravia - A kingdom in the Highlands known for their mercenaries. Ruled by a War-Chief. Part of the Highland Pact Alliance along with Caer Cidh and Clairmont. From Novgoravia Chest.
    #115 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2024
  16. O

    • Oasis of the Green Dancer - A military spy building in the Fatesands lands. Only those accepted by the Akanthiae, the green revelers of the Fatesands, can perceive these lush havens. From Buildings & Land.

    • Obsidian Kasar - A defense heavy military troop building in the Fatesands lands. From Buildings & Land.

    • Osman Rai - The hidden continent in the sky that was conquered by and now inhabited by the Zeruan people. The fifth land area introduced to KAW. From Cast of Falcons and The Skyborne Shipyard.
    • Oster Hare Meadows - A colorful meadow full of fragrant florals in which the oster hares reside and migrate to every year for the Oster Hare Festival. From Oster Box.
    #116 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: May 27, 2023
  17. P

    • Pallumen - A distant, celestial realm that came under attack from the Aetherlux and home of the Ioradix race. The seventh land area introduced to KAW. From Into the Mirror Where Light Meets Shadow and Buildings & Lands.
    • Pansophian Library - A lost, legendary library filled with priceless ancient arcane knowledge. The gods granted you a rare chance to enter it. From Box of Hyndemara and Viskard.
    • Path of the Arena - One of two path choices to reach the Stone Emperors' treasure trove. It was paved with blood and metal. From The Stone Emperors: Twin Paths to Glory.
    • Path of the Hunter - One of two path choices to reach the Stone Emperors' treasure trove. It was strewn with the bones of beasts. From The Stone Emperors: Twin Paths to Glory.
    • Penumbral Mirrorhive - A military spy building in the Pallumen Lands. From Buildings & Lands.
    Penumbral Mirrorhive

    • Phantassos - A country on the continent and home of a divine winged horse with the strength of a thousand warriors. From Orisons of Glory: Part 8 - The Ordeal of Ithioch: The Winged Steed of Phantassos.
    • The Pig and Peregrine - A tavern in a town in the Kingdom of Kestral that was owned by Marta, a friend of Sir Angas Crieff. From A Cast of Falcons Ch 3.
    • Plane of the Mirrored Ones - Another name for the distant realm of the Aetherlux. From Into the Mirror Where Light Meets Shadow.
    • Plummeting Still - An underground body of water in the Deepmines. From The Last Hope of Deepmine.
    • Pragma - A faraway land known for its crimson roses. From Valentine's Promo 2022.
    • Prizmai Ashtarak - A military spy building in the Osmon Rai lands. Levels 1-10 are a mysterious structure of solid crystal and dwelling of the Prizmai. Levels 11-20 are undying flames which gather the Xycton. From Buildings & Land.
    Prizmai Ashtarak

    • Prizmai Thaumalens - A spy defense military building in the Osmon Rai lands. Levels 1-10 are a sorcerous lens crafted by the Prizmai. Levels 11-20 are a Xycton labyrinth, where every path leads to the Xycton queen. From Buildings & Land.
    Prizmai Thaumalens

    • Ptelyria - A city in the Abyss that contains a Temple to Rosabranta, the Goddess of the Seas. A series of quakes emanated not far from its outskirts. From Beneath the Abyss.
    #117 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2022
  18. Q

    • The Quintessential Planes - The world from which summoners call elementals and demons. From Summoner's Chest.
    #118 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2020
  19. R

    • Rakshoa B’ganteh - An area where zaera flowers grew, named after the Aradmeli constellation used to find this particular outcropping. Literally means "horse garden." From The Farmer's Journey, Part 2.
    • Ravager Fortress - A limestone fortress in a hidden valley of Brum Nazak in which the leader of the Ravager Dragons resides. From Ravager Box.
    • Raven-Hells - The pit from which Corvidians come. From Malphas Chest.
    • Red War Citadel - A defensive military building in the Hoarfrost lands. The indomitable Red War Paladin stronghold has withstood the test of time for eons. From Buildings & Land.

    • Rime Fortress - A defense heavy, military troop building in the Hoarfrost lands. Formed from ancient rime, this enchanted stronghold is nearly impenetrable. From Buildings & Land.

    • River Aeternox - A river leading into the Underworld. The Ferryman of Souls guides newly deceased souls across. From The Eternal Mire, The River of Souls, and Ferryman's Box.
    #119 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2022
  20. S

    • Sea Nymph Temple - A defense heavy, military building in the Abyss lands. From Buildings & Land.
    Sea Nymph Temple

    • Seaborne Palace - The coastal city palace of the Teviornas, the royal family of Seriforma. From Seriformi Box.
    • Selachian Maw - An attack heavy, military building in the Abyss lands. From Buildings & Land.

    Selachian Maw

    • Seriforma Island - An island kingdom. From Seriformi Box.
    • Serpent B’ganteh - A location where the Farmer was sent to scout when he lived among the Aradmeli people. From The Farmer's Journey, Part 2.
    • Shackled Storm - A defensive military building in the Osmon Rai lands. Levels 1-10 are an elemental captured and forced to serve as a sentry. Levels 11-20 are magic gates that allow for travel between land and sky. From Buildings & Land.

    • Shelter of the Stranger - A defensive military building in the Fatesands lands. From Buildings & Land.

    • Silverflow - The river that flows through Mt. Drakkend. From Equipment & Charms.
    • Skimbledown Glen - A small village on the border of the Hushgloom Forest in Follyvine. From Follyvine Invitational Box.
    • Skyswept Plateau - The area in the north where the Celestial Twin gods, Aozark and Priark, had your kingdom build the Temple of Selenelion. From The Ordeal of Aozark and Priark.
    • Sol Mountains - A colossal mountain range and home of Thorak the Destroyer. From Thorak the Destroyer EB series.
    • Soothsayer's Tower - The secluded tower home of Tomhasir. From Soothsayer's Box.
    • Sotted Swine Tavern - A tavern, whose sign bears the emblem of the eponymous thirsty pig, that sits in the middle of Grimsbridge. From Grimsbridge Guard Chest.
    • The Spire of the Sleepless Orbs - A structure that wielded protective power of the Dugorim camp. From The Buried Continent.
    • Stable - A balanced stat, military building in the Lowlands. War horses are bred and riders are trained at the stables. Only the fastest and strongest are put into battle. From Buildings & Land.

    • The Stone Emperors - Two immovable stone pillars that block the entrance to a hidden cavern that contained a storehouse trove of treasure. From The Stone Emperors: Twin Paths to Glory.
    • Stronghold of Shadow - A military spy building in the Lowlands and Highlands. It is a secretive fortress training the most powerful assassins and spies. From Buildings & Land.
    • Subterranean Factory - An attack heavy, military troop building in the Lowlands and Highlands. They produce weapons of destruction infused with mystical properties. From Buildings & Land.
    • Summoning Circle - A defense heavy, military troop building in the Lowlands and Highlands. They summon mystical creatures from the other realm to destroy your enemies. From Buildings & Land.

    • Sussurun Kingdom - A notoriously secretive and dangerous kingdom far away. It is the locatation of the Prunagabia, a legendary fruit with untold alchemical properties. From The Ordeal of Baalir and Gilmarant.
    • Svathmar - A walled city and capital of Neshia-Ysania. The Witchqueen Zadreah rules from here. From The Siege of Svathmar.
    #120 JEDI-MAESTRO, Nov 29, 2019
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2022