T Temple of Eqnos - Dedicated to Hyndemara, goddess of the sky and oracles. From Orisons of Glory: Part 2: The Ordeal of Hyndemara: The Fallen Temple of Eqnos. Temple of the Cult of the Abyssal Eye - The home of the Order of the Abyssal Eye. Less a building than a giant organism that seemed to pulsate a purplish light, it was surrounded by a fence of giant, jagged teeth. Eyeballs on giant spikes, swiveled to keep watch. From A Cast of Falcons Ch 7. Temple of the Endecatheon - A place of worship where one can petition the gods for divine assistance for their kingdom. From Orisons of Glory: Part 1 - The Ordeal of Gilmarant: The Potion of Az. Temple of Viskard - Located in Escaria, it was a temple that was home to powerful magic that could bind the evil god, Khal'Khor and save the Mage's soul. From The Champions of Khal'Khor, Return of the Dark One, and A Trial of Will. Temple of Selenelion - Located in the north on the Skyswept Plateau, this temple was built by your kingdom at the request of the Celestial Twin gods, Aozark and Priark. From The Ordeal of Aozark and Priark. Thiefcrag City - An underground stronghold of the gobblyns in Deepmine. From The Last Hope of Deepmine. Thanatropolis - An irradiated cityscape filled with the remnants of a long-dead civilization. From the Single City Crossover Event. Titans Lair - A defense heavy, military troop building in the Lowlands and Highlands. An ancient resting place of the Titan demigods. From Buildings & Land. Torture Garden - A defense heavy, military troop building in the Highlands. The drained bodies of foolish trespassers have nourished the garden's carnivorous flora for centuries. From Buildings & Land. Tower of Insomnia - A spy defense military building in the Deepmine lands. They are a nightmarish structure that is not a building but a summoned being from a dimension of madness. From Buildings & Land.
U Ubrana - A jungle region known for their lions. From Vigonian Chest. Umbolumi Cluster - An attack heavy, military troop building in the Deepmine lands. They are giant luminescent mushrooms that house the Troggub, a violent race of eyeless savages. From Buildings & Land. Underbridge - The area beneath the city of Grimsbridge where the Thieves' Guild operates. From Underbridge Thieves' Guild Box. Undersea Keep - A defensive military building in the Abyss lands that serves as the impenetrable stronghold of the lords of the ocean. From Buildings & Land. The Underworld - The realm of the dead, ruled by the god Kyzarian, and comprised of multiple levels. From Murder in Halloch Moor, The Ends of the Underworld, The Greedy Barrens, The Eternal Mire, The River of Souls, Orisons of Glory: Part 7, Season 5: Pawns of the Otherworlds. Unkari Ice Tree - A military spy building in the Hoarfrost lands. A small faction of Unkari left their jungle home to start this small yet fearsome colony. From Buildings & Land. Usurper King's Lair - The ancient crypt of Jääkäärne, filled with undead and dark magic. From Jääkäärne the Usurper King EB. Uzhkadh - Also known as the Red Land or Red Realm. It is the land to which are drawn all the souls of those who die unavenged or with great anger in their hearts. It is barren and glows red from the intense heat. From The Farmer's Journey, Part 4.
V Vathri River - A river near Neshia-Ysania that teems with trout. From Svathmar Chest. Varali Sanctum - An ancient sacred temple of the Unkari, lost and hidden in the deep Koti Jungle. From Koti Jungle Box. Veles - A city in the northern part of Kestral, just a few miles south of the Kestral-Hoarfrost border. From A Cast of Falcons Ch 4. Vengaelia - (See Kingdom of Vengaelia.) Vermeil Mountains - A desolate mountain range and home of Moutos the Malevolent. From Moutos the Malevolent and Scrag the Bloodless EB series. Vigona - (See Empire of Vigona.) Vilri - A village in the Hoarfrost that was the first target of Neidria. From The Hoarfrost Sverugant. Vindictalux Citadel - The stronghold of the Vindictalux, self-proclaimed godhead of Pallumen, but actually the demon Acrimanus. From Vindictalux Box. Vivenstone Isles - A balanced stat troop building in the Pallumen Lands. Free-floating stone islets covered in crystal cities made of living vivenstone, home of the resilient Ioradix of Pallumen. From Buildings & Land. Volary - A military spy building in the Highlands. This is where intelligence is gathered on far-flung kingdoms with a clandestine fleet of avian spies. From Buildings & Land.
W Wakehollow - The central university location where Witch Arcane students further their magical abilities. From Witch Arcane Crossover Event. War Aviary - A balanced stat, military building in the Lowlands and Highlands. They raise mystical winged creatures to attack your enemies from the air. From Buildings & Land. War Catheral - A balanced stat, military building in the Lowlands. Religious fanatics gather at the cathedral to learn the ways of their god. They will stop at nothing to rid the world of atheists. From Buildings & Land. Warhaven - A shelter in the desert for people fleeing the endless war between the Shasa and the Nekhmet. From Scarab Box. Warriors' Afterlife - A place on a plane beyond mortal understanding where worthy warriors gathered upon death. At one point, the gates to the Warriors' Afterlife were opened and hordes of spectral soldiers and hunters came flooding back into the realm. From Patron Saints of War. Watcher of the Sands - A balanced stat, military building in the Fatesands lands. They are the golden refuge of the Artemagi, magic-wielding beings whose true nature remains a mystery even to them. From Buildings & Land. Western Seas - The part of the ocean that is home to the Aecorite Trench and pirates. From Event Side Legends. Winterdark - The kingdom of the dark frostfae. From Winterdark Chest. Winterforge - A magical forge capable of creating weapons of ice and snow, along with enchanted snowman warriors. From Rise of the Snow Legions. Wolfridge - Five furlongs southeast of the foot of Talley Hills where the Zeruan gate was to appear during the attempted invasion. From A Cast of Falcons Ch 9. Wolfridge County - A county in the Kestralian Highlands and home to the Falconer Knights. From A Cast of Falcons Prologue. Workshop - An attack heavy, military troop building in the Lowlands. The weapons produced at the workshop have only one objective - to destroy your enemy. From Buildings & Land. The Wrathful Pit - The deepest layer of the Underworld that is a boiling hellscape. It serves as a prison for the most bitter and angry of souls including Lord Kothmel. From The Ends of the Underworld. Wurohl Forest - A place that was infested by hordes of giant beetles. After the defeat of Malphas, a gift for the kingdom was placed in the forest by Selona, goddess of forests and mountains. From Orisons of Glory: Part 9 - The Ordeal of Selona: The Spreading Infection and Selona's Gift. Wyshard Manor - The estate home of Lord Wyshard in Grimsbridge. Maaku was tasked with inflitrating it during a plot by the Thieves' Guild. From Wyshard Estate Box. Wyvern Hall - A particular location, inside a stronghold in the Firewing Mountains, that pays tribute to fearsome wyvern that soared long ago over the region. From Firewing Box. Wyvernspike Kingdom - One of three ancient primordial Fae kingdoms. From The Shadofael Event.
Y Yalmeya Pass - The location on the edge of the Dabroan desert where it was prophesied that the curse of the Dabroan tribes would be broken. From The Farmer's Journey, Part 2.
Z Zelantangelus - According to St. Gustaive in the Book of the Cosmos, it was "a world with no land, only golden sky and white coulds lit by an unseen sun, never knowing night." The angelic race of the saintly Zelantine with their wings of blue crystal resided there. It bore the name of its ruler ... the god of all creation, Zelantangelus. From The Farmer's Journey, Part 5. Zeruan Cieflfortress - A defense heavy, military troop building in the Osmon Rai lands. Levels 1-10 are a winged leviathans that bear the citadels of the Zeruan armies. Levels 11-20 are the Skyborne shipyards, home to the Welkinauts. From Buildings & Land. Zeuht - A powerful ally kingdom that became divided upon the death of their King Astigar the Protector. From The Owl and the Boar. Zoma's Labyrinth - A hidden labyrinth filled with riches, built by the hero Zoma. He used it to lure and trap Marrox. From Marrox the Confined EB.