Players/Clans/"Terminology" A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z *Asterisks around a Player's name indicate they have or are believed to have passed away.* IF YOU HAVE A PLAYER NAME, CLAN, OR SOME OTHER KAW TERM THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE ADDED, PLEASE MESSAGE JEDI-MAESTRO PRIVATELY IN GAME.
A Abyssus - A former Moderator. From Forums. "AB" - Short for "Abyss" lands. From Forums. "ABC" - Short for "Abyss Complete," where all slots in the Abyss are bought. Also a short form of ABBC. From Forums. "ABBC" - Short for "Abyss Build Complete," where all slots in the Abyss are bought, and all buildings are upgraded to the highest level. From Forums. "AC" - Short for the "Ally Chat" of a player's Newsfeed. From Newsfeed. "ACC" - Short for "A Cold Calling" Epic Battle. From Forums. Acetown - A long-serving Moderator. He used the name Spock for a time, reflected in the design of his Mod Charm. From Forums. "AFF" - Term for "A Familiar Foe" Epic Battle. From Forums. -IIXII-AJ-IIXII- - A Valiant Knight. From Forums. "Alliance" - The term used for a group of clans that cooperate and protect one another. Two of the more famous Alliances in KAW have been Apocalypse and ZAFT. From Forums. "Ally Bonus" - The amount of additional stats/plunder added to a player's account from the particular Allies they own. From Profile. *Alphaman* - A long-time member of Wrath_Of_God. From Clan Page. "Alt" - Short for the "Alternate Account." An alt is the secondary account(s) created by a player. Use of alts to gain unusual amount of Event rewards/charms is against TOU. Players risk being banned from excessive use of alts. From Clan Chat. "AO" - Short for "ad out." A phrase used in clan chat by players to let other members know that a clan ad has just been posted in World Chat. From Clan Chat. "AOTA" - Short for "Aotromos of the Abyss" Epic Battle. From World Chat and Clan Chat. Aragon - A member of the Order of the Fox. From Foxes History. Archados - A first generation KAW player that was part of the clan The Hollows that left and formed the clan Pure Evil. From The KaW Timeline thread. "Assa" - Short for the "Assassinate." Some players leave the last "A" off of the slang. From Clan Chat. Assassin - A first generation KAW game player. In November of 2009, this player created the Assassins Guild which farmed a player's enemies for cash. They were made an honorary Fox by the clan Foxes. From The KaW Timeline thread. -Atropos- - A Valiant Knight. From Forums. "ATA" - Short for "A Thinking Ape," the developing company of KAW. From Forums and Website. "Att" - Short for "Attack." From Clan Chat. "Att/Ass" - Short for "Attack and/or Assassinate." From Clan Chat. Avatar - A long-serving Moderator and Valiant Knight. From Forums.
B "B2B" - Term for "Back to Back" in reference to completing Epic Battles quickly in succession. Also an LB clan that formed originally on March 9, 2012, and reformed on May 21, 2019. As the name implies, they are a back to back EB clan. They have had several subclans over the years, usually dedicated to a particular EB. From LB, Clan Page, and Forums. Babycakes - A former Moderator. Also known as Grinch. From Forums. "Ban" - Term for when a player is no longer allowed to play the game. Only Devs can ban and unban a player. From World Chat and Clan Chat. "Banner" - Term for either a player's avatar banner, a furnishing banner slot, a player's status, or the PVP Standard of the Golden Reaper. From World Chat and Clan Chat. "Bar" - Term for the sections of an Epic Battle. From World Chat and Clan Chat. Bastion - A well-known Forum personality. From Forums. Battlegrounds - An LB clan that has been around since the beginnings of KAW. During the Seasonal Clan Wars, they were a formidable opponent. From LB and Clan War History. "BC" - Term for either "Build Complete" in reference to Lands or "Battle Cry" in reference to the Clan Plunder Spell. From Forums. Benny - A first generation KAW player, former Moderator, and an honorary member of the clan Foxes. From The KaW Timeline thread. "BFA" - Short for "Bonus From Ally." See Ally Bonus. From Clan Chat and World Chat. "BH" - Short for the clan "Black Hand." Used as tags for members' names. From Forums. BigBlackKnight - On Tuesday, October 20, 2009, this player posted in Forums that he was beginning the clan CHAOS for the sake of creating just that ... chaos, because after all, it was a war game. Click here for the original post. Also called BBK for short. From Alliances thread. BigDaddyShameless - The player that started Paradise Hangout which eventually became an HTE clan, which held the title of longest running HTE clan for a time until its admins split for other KAW ventures. He was also part of Pillars of Chaos during their Season 1. From Clan Page. Big Hearts - A back to back, fast promo LB clan that was created on February 1, 2015. From LB and Clan Page. "Bil" - Short for "Billion;" also seen as simply "B." Can be in reference to either gold/plunder or tabulated charm stats, especially when trading. From Clan Chat, World Chat, and PM. Biyamiti - A Valiant Knight. From Forums. BIZ0 - A warrior from PoC and admin from Paradise Hangout that, after a falling out with PH admins, formed Lounge of Legends. From Clan History. "BL" - Short for "Battle List." This is the list of players assigned by the system that are, supposedly, within your hit range. When a player casts a PvP spell, the list changes to only those other players that are participating in PvP. From Profile Page. BlackEagle619 - A long-serving Moderator. Also known as Eagle. From Forums. Blackwolf666 - A member of Foxes that attained LB top 10. From Foxes History. "Blues" - A term used for Blue Ingot, one of three tradable upgrade materials for furnishings. From World Chat and Clan Chat. Blues Wolves - One of the 8 Clans from Summer 2014 All Star Wars. From Forums. "BR" - Term for "Blood Rains," in reference to either whatever the current Blood Rain Epic Battles are available or the actual bonus spell. In earlier days of KAW, the term for "Battle Royale" Epic Battle. From Forums. BrentofFoxes - A leader of the clan Foxes. From Foxes History. "Bump" - Term for posting on a Forum thread to bring it to the top of the Active Threads. Some claim it stands for "Bring Up My Post." From Forums. "Bypass" - Term for avoiding the profanity/prohibited word filter. It is a silencable offense. From Forums and TOU.
C "CA" - Short for "Clan Announcement" or, sometimes, "Clan Ad." From Clan Chat. -Cake_MaCHIiNE- - A longtime player and former Lord of KOTFE. From Forums. CanadianGal - A well-loved, former Moderator. From Forums. Carnage - An LB clan traditionally aligned with WDGAF. From Forums. "CC" - Short for "Clan Chat." From Clan Chat. Cella - A well known, long time LB player. From Forums. "CF" - Short for "Cease Fire." Term for when a player or clan asks another player or clan to stop targeting them. Terms for a cf can vary and usually require a public post on a wall or in Forums. From Forums. Champions Corp - An LB clan that formed on February 14, 2012. Over the years, several other clans have merged into them: VR1 on March 27, 2105, Bad Bliss, and Usual Suspects on October 23, 2016. From LB and Clan Page. Chaos - A former Moderator. Also the name of one of the first round of Clans/Alliances. From Forums. "Charm Farm" - Term for when a player uses multiple alts to earn Event rewards to convert into charms which are then passes along to the main account. Charm Farming may result in being banned from the game. From Forums. Choccy - A former Moderator. Also known as Chocolate23. Known for their helpful guides in forums. From Forums. "Clan Farm" - Term for either a player or another clan which is the target for an entire clan. From Clan Chat. Club Infusion - An LB premium EB clan. From LB and Clan Page. CoCkNeY__ReBeL - An LB player. From Leaderboard. Colonial - A former Moderator. From Forums. ColtonAllen - A long-time player and a leader of the clan Foxes. From Foxes History. Corinthian - A first generation of KAW player and the first official Moderator (Mod) of KAW. Corinthian established a group of OSFs to help newer players be able to grow. In November of 2009, the Devs tapped him to help enforce TOU. From Forums and The KaW Timeline thread. CoS-Dillybar - A former Moderator. From Forums. "COTD" - Term for "City of the Dead" Epic Battle. From Forums. Cowlegend999 - A former Moderator. From Forums. "CP" - Short for "Clan Page." From Clan Page. "CR" - Short for "Clan Roster." A term used primarily in both wars and when referencing a player's rank inside a clan (i.e. CR47 would be the player that is number 47 on the clan roster.) "CR" can also refer to the clan, Chaos Reborn, and some members have used CR as clan tags in their name. From Clan Page. "CS" - Short for "Combined Stats." Usually refers to the number achieved when adding all four stat areas (Troop, Defense, Spy, Spy Defense) together for either a player or charms. From Forums. Cyan Giants - One of the 8 Clans from Summer 2014 All Star Wars. From Forums.
D Daphnia - A former Moderator for both KAW and ATA's Future Combat game. Her forum guide work has been built on for years. From Forums. Dave - A former Moderator. From Forums. DeathMonkey - Founder of MG and a former LB #1. From Forums. Delphin - A former Moderator. From Forums. "Def" - Short for "Defense" and refers to Troop Defense stats. From Forums. "Devs" - Short for "Developers" and refers to the managers behind the game. From Forums. Dillybar - Founder of CoS. From Forums. Distance - A first generation KAW player. From The KaW Timeline thread. "DNH" - Short for both "Do Not Hit" and "Do Not Hire," the first being part of either a cease fire or alliance while the second being a reference to ally hiring. From Clan Chat and Player Status. Dominick - A Valiant Knight. From Forums. Donkey - A former Moderator. From Forums. DRAGON-CODE - A leader of the clan Pure Evil from the earlier days of KAW. From KAW History. Drgn - A long-serving, former Moderator. Also known as Inferno, Drgnblade, and Thing2. From Forums. "DS" - Term for "Desert Sting" Epic Battle. Also short for the clan Dragon Sanctuary with DS being used a clan tags in members' names. From Forums. "DTS" - Term for "Defender Too Strong" in reference to the pop-up notice that the player you are hitting is too big for you to do so. From Forums. "DTW" - Term for "Defender Too Weak" in reference to the pop-up notice that the player you are hitting is either too small to hit or does not have enough units for you to hit. From Forums.
E "EB" - Short for "Epic Battle." From Forums, Clan Chat, and World Chat. "EE" - Short for "Estoc Edge." Can refer to the Plunder Spell reward from a victory in System Wars or actual System Wars themselves. From Forums, Clan Chat, and World Chat. Emeth - In 2009, Emeth was #1 on the Leaderboard with only base stats due to dropping their build and buying up allies. To date, this is the lowest CS to sit at #1. From The KaW Timeline thread. *Emma* - A former KOTFE admin and spouse of Dave. From Clan Chat and World Chat. Ender47 - A member of the clan Foxes. Also goes by the name DracoDormonini. From Foxes History. -Equilibrium- - A formidable war clan in early seasons of system wars. From Forums. Escape to Wonderland - An LB clan that reached #1 LB on January 1, 2016. From LB and Clan Page. Esquire - An LB clan established on August 10, 2014. From Forums. Excel - An LB clan that is known for fast EB rotation. They have maintained a few subclans over the years. From LB and Clan Page.
F "Farming" - Term for hitting the same player more than 5 times in a day. Originated in earliest days of KAW when the only means to make plunder was from hitting other players. From Forums, Clan Chat, and World Chat. "Fail" - Term for when a player attempts an action on another player or an EB and is unsuccessful. Can refer to an attempt to strip another player and that player realizes they are being stripped. Also a term used when a clan does not complete an EB. From World Chat and Clan Chat. "FB" - Short for "Full Bar." Refers to how much of a player's troop/spy bar they used on another player. Usually followed by Att or Assa. From Clan Chat. "FDTW" - Short for "Found DTW." See DTW. From Clan Chat. "FFA" - Short for "Free For All." Refers to item phases on EBs when everyone in the clan is allowed to partake of the item phase. Also the initials of the clan _Fortis Fortune Adiuvat_. From Clan Chat. -_-flutterby-_- - A former admin of Paradise Hangout that formed the b2b clan Treasure Island, which helped many players grow. From Clan History. Fight Or Flight - An LB clan that formed on February 1, 2016. From LB and Clan Page. "Forum Clans" - Before Clans were officially introduced, people would group themselves together in Forums in loosely aligned clans. This took place between September 11 and November 1, 2009. From The KaW Timeline thread and KAW Terminology. _Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat_ - A clan that was part of the Para Bellum Alliance. From Clan Page. Foxes - One of the first clans in KAW and involved in the first war of KAW against iG. The Devs awarded them an extra amount of member slots. They are considered both the first international clan (most original players were German) and the longest running clan to date. From The KaW Timeline thread. Frag_Em_All - A member of the Order of the Fox. From Foxes History. "Free Chest" - Refers to either the Daily Chest received from completing Legends or Royal Chests being offered in World Chat by a player that does not want to be paid for them. From Legends, Clan Chat, and World Chat. "Free EB" - Term used when a premium EB is being offered for players to hit without having to use a premium item. From Forums, Clan Chat, and World Chat. "Full" - Term for when a player's troop and spy bars are at 100%. From World Chat and Clan Chat.
G Galan_Dracos - A member of the Order of the Fox. From Foxes History. Galedor - A member of the Order of the Fox. From Foxes History. GameHendge - Founder of the clan Foxes. From Foxes History. "GH" - Short for "Guild Hansel." A particular build utilized in the early days of System War seasons. It was eventually nerfed to encourage players to grow their accounts more. From Forums. Gj151515 - An LB player and avid warrior. He was the recipient of the Dragonheart Trophy charm during the Gold Aeon Dragon Scale collection Event, which was subsequently renamed after gj151515. From Forums and Equipment & Charms. Glenlevet - A council member of SILVER. From Clan Page. GOLDEN-MINOTAUR - Founder and leader of SILVER. Also known as MINO. From Clan Page. Golthar - A long-time player and war participant who has followed the plunder mechanics of lands and buildings from almost the very beginning. Was part of the EE Wars Beta Group. From Personal History. Green Wyverns - One of the 8 Clans from Summer 2014 All Star Wars. From Forums. Grey Hawks - One of the 8 Clans from Summer 2014 All Star Wars. From Forums. "Guilds" - A LL and HL spy building. Also, a term used by some newer players in place of Clan, likely due to other games using the word. From Buildings & Lands and World Chat.
H Halo4 - The clan where Jedi-Maestro began playing KAW and learned to war command. From Clan Page. llllllHappyBirthdayllllll - An LB player. From Leaderboard. happycop - A legendary war leader that was the first to utilize massive towers in early seasons of System Wars. He led the clan Rising Hawks to numerous victories with his build and a roster of GH/SH builds. From KAW History and Forums. Hansel - A first generation player that was the first to bring the spy heavy build to prominence, thus the reason the build style is referred to as a "hansel" build. Originally a member of iG. From Forums. Harrian - A Valiant Knight known for his build guide. From Forums. Hashirama - A former Moderator. Also known as ITACHI and MlNATO. From Forums. "HB" - Short for "Half Bar," meaning a half unload of a troop/spy bar on a target. From Clan Chat. "HF" - Term for "Hoarfrost." From Forums. "HFBC" - Term for "Hoarfrost Build Complete," meaning all of the Hoarfrost slots have been bought, and all buildings have been upgraded to the highest level. From Forums. "HFC" - Term for "Hoarfrost Complete," meaning all of the Hoarfrost slots have been bought. From Forums. "Hit" - Term for attacking/assassinating another player or an EB. From World Chat and Clan Chat. HiT__Berd__HiT - A former Moderator. From Forums. "HL" - Term for "Highlands." From Forums. "HLBC" - Term for "Highlands Build Complete," meaning all of the Highlands slots have been bought, and all buildings have been upgraded to the highest level. From Forums. "HLC" - Term for "Highlands Complete," meaning all of the Highlands slots have been bought. From Forums. hlneo - An LB player. From Leaderboard. The Hollow - An early clan in the first year of KAW. Some of its early members, along with a few from iG, founded the clan Pure Evil to become the "bad guys" in KAW for the sake of keeping the PVP component going. From KAW History and Forums. HIOlUlSIE BlAIEINlRlE - House Baenre is an LB clan that has been around since the beginnings of KAW. From LB and Clan Page. "HTE" - Term for "Haunting: The Escape" Epic Battle. From Forums. "HTR" - Term for "Hexavia the Ravenstorm" Epic Battle. From Forums.
I IllIOXIllI-SEXY-COW-IllIOXIllI - A former Moderator. Now known as Miss-Party. From Forums. -IMF- - A well-known warrior, LB player, and council member of -WARLOR-. From LB and Forums. Imperfectone - A well-known warrior and trader. From LB and Forums. iG - An early clan in KAW, known for their OSWs. From Forums. "IGN" - Short for "In Game Name." Usually used in offline communications and occasionally when corresponding with ATA Support. From Chat. Iphito - A former Moderator. From Forums. ISS_Tigress - A former Moderator. From Forums.
J "Jaak" - A term for the Jääkäärne the Usurper King EB. From World Chat. *llSllPll-JACKAL-llSllPll* - A member of the Sucker Punch family. From Clan Page. Jayde - A former Moderator. From Forums. J3abys-In-J3lack - A former Moderator. From Forums. Jedi-Maestro - A Moderator. As a roster builder and war commander at Pillars of Chaos, he was the first player to reach level 50 in Season 1 of EE wars. He maintained the Acta Diurna forum thread during Season 3 which gave daily updates of the wars. He coined the term ps1 which referred to when a pure spy build would add one lowland troop building for certain styles of wars where ps weren't desired. He created several Forum guides including this Lore and History thread. He picked up the torch from former Moderator, Moose, by doing World Chat Trivia (usually Star Wars themed.) From Personal History and Forums. Jedi-Maestro's charm found in KaW Coffer Chests. Joe_ - A member of the Order of the Fox and the instigator of the 2014 war against Regulators and WDGAF clans. From Foxes History.
K "K" - Short for "Thousand." More commonly used in earlier days of KAW. From World Chat and Clan Chat. K_A_O_S - An LB player. From Leaderboard. "Keep" - Term for when a player retains an ally after hiring, usually after a volley. From World Chat and Clan Chat. *-Kell_the_Cr0w_MaCHiNE-* - A well-loved player known to many as "Kells" and member of KOTFE clan and a true MaCHiNE warrior. A personal friend to many, including JEDI-MAESTRO. "You will be missed, Kells." From Forums, World Chat, and Clan Chat. Kezarah - A former Moderator for both KAW and ATA's Meego Village. Also known as Bootsy. From Forums. Kezzer - A former Moderator. From Forums. "Kill Shot" - Sometimes simply just "ks." A term for the last action performed by a player to complete an Epic Battle. From Clan Chat. _Killerds_ - A council member of SILVER. From Clan Page. KingHawkeyes - A first generation KAW player and member of Foxes that reached LB #1 in 2009. From Forums. Kings-Lounge - An LB clan known for their OSW against the clan Immortal Death Dealers whose remnants moved to New Age Legends. From Clan Page. Knights of the Fire Emblem - A first generation clan created by xioxas on Monday, January 25, 2010. His original forum thread can still be found here. From Knights of the Fire Emblem thread. "KO" - Short for "knock out." The term for when a player, in War, has zero troops and spies and can no longer perform actions against another player. In both warring clans, a notice appears stating which player knocked out the particular player. From Wars and Clan Chat. Kool-Aid - A first generation KAW game player and former Moderator. From The KaW Timeline thread. "Kotfe" - Short for "Knights of the Fire Emblem" clan. From World Chat and Clan Page. "Kott" - Short for "King of the Titans" EB, which is also known as Rexcalibur. From World Chat. "KS" - Short for "kill shot." A term for the last action performed by a player to complete an Epic Battle. From Clan Chat.
L * LancelotDulac * - A member of the Order of the Fox that passed away prematurely. From Foxes History. Laoda - The long-time leader of the ZAFT family of clans and LB player. From Forums. "LB" - Short for "Leader Board." A term that can be used in reference to several types of leaderboard: Overall, Battle, Allies, Valuable, Strongest Clan, Clan Prestige (no longer in use), Event, PvP, and Victory Token. From Leaders and Legends. "LC" - Short for "Land Complete," where all lands are unlocked and purchased. From World Chat and Clan Chat. "Leak(ed)" - A term used in System Wars/EE when a player allows a lot of plunder to be "leaked" to the opposing team. From Clan Chat. Lethyl - A member and leader of the clan Foxes. From Foxes History. Level1 - A member of the Order of the Fox. From Foxes History. LHL_LegendaryHero_LHL - A former Moderator, often referred to as just Hero. From Forums. "LL" - Short for "Lowlands." From Forums. "LLBC" - Short for "Lowland Build Complete," where all land slots have a building at maximum level. From Forums. "Lock(ed)" - Term for when either a clan has closed its join requests, a war roster has begun thus preventing certain actions (outside ally hires, equipment changes, building changes, trading), or a Mod closes a Forum Thread so that no further posts on it can be made. From System Wars, World Chat, Clan Chat, and Forums. Logical - A former Moderator. From Forums. Lounge of Legends - After a falling out with Jedi-Maestro and the other leaders of Paradise Hangout, B1Z0, along with Stevie, Becky, and Trojan, formed LOL as a back to back clan on July 23, 2014. By November 2015, they were LB #1. Many players grew their kingdoms in LOL. From Clan Page and Player Testimony. LrdDarius - An overall LB player and member of the clan Foxes. From Foxes History. lsutiger93 - An LB player. From Leaderboard. "LTB" - Short for "Looking To Buy," a term used by traders. From World Chat and Clan Chat. "Lurking" - Term for when a player is online and watching WC or CC and not making their presence known. Usually a term attributed towards Mods for watching WC for violations without chatting. From World Chat and Clan Chat. "Lvl" - Short for "Level." Can be in reference to Buildings, Equipment, Charms, or Furnishings. From Forums.
M "M" - Short for "Million." Usually in reference to plunder, ally cost, or stats. From Forums. "MaCHiNE" - A tag worn by members of the MaCHiNes. The group originated in the clan Rebel Machines that warred KOTFE and were absorbed into their ranks, so much that Machines became synonymous with KOTFE. Recently, there was a split amongst the Machine bosses and some Machines left KOTFE. The remaining KOTFE MaCHiNEs are known as the "true MaCHiNEs." From Forums. -SS-Maikkie-SS- - A former Moderator. From Forums. Majesty - A former Moderator and the first player to hit LB Number 1 in all categories. From Forums. Maldrakes - A German Foxes member of the Order of the Fox. From Foxes History. Mango - A former Moderator now named resilient_xm3rcy. From Forums. "Match Up" - A System War term for when two teams are assigned to war each other. During earlier seasons of Estoc Wars, some clans would receive a "No Match" because there was no appropriate match to be found amongst the other clans that signed up. From System Wars. "Max Plunder" - Term for the maximum amount of plunder able to be earned from an attack because of having enough Bonus From Allies. From Forums. Maximus_Decrimus_Meridius - A council member of SILVER. Also known as MDM. From Clan Page. "MB" - Short for "Main Bar" in reference to the top bar of an EB. From Forums, Clan Chat, and World Chat. Mei - A Moderator. From Forums. Melissa - A former Moderator and member of Foxes. From Forums. Meisha - A former Moderator. From Forums. "Merc" - A term for a player that does not stay with one clan and hops from clan to clan helping finish EBs. From KAW History. Michael - A Moderator. From Forums. Moody - A Valiant Knight and former Moderator, known for their work in Forums and Guides. From Forums. -Moon- - A longtime member of the community that ran trivia in WC. Formerly known as U_C_Specter174. Member of Ultra Clan, then T-A-N-G-R-A, the Warlor, helped form Synergy, and now part of The Dark Tributes. From PM. Moose - A well-known and well-loved former Moderator and the first Forum Moderator. He was known for his World Chat Trivia, Forum posts, and for helping establish the Valiant Knight program. From Forums. Monkey Cave Retreat - An LB clan. From LB. "MP" - See Max Plunder. From Forums. *MrBiscuit* - A longtime player, respected by many. From World Chat and Estoc Wars. MrGibbyGibson - A former Moderator. Prior to moderating,"Gibby" also participated in an Event that pitted all of KAW against a small group of players chosen by the Devs from amongst the previous Event winners. From Forums. MrGoodKat - A former Moderator. From Forums. Mystic Misfits - An LB clan that formed on March 23, 2013. From LB and Clan Page.
N NaughtyGwen - A former Moderator. From Forums. Nelliel - A Valiant Knight and former Moderator. From Forums. New Age - An older OSW clan whose remnants now reside at New Age Legends. From Clan Page. Nikki_kotfe-mother_maCHiNE - A Lord and former leader of the Knights of the Fire Emblem family, well-loved and known for her extensive knowledge of game play and the Player base. From Forums. -Ninja - A former Moderator. From Forums. "Nobs" - Short for "Nobility Points." Used to purchase items from the Marketplace. From Clan Chat. "Noob" - Term for a new or novice player. Used most often in WC by competitors trying to insult the ability of another player. From World Chat. "NOTH" - Short for the "Neidria of the Hoarfrost" EB. From World Chat and Clan Chat. Notme113 - A Moderator with an obsession for books that consistently requested the Devs create a book-themed piece of furnishing for every possible furnishing slot. From Forums. "NP" - Short for "Not Pinned," meaning a target still has troops/spies. From Clan Chat. I_Nymeria_l - A Moderator. From Forums.
O "OAF" - Short for Open Attack Farm. When PvP Events and Legends were added, OAFs were utilized to gather Event items. From KAW History. Obito - A former Moderator. From Forums. OMETOTCHTIIl - The last surviving and active Omet; also known as OMET Pill. From Private Messages/Personal History. "OMETS" - A name tag for a collective of players from the earlier days of KAW. Drawing their name from the Mayan Ometotlchi (drunken rabbit gods) and their style of war from Sun Tzu's "The Art of War," this group started as an anti-bullying group that turned mercenaries for hire. Organized into cells, they were free to roam KAW and join any clan, but followed three simple rules: 1.) Come when the king calls, 2.) never hit first, and 3.) keep the secret of the OMET. At one time, they had an OSW clan called TLAL0CAN and a lost EE clan. From Personal Player Testimony. "OP" - Short for either "Original Post/Poster" or "Overpriced." Original Post is a forums term in reference to the player that created a forum thread. Overpriced is a term used in reference to either an ally's hire cost or a charm/furnishing trade price. From Forums. Order of the Fox - The highest attainable honor and rank in the clan Foxes. It was the decision council of 8-12 players, but was abolished in April 2017. OOTF is the abbreviation used sometimes. From Player Testimony. "OSF" - Short for "Open Spy Farm," these accounts were originally created near the end of September, 2009, for the purpose of allowing other accounts to farm them for gold to help grow. The player Corinthian spearheaded the creation of the original group of OSFs and set the "5 hits a day" rule that has carried over into modern day KAW. This eventually lead to the PWARS. When PvP Events and Legends were added, OSFs were utilized to gather Event items. From The KaW Timeline thread. "OSW" - Short for "Off System War." Term for when clans hit one another without a specific timeframe or actually using the war system to declare war on each other. One of the first OSWs was between Foxes and iG although this war actually started as a system war set up by the devs. From History and Forums.
P "P" - Short for "Pinned." From Clan Chat. "Pall" or "Pall Lands" - Short for "Pallumen Lands." From World Chat and Clan Chat. Paloa - Credited with starting the concept of the Pwars. From Forums. PandaGeorge - A Valiant Knight and Moderator that came to recognition for his Damocles List in Forums (a list of inactives in Clan Wars which preceded the Shattered Sword spell.) From Forums. "Pay" - Term for how much plunder is earned from an action (i.e. "How much do I pay when you attack me?") From World Chat and Clan Chat. "Payout" - Term for the amount of gold earned at the end of an EB. From Clan Chat. "PC" - Short for "Price Check," primarily used by traders when determining the asking price of a certain charm or furnishing piece. From World Chat and Clan Chat. "PC Gameplay" - On January 6, 2010, the Devs added KAW gameplay to the PC. Throughout the history of KAW, PC became used (and misused) to track during wars, copy/paste player names for speed, and utilize multiple tabs open for playing various Alt accounts. In August of 2019, PC gameplay and support was removed. From The KaW Timeline thread. "Perm Farm" - Term for when a player intends to farm another player indefinitely. From Forums. PETAL - A Valiant Knight and former Moderator. From Forums. PhoenixRising - A former Moderator. Now known as PhoenixRaven. From Forums. "PIMD" - Short for "Party In My Dorm," another one of ATA's games. From World Chat. "Pin" - Term for when a player can not have actions performed on them. Can either be a noun (i.e. "That player is in pin.") or a verb (i.e. "I pinned that player.") From World Chat and Clan Chat. Pink Kraken - One of the 8 Clans from Summer 2014 All Star Wars. From Forums. PJenn - A longstanding hire price LB, known by some as a KAW princess. From LB. "Plunder" - Term for the gold earned from performing actions on a player or EB. From Clan Chat. "Pots" - Term for actual items in the Marketplace or an item bar in an EB. From Clan Chat. "PM" - Short for "Private Message." From World Chat and Clan Chat. P-N-O-Y-BBOYSTATIC - A former Moderator. From Forums. "PS" - A pure spy build where a player has zero attack troop buildings. If a PS has unbanked gold, others may attack them. If they have zero gold, they can not be attacked. From Forums. "PS1" - A pure spy build that has added just one building temporarily for an upcoming system war. The term was coined by Jedi-Maestro for Season 3 and utilized primarily by Sylvar. From Acta Diurna thread. Pure Evil - An early clan that was formed by players from The Hallow and iG for the sake of creating a "bully style" of recruitment. They would target a player or clan, farm them, and force them to be part of their network, under the protection of Pure Evil. When EBs were introduced, the clan began to wane. Some of their players are still in game. From KAW History and Forums. Purple Eagles - One of the 8 Clans from Summer 2014 All Star Wars. From Forums. "P2P" - Short for "Pay to Play." Used in reference to Players that spend money for Premium Epic Battles and Items. From Forums and World Chat. "PVE" - Short for "Player versus Epic Battle." Usually refers to the portion of Events for Players participating in only Epic Battle competitions. From Forums. "PVP" - Short for "Player versus Player." Usually refers to the weekend portion of Events. From Clan Chat.
Q "QL" - Short for "quick link." A term used to indicate a shorter/easier player name to type when finding a clan or another player in the same clan. From Clan Chat.
R -RaiNBow_DaSh-NooBLeT- - A former Moderator formerly known as Red-St0rm. From Forums. Rajang - A first generation KAW game player. From Forums. Raven - A first generation KAW game player. From The KaW Timeline thread. "Reds" - A term used for Red Lumber, one of three tradable upgrade materials for furnishings. From World Chat and Clan Chat. RedHotVixen - A well-known, former Moderator and former leader of Knights of the Fire Emblem, who helped forge numerous alliances and fought many OSWs successfully. From Forums. Redstar - A well-known, long time LB player. From Forums. "Regen" - Short for "Regeneration" when referring to the wait time for troops/spies to replenish or in reference to an EB bar that regenerates. From World Chat and Clan Chat. Resilience - A former Moderator. From Forums. R E T R I B U T I O N. - A top LB clan established on July 30, 2012. They have maintained a subclan throughout the years and first achieved LB #1 on August 30, 2013 (one year and one month after they formed.) From Leaderboard and Clan Page. "RL" - Short for "Real Life," as opposed to "in game." From World Chat and Clan Chat. "RP" - Short for "Role Play." (no comment...) From World Chat and Clan Chat. Rose Dragons - One of the 8 Clans from Summer 2014 All Star Wars. From Forums. Rozobastion - A former Moderator. From Forums. RunnyBunny - A Forum personality and member of the Order of the Fox. From Foxes History.
S Saber - A former Mod who began the game as the name Fi_Skirata and tutored by the player named Toast. From Guides and KaW Memories Thread. "SB" - Short for "Scout Bomb." Term used to refer to continuously scouting, and usually failing, a player. From World Chat and Clan Chat. "Sct" - Short for "Scout." From World Chat and Clan Chat. "Scout Bomb" - See "SB." From World Chat and Clan Chat. Scrooberticus - Founder and leader of Pillars of Chaos. From Clan Page. "SDT" - Short for "Spy Defense Towers." From World Chat and Clan Chat. Sean893 - A Valiant Knight. From Forums. Second Echelon - An LB clan. From LB. Secret Service - An LB clan that formed on April 4, 2014. From LB and Clan Page. Sese - A German Foxes member of the Order of the Foxes. From Forums. Serpent - A former Moderator. From Forums. 1SexyLady - A well-known player and leader of the clan Carnage. From Clan Chat. "SH" - Short for "Shadow Hansel." An older build that utilized mainly Stronghold of Shadows buildings in System Wars after the GH was nerfed. From System Wars. Sholron - A well-known forumer from the beginnings of KAW. From Forums. Silph - A well-known, long-time LB player. From LB. SILVER - An older LB clan established on June 6, 2011. From Leaderboard. Sir_P - A council member of SILVER. From Clan Page. SirAydenofFoxes - A member of the Order of the Foxes and long-respected player. From Forums. "Sit" - Term for when a player continuously performs actions on an enemy, usually to the point of keeping them pinned. From Clan Chat. "SKO" - Self-knockout. The act of zeroing all spies and troops in Wars to prevent the enemy from knocking your kingdom out. The amount of plunder lost is far less than if the enemy were to knock you out. From System Wars. Slayerbob - A Valiant Knight and former Moderator. From Forums. SnakeEyes - A German Foxes member of the Order of the Foxes and an LB player. From LB. SmartBomb - A member of the Order of the Foxes and an LB player. From LB. Smiles_Tribute - A Moderator. From Forums. --SMS-- - A council member of SILVER. From Clan Page. Snoopy - A long-time player and forumer now known as StarFox. From Forums. Snowman - A well-known forumer. From Forums. -snowwhite - An LB player. From Leaderboard. solve - An LB player. From Leaderboard. SouthernSweetie - A Valiant Knight and former Moderator. From Forums. -Spud- - A former Moderator. From Forums. "SS" - Short for "Screen Shot." Also short for "Scionic Storm" or "Smoke Signals" EBs. From World Chat and Clan Chat. Stacy_P - A Valiant Knight that helps players grow in the Excel family of clans. From Forums. "Stacks" - Term for multiples of the same charm when trading. Due to the fact that only 12 slots are available to be traded at one time, players trade around for easier trade purchasing. From World Chat and Clan Chat. "Stats" - Term referring to one or all of the various troop and spy categories of a player, equipment, charm, or furnishing. From Clan Chat. "Stl" - Short for "Steal." From Clan Chat. Storallelite - A first generation player known for their thread about the various Clans and Alliances . From Alliances thread. -Stray- - An admin from Pillars of Chaos and an avid warrior. Known as the first "turtle" build in KAW. From Clan History. "Strip" - Term for when an enemy's allies are bought and their gold is stolen. From Forums, World Chat, and Clan Chat. Sturm_Brightblade - A leader of the clan Foxes. From Clan History. "Subclan" - A term for a clan that is owned and operated by another, usually larger and older, clan. From KAW Terminology. Sucker Punch - A top LB clan established on January 10, 2013. They have maintained several subclans throughout the years. From Leaderboard and Clan Page. SugarBaby - A council member of SILVER. From Clan Page. The Sweet Spot - An LB clan that formed on May 30, 2012. An EB and party clan. From LB and Clan Page. Swabia - A first generation KAW game player. From The KaW Timeline thread. Sylver-OnThe-Battlfield - One of the greatest EE War Commanders and strategists, first to recognize and implement the use of the ps1 build. From Acta Diurna Thread. "System Wars" - A war that is set-up and generated by the Developers for players. These have varied in length, style, size, and purpose over the years. From Forums. "SZ" - Short for "Spies Zeroed," meaning an enemy's spy bar is emptied by another player's actions. From Clan Chat.