T "T1, T2, T3, etc." - Short for "Tier 1," "Tier 2," "Tier 3," and so forth. Term for size of buildings based on their release and stats or EBs. From Forums. TakuniTheCat - An LB player. From Leaderboard. "TBO" - Short for "The Barren Orchard" EB. From World Chat and Clan Chat. TehLeader - A well-known trader. From Forums and WC. Teja - A long time, ally LB player that, presumably, owned over half of KAW at some point. From Forums and LB. TERRA - A long time player, known for WC and forum activity and a favored celebrity amongst many players. From WC and Forums. "TFC" - Short for "The Frozen City" EB. From World Chat and Clan Chat. "TFO" - Short for "The Forgotten Ones" EB. From World Chat and Clan Chat. "TGL" - Short for "The Gilded Lord" EB. From World Chat and Clan Chat. Theology and Geometry - An LB clan that runs fast EBs. From Leaderboard and Clan Page. Thrawn - A Moderator and forumer. From Forums. Tigerassassin - Considered by many to be one of the first trolls in game. Their antics actually brought the community together ... against them. From Forums. tiger's den - An LB clan that sohel-mi formed on April 14, 2011. From LB and Clan Page. Titan_God_of_ War - A former long-time Moderator whose passion was always for the System Wars in KAW. From Forums. TLAL0CAN - An OSW clan run by the OMETs. From Forums. tmh - A former Moderator, forum personality, and member of Foxes. From Forums. Toast - An old school player that was well-known in forums and participated in the first All-Star Wars. Their KaW Memories thread is full of fun information. From Forums. "TOC" - Short for "Talons of Carnage" EB. From World Chat and Clan Chat. Tornado - A notable member of the clan Pure Evil. From KAW History and Forums. "TOU" - Short for "Terms of Use." The rules set by ATA for playing KAW. From Forums. "Towers" - Term for defensive buildings. From World Chat and Clan Chat. "Tower Build" - A type of early build that had little to no troops or spies and primarily only towers. From Forums. "Train" - A term used for when players utilize multiple clans with the same EB, usually premium EBs, to mass xtal for maximum gold/event items in a shorter period of time. From World Chat and Clan Chat. "TS" - Short for "The Summoner" EB. From World Chat and Clan Chat. "TSG" - Short for "The Sleeping Giant" EB. From World Chat and Clan Chat. "TT" - Short for "Terrain Trevails" EB. Also used for "Time Tangle" lands. From World Chat and Clan Chat. "TTBC" - Short for "Time Tangle Build Complete" for when a player completed all Time Tangle lands unlocks and all buildings fully upgraded. From World Chat and Clan Chat. "TTC" - Short for "To The Chamber" EB. From World Chat and Clan Chat. "Turtle" - Term referring to a type of build, usually hybrid build with massive defensive stats. Used primarily in earlier seasons of System Wars. -Stray- was the first known turtle build followed by Jedi-Maestro. From Forums. "TVD" - Short for "The Viper's Den" EB. From World Chat and Clan Chat. "TVP" - Short for "The Vanished Paladin" EB. From World Chat and Clan Chat. "TZ" - Short for "Time Zone." From Clan Chat.
U "UG" - Short for "Upgrade." Usually in reference to buildings. From World Chat and Clan Chat. UnicornPoopCookie - A Valiant Knight. From Forums. "Unmaxed" - Term used to refer to a charm that wasn't enchanted to the maximum level before converting to a charm. From World Chat and Clan Chat. US - An LB clan. From Leaderboard.
V V-DRAGONS - An LB clan. From LB. V-Dub - An overall LB member of Foxes. From LB. Val - An old school player known for their use of hansel builds and alts. From Forums. Valkyl_ - An LB player. From Leaderboard. Veni-Vidi_MaCHiNE - A Moderator. From Forums. v3n0m - The oldest member of the Forums. From Forums. Ventress - A well-known player and leader of -Veritas-. From Clan Page. -Veritas- - An older LB clan established June 18, 2013. Traditionally aligned with WDGAF, Regulators, Carnage, and KOTFE. From Leaderboard and Clan Page. "Volley" - Term for hiring an ally back and forth multiple times to increase their hire value. From World Chat and Clan Chat.
W "WA" - Short for "World Announcement". From World Chat and Clan Chat. Wabbsy - A long-time Moderator. From Forums. "Wall Stamp" - A term for when a player posts on another player's wall some form of acknowledgement pertaining to a clan. For example, a certain clan may design a post to be placed on every members' wall to indicate that player is approved for entry to the clan. Also used in premium EB clans to recognize how long the player may stay in the clan. From Clan Chat and Walls. Walt Disney - An LB clan. From Leaderboard. -WARLOR- - An older LB clan and part of the Apocalypse Alliance. From Forums and Clan Page. WARLORD_Tribute - A well-known trader and forumer. From Forums and WC. "WC" - Short for either "World Chat," "War Commander," or "War Chief." From System Wars, World Chat, and Clan Chat. "Weak" - Term for when a player is low on troops/spies. From World Chat and Clan Chat. Wease - A well-known LB player. From LB. Whiskey - An LB clan. From LB. White Knights - The first official Clan formed in KAW sometime during September or October, 2009. From The KaW Timeline thread. Wibby - A notable member of the clan Pure Evil. From KAW History and Forums. WillyTheDuece - A forum personality and member of Foxes. From Forums. Wordwaster - An early player and well-known forumer. From Forums. Wrath_Of_God - One of the first few clans created in KAW. Sir_Kenneth_Fields formed the WoG family on March 28, 2010. From Clan Page. Wraith - A longtime player that loved PVP and World Chat banter. Was a member Black Hand, then Merc Legion, and Romans Praetorian Legion, and currently templo. From PM. Wrathbane - A former Moderator. From Forums. "WTB" - Short for "Want(ing) To Buy," a term used by traders. From World Chat and Clan Chat. WuDi - An older LB clan created on June 13, 2011. They are an EB clan whose name means "invincible." From LB and Clan Page. Wulf - A former Moderator. From Forums. "WW" - Short for "Wasteland Wilds" EB. From World Chat and Clan Chat.
X Xioxas - On Monday, January 25, 2010, this player unknowingly began the longest and largest family clans in the history of KAW. His original forum thread can still be found here. From Knights of the Fire Emblem thread. "Xtal" - Short for "Crystal" in reference to Health Crystals. From World Chat and Clan Chat. IIllll_XTREME_IIllII - Joined KAW back in 2010 and quickly became known for his short fuse and abilities in clan war matches. Eventually he became a leader of Black Hand, adding BH tags to his name. From The Forumdex thread. xxX1stXxx - A German Foxes member of the Order of the Fox and LB player. From LB.
Y Yarmes - A former Moderator. From Forums. "Yellows" - A term used for Yellow Sandstone, one of three tradable upgrade materials for furnishings. Sometimes also called "Golds." From World Chat and Clan Chat. Your_Karma_Bill_is_Due_Nooblet - A former long-time Moderator and War System advocate who was also known as simply "Karma." From Forums.
Z ZAFT - A large, early OSW Clan. From Forums. Zarko - A member of the Order of the Fox. From Clan History. "Zoma" - Term used for "The Labyrinth of Zoma" EB. From World Chat and Clan Chat. "ZTA" - Term used for "Zelgarad the Accursed" EB. From World Chat and Clan Chat.