Dwarven Set Dwarven Set Only the Throne, Armor, Dais, Pillars, Rug, Floor, Throne Room Wall, and Banner were released at the time of this post. The Workshop Wall, Weapon, Top Left, Middle Left, and Bottom Left slots shown below are from other Dwarven style sets and Furnishing Shop. The Beast Chamber pieces and variants are from the Hatchery Chest released at the same time and appeared to match the Dwarven Set. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hatchery Chest Hatchery Chest Event: Black Friday 2024 Date Released: 11/28/24 to 12/5/24 "Let your inner-beast show with the latest Hatchery Chests!" Fun Fact: For Black Friday 2024, nine new Beasts were released through the Hatchery Chest, which was available to purchase in the Marketplace for 149 Nobs. Hatchery Chests could be opened using gold and gave a minimum of 500 Beast Shards (either Neutral Crystals, Manticore Eggs, or Green Dragon Scales.) The Shards could be traded with other players or exchanged for different Hatchery Beasts! Once a player had the required number of Shards, they could purchase in the Marketplace the Activator corresponding to their Shards to create their Beast! Beast Shards Dragon Beast Options Manticore Beast Options Elemental Beast Options In addition to the Beast Shards, Hatchery Chests contained possible Furnishing Drops to allow Players to complete the Beast Chamber room with the Hatchery Theme. Hatchery Chest Contents Possible Drops Furnishings ➩ Pet* Primordial Elemental Lava Elemental Ice Elemental Manticore Cub Corrupted Manticore Purified Manticore Green Dragonling Deadmarsh Dragon Greenspire Dragon ➩ Throne None ➩ Weapon None ➩ Armor None ➩ Helmet None ➩ Chandelier Hatchery Heated Chandelier ➩ Dais None ➩ Pillars None ➩ Pet Food Hatchery Incubator ➩ Shield (Top Left) None ➩ Trophy (Middle Left) None ➩ Rug None ➩ Left Side Throne None ➩ Right Side Throne None ➩ Throne Room Wall None ➩ Chamber Wall Beast Hatchery ➩ Workshop Wall None ➩ Floor None ➩ Banner None Charms None EB Items None Enchant Items None Plunder Items None Equipment None Miscellaneous Neutral Crystal Manticore Egg Green Dragon Scale Event Collection Items None Upgrade Materials None * Each Pet was able to be purchased in the Marketplace using their corresponding Beast Shards.
Hatchery Set Hatchery Set Only the Chamber Wall, Chandelier, Pet Food, and Beasts were released at the time of this post. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Fabled Furnishings Chest Fabled Furnishings Chest Event: Black Friday 2024 Date Released: 11/25/24 to 12/5/24 Fun Fact: For Black Friday 2024, some Webstore Purchases included Fabled Furnishings Chests and Royal Fabled Furnishings Chests, which contained the various pieces (excluding the Top 10 Pet) from 13 of the more popular Furnishing Sets and Black Friday Sets over the years. Some bundles awarded Chests to the entire Clan. The Sets included in this Chest were: Murkfrost Set (2017) Oracular Set (2018) Vigonian Set (2018) Malphas Set (2018) Leanai Set (2018) Kyzarian Set (2018) Aeon Dragon Set (Black Friday 2018) Faerie Court Set (2019) Wrathful Pit Set (2019) Highhallow Estate (2021) Dreamwalker Set (Black Friday 2021) Nihtemaere Set (Black Friday 2021) Stargazer's Set (Black Friday 2022) Fabled Furnishings Chest Contents Possible Drops Furnishings ➩ Pet * ➩ Throne * ➩ Weapon * ➩ Armor * ➩ Helmet * ➩ Chandelier * ➩ Dais * ➩ Pillars * ➩ Pet Food * ➩ Shield (Top Left) * ➩ Trophy (Middle Left) * ➩ Rug * ➩ Left Side Throne * ➩ Right Side Throne * ➩ Throne Room Wall * ➩ Chamber Wall * ➩ Workshop Wall * ➩ Floor * ➩ Banner * Charms None EB Items Royal Seerstone Imperial Seerstone Enchant Items Aqua Inferno Plunder Items None Equipment None Miscellaneous Trader's Tokens Used Elixir of Fortune Elixir of Fortune Event Collection Items Battle in the Heavens Upgrade Materials None * There were possible drops for each slot from the 13 Sets represented in the Chest.
Challenger's Box Challenger's Box Event: The Demon Zharat Date Released: 11/27/24 to 12/10/24 "Face the fury of The Collector! The tyrant queen, Arkosa, clashes with the demon Zharat in a deadly struggle for the legendary sword, Estoc. Will you endure the chaos of this epic battle, or be consumed by its destruction?" Fun Fact: This Event was part of Black Friday 2024 that saw the release of an additional Dwarven Set, another Shadowfael Banner Side Legend, Hatchery Chests, EB plunder increases, Marketplace Discounts, Perm Stat Items, and much more! There were 4 ways to earn Shadowfael Banner Upgrade Materials and Rewards: Daily Legends: Three rotating legends reward Shadofael Wings every day. Weekly Legends: Unlockable after completing 7 Daily Legends, but also accessible via other methods. Completion Legend: Earned by completing all 14 Daily Legends (other methods available) Premium Battle Pass: Available for 200 Nobs in the Marketplace Full Completion offered a Challenger's Box as a Reward to take higher level Banners even further. Challenger's Box Challenger's Box Contents Possible Drops Furnishings ➩ Pet None ➩ Throne None ➩ Weapon None ➩ Armor None ➩ Helmet None ➩ Chandelier None ➩ Dais None ➩ Pillars None ➩ Pet Food None ➩ Shield (Top Left) None ➩ Trophy (Middle Left) None ➩ Rug None ➩ Left Side Throne None ➩ Right Side Throne None ➩ Throne Room Wall None ➩ Chamber Wall None ➩ Workshop Wall None➩ Floor None ➩ Banner None Charms None EB Items None Enchant Items Jade Hawkspur Horn White Dragonwing Horn Crimson Wyvernspike Horn Jade Hawkspur Shackles White Dragonwing Shackles Crimson Wyvernspike Shackles Jade Hawkspur Feathers White Dragonwing Feathers Crimson Wyvernspike Feathers Jade Hawkspur Cloth White Dragonwing Cloth Crimson Wyvernspike Cloth Plunder Items None Equipment None Miscellaneous None Event Collection Items* None Furnishings Upgrade Materials None
Winterdark Chest Winterdark Chest Event: The Winterdark Revelry Date Released: 12/17/24 to 12/25/24 "Once a century, the Winterdark Court breaks through into the mortal lands. They bring “gifts” of icy magic, though these gifts come with a heavy price, sowing mischief and chaos among kingdoms. Can you stop these malicious fae?" Fun Fact: This Event saw the return of The Cordimancer and the introduction of the Winterdark Fae for a more sinister Christmas feel. There was an additional 12 Days of Holidays Side Legend, an Autumn 2024 Furnishings Chest reward for completing each of the three normal Side Legends, and a new permanent Furnishings Set, the Shadowlord's Pyre Set, in the Marketplace. Autumn 2024 Furnishings Chest Shadowlord's Pyre Set Walls Winterdark Chest Contents Possible Drops Furnishings ➩ Pet Vyrmorn the Frostshade (Top 10) Frostwing Penguin ➩ Throne Throne of the Frostfae ➩ Weapon Wreath of Withering Frostbane Holly ➩ Armor Frostbite Nutcracker ➩ Helmet Frostbound Gift Darkburst Popper ➩ Chandelier Witchlight Chandelier ➩ Dais Winterdark Dais ➩ Pillars Winterdark Pillars ➩ Pet Food Darkwinter Globe ➩ Shield (Top Left) Cursed Ornaments ➩ Trophy (Middle Left) Thornspike Cane ➩ Rug Shiverweave Carpet Frostthorn Path ➩ Left Side Throne Statue of the Frostwraith ➩ Right Side Throne Darkthorn Yule Tree ➩ Throne Room Wall Winterdark Throne Room Winterdark Wreath Throne Room ➩ Chamber Wall Frostbound Chamber ➩ Workshop Wall Frostpine Workshop ➩ Floor Winterdark Floor ➩ Banner Winterdark Banner Charms Rime Bull Idol Bellicose Bird Idol Black Cat Idol War Mongrel Idol EB Items Royal Seerstone Imperial Seerstone Enchant Items Aqua Inferno Plunder Items Crux Chest Golden Crux Chest Health Crystals (appear in place of Event Collection Item after event ends) Equipment None Miscellaneous Trader's Tokens Event Collection Items* Winterdark Ritual Thornbound Coal (1 of 2 Collection Items that combine to form Event Item) Cursed Stocking of Frostbite (1 of 2 Collection Items that combine to form Event Item) Frostfiend Marionette (Side Legend Collection Item) Frostbite Serpent (Side Legend Collection Item) Withering Fruitcake (Side Legend Collection Item) Furnishings Upgrade Materials** Chain Section Pile of Grain Meat Metal Blades Iron Nails Worn Buckler Leather Strip Chainmail Sheet Cloth Bolt Pillar Fragment Marble Tile Granite Hand Granite Feet Cushion *Event Collection Item was only available for the duration of the Event. ** Upgrade Materials are only available in the Free Daily Chest version and are not tradable.
Autumn 2024 Furnishings Chest Autumn 2024 Furnishings Chest Event: The Winterdark Revelry Date Released: 12/11/24 to 12/25/24 "A grand proclamation hath been made! Furnishings most rare, gathered from the events of September to November (excluding the 15th Anniversary and Black Friday events), are now within reach! 🌟 🎖 By thy valor and skill, acquire them through the Side Legends. For each level of difficulty one conquers, a precious furnishing shall be yours— there will be up to a total of three treasures to claim! This chest requires a Palace Furnishing Key to open!" Fun Fact: This Chest contained the Furnishings from the five Fall 2024 Events, excluding the 15th Anniversary and Black Friday Events as well as the Top 10 Pet from each Event, was awarded at the end of each of the three Side Legends and opened with a Palace Furnishings Key. The Sets included in this Chest were: Detective Set (September) Hollowgourd Set (October) Caustic Set (October) Amethyst Set (October) Rustthorn Set (November) Autumn 2024 Furnishings Chest Contents Possible Drops Furnishings ➩ Pet * ➩ Throne * ➩ Weapon * ➩ Armor * ➩ Helmet * ➩ Chandelier * ➩ Dais * ➩ Pillars * ➩ Pet Food * ➩ Shield (Top Left) * ➩ Trophy (Middle Left) * ➩ Rug * ➩ Left Side Throne * ➩ Right Side Throne * ➩ Throne Room Wall * ➩ Chamber Wall * ➩ Workshop Wall * ➩ Floor * ➩ Banner * Charms None EB Items Royal Seerstone Imperial Seerstone Enchant Items Aqua Inferno Plunder Items None Equipment None Miscellaneous None Event Collection Items None Furnishings Upgrade Materials None * There were possible drops for each slot from the 5 Sets represented in the Chest.
Shadowlord's Pyre Set Shadowlord's Pyre Set Event: The Winterdark Revelry Dates Released: Throne Room: 12/17/24 to 12/25/24 Workshop: 1/8/25 to 2/5/25 Pet Chamber: 2/5/25 to 3/5/25 "Summoned from the darkest depths of legend, these new treasures are now permanently available for the most daring lords of the realm!" Seize this chance to fortify your Kingdom with the power of the Shadowlord's Pyre! Do not tarry, for such legendary artifacts are destined for the boldest among you. ⚔️ Claim glory and let the legend of your halls echo through the ages! ⚔️ 🏰 The Shadowlord's Pyre Set Awaits! Will You Answer Its Call? 🏰 Fun Fact: This Set was an homage to Lord of the Rings and nicknamed the "Mordor Set" or "Sauron Set." "One does not simply walk into Mordor." Throne Room Pieces Workshop Pieces Pet Chamber Pieces Available Pieces Furnishings ➩ Pet TBA ➩ Throne Throne of Shattered Spires ➩ Weapon Aegis of Smoldering Ash ➩ Armor Helm of Overlord ➩ Helmet Shardweaver's Gauntlets ➩ Chandelier TBA ➩ Dais Cragstep Altar ➩ Pillars Spire of Emberflame ➩ Pet Food TBA ➩ Shield (Top Left) Infernal Cleaver Axe ➩ Trophy (Middle Left) Bladewrath Glaive ➩ Rug Veil of Grasping Hands ➩ Left Side Throne Emberforge Brazier ➩ Right Side Throne Spectral Lord Effigy ➩ Throne Room Wall Infernal Bastion ➩ Chamber Wall TBA ➩ Workshop Wall Forgeheart Altar ➩ Floor Cracked Obsidian Plate ➩ Banner Sigil of the Shadowlord Charms None EB Items None Enchant Items None Plunder Items None Equipment None Miscellaneous None Event Collection Items* None Furnishings Upgrade Materials None _
Enchanted Holiday Cache Enchanted Holiday Cache Event: 12 Days of Holidays! Dates Released: 12/13/24 to 12/25/24 "Oh! Visitors! Welcome to these frosty lands! Care for a gingerbiscuit person? They're moderately magical. The winds may be chilly, but my hospitality is snow joke. The spirits have scattered enchanted gifts far and wide... typical. But there's a catch! Only a magical sock can hold them. Why? Holiday magic, don't question it. Complete the tasks, and you'll be cooler than an ice dragon in a snowstorm! If you fail... well, at least you'll have a sock full of determination. Legend says the magical sock grows stronger with every holiday task... or just stretchier. Now sleigh those quests — I believe in you! And so does this gingerbiscuit person... probably." Fun Fact: This Event required completion of the 12 daily Side Legends. If a Player missed one day, they were allowed to make it up to continue the Event. The NPC known as "A Friendly Being" narrated the Event. A Friendly Being Starting Friday, December 13, Players received a Piece of Cloth item among their rewards! This piece of Cloth was used for the next step. Cloth Once the Cloth was collected, a Stocking could be made. Sock Completing the quests each day would slowly 'fill' the Christmas Stocking. Stocking Once the Stocking was completely full, the Player earned an Enchanted Holiday Cache that was packed with goodies! Available Pieces Furnishings ➩ Pet None ➩ Throne None ➩ Weapon None ➩ Armor None ➩ Helmet None ➩ Chandelier None ➩ Dais None ➩ Pillars None ➩ Pet Food None ➩ Shield (Top Left) None ➩ Trophy (Middle Left) None ➩ Rug None ➩ Left Side Throne None ➩ Right Side Throne None ➩ Throne Room Wall None ➩ Chamber Wall None ➩ Workshop Wall None ➩ Floor None ➩ Banner None Charms None EB Items None Enchant Items None Plunder Items Blood-Soaked Crux Chest Crux Chest Golden Crux Chest Health Crystal Valorstone Lotstone Gold Bar Equipment None Miscellaneous Crafting Box Autumn 2024 Furnishings Chest Trader's Tokens Event Collection Items None Furnishings Upgrade Materials None _
Winterveil Chest Winterveil Chest Event: Rise of the Snow Legions Date Released: 12/25/24 to 1/7/25 "The Winterfest Kingdom is under siege! Awaken the legendary Snowman Legions, battle Frost Imps, and reclaim ancient relics. Can you stop the icy wrath of Lurithal before it consumes the realm? Join the fight in this frosty epic!" Fun Fact: This Event began on Christmas Day 2024 and ran into the 2025 New Year. Winterveil Chest Contents Possible Drops Furnishings ➩ Pet Lyara (Top 10) Frostfur Otter ➩ Throne Throne of the Snow King ➩ Weapon Frostguard Blade and Crest ➩ Armor Gilded Frostflare Iceshard Bloom ➩ Helmet Glacier Sentinel ➩ Chandelier Icicle Crown Chandelier ➩ Dais Winter's Ascent ➩ Pillars Icicle Warden Pillars Crystalspire Pillars ➩ Pet Food Glacial Altar ➩ Shield (Top Left) Snowfall Chalices ➩ Trophy (Middle Left) Frosted Elixirs ➩ Rug Frostveil Floorcloth ➩ Left Side Throne Frozen Crown Display Crystal Bloom Sculpture ➩ Right Side Throne Lion-Guarded Hearth Urn ➩ Throne Room Wall Glacial Crest Walls ➩ Chamber Wall Snowlit Winter Nook Frostveil Winter Hall ➩ Workshop Wall Frostveil Display ➩ Floor Snowwoven Floor ➩ Banner Frostveil Banner Charms Rime Bull Idol Bellicose Bird Idol Black Cat Idol War Mongrel Idol EB Items Royal Seerstone Imperial Seerstone Enchant Items Aqua Inferno Plunder Items Crux Chest Golden Crux Chest Health Crystals (appear in place of Event Collection Item after event ends) Equipment None Miscellaneous Trader's Tokens Event Collection Items* Snow Legion Snow Sniper (1 of 2 Collection Items that combine to form Event Item) Snow Swordsman (1 of 2 Collection Items that combine to form Event Item) Frosted Mug of Joy (Side Legend Collection Item) Chilly Explorer (Side Legend Collection Item) Frozen Tusk (Side Legend Collection Item) Furnishings Upgrade Materials** Chain Section Pile of Grain Meat Metal Blades Iron Nails Worn Buckler Leather Strip Chainmail Sheet Cloth Bolt Pillar Fragment Marble Tile Granite Hand Granite Feet Cushion *Event Collection Item was only available for the duration of the Event. ** Upgrade Materials are only available in the Free Daily Chest version and are not tradable.
Durnkhaz’Zhen Chest Durnkhaz’Zhen Chest Event: The Emerald Awakening Date Released: 1/8/25 to 1/22/24 "Deep beneath the Emerald Spine Mountains, ancient dwarven forges stir to life, but with them awakens a legendary emerald guardian. Gather your forces, master powerful weapons, and craft legendary gear to rise victorious! Will you master the dwarven forge and claim its power?" Fun Fact: This Event saw the introduction of a new Clan of Dwarves, the Durnkhaz’Zhen. There was a notice that came with this Event informing players that if they prematurely received equipment for this Event during the previous Event, they would need to enchant it to be able to receive the equipment again and progress in Side Legends. Also, the second room of a new permanent Furnishings Set, the Shadowlord's Pyre Set, was available in the Marketplace. Shadowlord's Pyre Set Walls Durnkhaz’Zhen Chest Contents Possible Drops Furnishings ➩ Pet Zharalith (Top 10) Deepmire Salamander ➩ Throne The Throne of Durnkhaz’Zhen The Anvil Throne ➩ Weapon The Gilded Forge Display Forgemaster's Offering ➩ Armor Forgemaster's Offering ➩ Helmet Molten Emerald Slag ➩ Chandelier The Crystalroot Chandelier ➩ Dais The Everglow Steps The Emeraldrise Steps ➩ Pillars The Stoneward Sentinels ➩ Pet Food The Golem Core Pedestal ➩ Shield (Top Left) Scholar's Schematic ➩ Trophy (Middle Left) Miner's Cache ➩ Rug The Verdant Path ➩ Left Side Throne Scroll of Edicts ➩ Right Side Throne The Heartstone Lantern ➩ Throne Room Wall The Rune-Warded Bastion ➩ Chamber Wall The Forge of Durnkhaz’Zhen ➩ Workshop Wall The Artisan's Legacy The Forgekeeper's Alcove ➩ Floor Emerald Veinstone ➩ Banner The Sigil of Morlund Charms Rime Bull Idol Bellicose Bird Idol Black Cat Idol War Mongrel Idol EB Items Royal Seerstone Imperial Seerstone Enchant Items Aqua Inferno Plunder Items Crux Chest Golden Crux Chest Health Crystals (appear in place of Event Collection Item after event ends) Equipment None Miscellaneous Trader's Tokens Event Collection Items* Shemstone Core Runescribed Metal Band (1 of 2 Collection Items that combine to form Event Item) Shattered Shemstone (1 of 2 Collection Items that combine to form Event Item) TBA (Side Legend Collection Item) TBA (Side Legend Collection Item) TBA (Side Legend Collection Item) Furnishings Upgrade Materials** Chain Section Pile of Grain Meat Metal Blades Iron Nails Worn Buckler Leather Strip Chainmail Sheet Cloth Bolt Pillar Fragment Marble Tile Granite Hand Granite Feet Cushion *Event Collection Item was only available for the duration of the Event. ** Upgrade Materials are only available in the Free Daily Chest version and are not tradable.