ZTA Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Sa_lIPuRE-StoRMIl_aW, Oct 15, 2015.

  1. Back to the tomato a fruit or vegetable again I see. As for zta or whatever it was let's get rid of that and hte. Who remembers when kaw was on the top 50 grossing apps in App Store or goggle play store? Let's see oh we didn't have pay to play Ebs. How ironic devs bring out p2p Ebs kaw drops. Interesting
  2. I dont even know why you people think there is anything to discuss... Zta was never going away. People have known for a good year or so a bigger more money eb would come out one day and that day is here. To calm down the supporters who will hate this they have to wheel this eb out slowly...pretend its a limited event....(even though it has a rare drop equip and take a ton of the ashes to enchant that clearly 99% of kaw couldnt upgrade in 2 weeks)....as soon as you saw it dropped equip and ashes you all knew this was here to stay. Its just an added push to get you to want to run this eb over hte. Heck not long after the eb went away they teased you with the free circles when eb returns....how easily molded you people are...you dont even realize it.....yet here you are pretending to discuss something that deep down inside you know you want but at the same time you want to cry about devs greed and still run those ebs....well discussion over they will prob run it out 1-2 more times in a limited timeframe and then it will become permanent. Its here and its forever. Love it or pretend to hate it are your only choices....not sure why because if anyone followed world chat the last two weeks it was non stop free ztas because so many clans start but cant finish the eb. But anyways....go ahead and eat your cheese and wine in forums you have nothing better to do.

  3. That was also in 2010 when smart phones just started getting big and there was hardly any competition now theres literally millions of apps to play
  4. Krist people are thick..... Do a little reading and look it up


    Yes it's a wiki link. But if you search the question you will find the answer to be constant anywhere you look. Note the last paragraph before the "history" expansion. End of debate
  5. Lol

    1. That's wikipedia
    2. The page won't load 
  6. Nice lol
  7. Grizzy.

    I mentioned that it was wiki, but also said that all search links will give you the same resulting answer, just the article will be written differently.
  8. Ah I see says its a fruit but can also be known as a vegetable
  9. Mark me down as a vegetable lover and supporter of ZTA coming back!

    I didn't spend anything, but used mine and mine alts free pieces to help run a few, and I liked the payout!

    However I didn't get nearly enough ash to upgrade my ring... if they bring ZTA back it gives me a chance to collect more ash and finish the ring!

    In fact, I would predict that a slightly different epic battle than ZTA would be released, with a different piece of equipment, that would give you a choice to start upgrading the new one, or finish the old one. That was one thing that disappointed me about the hive eb is we can never get more psion to finish upgrading the rings. So the non-supporters can burn in Zelgarads .

    Bring it back!
  10. I think it a good idea, but i would replace ring and it ash with enchanters which would be used to buy upgraded pot or pb/ or offer bb and pots like gilded lord
  11. I say bin zta the enchantment costs for the eq are ridiculous
  12. I personally think since it will come back again eventually. I think the circle pieces should be a drop from other eb also at the same time you can buy them.
  13. No support , did like the whole clan involved aspect though.. Would be great if hte was gone too thanks
  14. Those who are saying the EB costs $10 are looking at the EB from a HTE perspective. ZTA required 100 pieces to open, meaning more than one person can contribute to opening the EB. HTE requires one person to open and that one person has to spend $6.

    With the pieces costing 1 nob to buy, you can do quests for a day and get decent amount of nobs to buy pieces. Similarly, 10 people can buy 10 nobs and open the EB.

    Overall, HTE should be removed from game and replaced by ZTA. Support to ZTA
  15. 40ztas and 25icon and no ring. Event sucked
  16. No support it pays way too much
  17. @Robinhood

    Sure more than one person can open zta, but would they if they weren't given free tokens? Probably not. After the initial 1-2, the 100 nobs basically fall on one person again.
  18. Remove zta and then remove hte. Simple.
  19. Vegetable ️ no plural just one