ZTA Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Sa_lIPuRE-StoRMIl_aW, Oct 15, 2015.

  1. Support or no support the eb is returning anyway as devs have stated when you restart your app 
  2. No support boo
  3. As a one off zta was ok but as a perm addition no. Simple solution for devs work on the big ebs. A lot of clans struggle to finish them so drop xtals on them. 6$*100 is a lot
  4. No support boo 
  5. Well, it's their choice to bring it back I guess...just don't think they will have that many doing it.

    It was hard enough to find ppl to spend for it the first time.

    Without some changes I think it'll be mostly wasted time time...not that it matters what we say here...
  6. Unless you are using it in food applications, then it's functionally a vegetable:). (While still functioning scientifically as a fruit that is)
  7. Knowledge is knowing tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
  8. The eb wasn't too bad itself, but the cost along with the exorbitant amount of ash and Aqua/inferno required to upgrade the ring is ridiculous. Always liked the box drops where we get random "prizes" but again unless you're willing to shell out more money to open the gold box, then 9 times out of 10 you're only getting the ash. Great if you happen to have the ring I guess, but useless if you don't.

    Lower the cost, make a bigger item phase and make ash drop from the eb rather than the box things and I can maybe see keeping it.
  9. Why am I not a vegetable supporter?
  10. When you carry around a tomato and take a bite out of it like an apple, then you can call it a fruit.

    Also the eb would have been alright if it didn't cost so much and ring enchantment wasn't ridiculous.
  11. You know how people found cucumbers in cinemas after 50 shades? That's why.
  12. Well that's just disturbing.

    The rates in which you gained votive ash was too damn low
  13. Cause no one cares?
  14. You're logic is unsound. If I take a tomato and throw it at someone, does that mean it is now functionally a weapon?
  15. A fruit is a seeded plant that contains a flesh meant to be digested by animals and then pooped out at a different location to continue the cycle of life, as opposed to having their seeds carried off in the wind, fall to the ground, or rub off against a passing animal.

    Incidentally, some scientist cite the rise of the fruit tree as leading to the rise of mammals and the extinction of the dinosaurs.
  16. This thread is quickly becoming a very informational while entertaining thread... Though I hate both fruits and veggies.

    And on the ZTA, if the devs lower the cost or provide better payout in gold, it might still be worth it, else... dev can keep it in the fridge
  17. Listen frog. It's about its use. Look it up. When's the last time you put tomatoes in a fruit basket? You haven't I'm sure. Funny enough tomatoes are a staple of vegetable juice! And when used in food ALL other "fruits" are used as a sweetener. Tomatoes are used as a savory flavor like other vegetables.

    Again in culinary use as already determined by others apparently more important than you or I. It is used as a vegetable by cooking method.
  18. I think if they bring it back it still needs to be harder.

    Tomato is a fruit.
  19. Peapods, Aubergine, Olives, Butternut squash, Pumpkin, Pepper, Avocado, Courgette, Cucumber and Tomato are all fruit.
  20. After reading all the fruit and vegetable talk this thread gave me a different thought on Zta. Adam and even standing in the garden and Eve holding the apple labeled Zta. "Adam if you take a bite of this lovely Apple you will get a powerful magic ring" Adam looked puzzled but decided to take a bite. As soon as he did Eve said now if you give me 10 noobs you can enchant your ring and make it more powerful.

    As soon as others saw this magical ring they all wanted t taste the apple. Eve " not so fast first you must give me $10.00 a piece to taste the apple". Soon after a long line formed of all others wanting the magical ring as Eve raked in the dough.

    Moral of the story don't bite the apple and the apple is still just an apple but it won't cost you $10.00.