ZOMBIES!... N how KaW players killed endless waves

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by uthorn12, Dec 22, 2010.

  1. -runs in and hits zombies with my trailing scythes/
  2. My hot chick girlfriend is bitten by zombie. Come here pretty boy! I want a kiss!! Crud! Powpowpowpowpowpowpow. Ughhh!yum.
  3. YAY I FOUND a packopunch lv up
  4. Scythes and gauntlets can us flame,flair,lava bomb and atomic flair
  5. YAY sounds dangerous
  6. Il try ATOMIC FLAIR
  7. I foun wonder wauf Ray gun Zeus gun fifteen thousand points and a pack a punch
  8. Giant flash causes all decaying bodies to desinagrate
  9. Ohh I will level up my scythes
  10. Nuclear guantlet attached to my arms. Ooooohhhhh-aaaaaahhhhhhhh! Ppppppiiiieeeesss!!!! Yyyuuuummmmeeeerrrryyyy!!!!
  11. Lv:100
    power ups:atomic flash and quick freeze
  12. Omg I just ate a pizza! I'm addicted! * i take iron man armor and send sonic repulser blast that blows all current zombies. Yummmmmmerryyy!!!!
  13. Zombies are splattered everywere! Pie apples cake cookies burgers! * walks up to zombie: Can I haz Cheezburg3r?
    No u can't haz cheezburg3r.
  14. Zombies start getting weapons! More food! Gunnnnnnsssss!!!!!! Powpowpowpowpowpowpow ! ***** I need to reload!
  15. I killed the zombie I asked if I could have a cheese burger and I killed him he gave me a hamburger
  16. Zombie starts towards me with rpg. I blow em up and use rpg to shoot pizza in my mouth!
  17. *grabs a machinegun-bazooka*

    Rapid-fire missiles!
  18. Snipes zombies from tower *bang*
  19. Jumps into a bunker