You are an absolute perfect fit for oG. Try using more slang. Throw in a few "yo's". Don't forget to make derogatory remarks towards women! Also, be prepared to post forums. A LOT Put these in your copy/paste, I banked in bronze bars Keep hiding behind your eb's cowards! I'm not getting incoming, my butt hurts
Op, I understand why you posted with a statless alt. Good reason too. And I agree, all the trash talk does need to be cleared up. Warriors need to know why they fighting. But let's be honest- you just gonna get more crap- no answers. Leaders aren't gonna post.
I now have to add hypocrite to my list of descriptive adjectives for oG. That is, besides mentally handicapped and dishonest. What next?
How about you add my name to your newsfeed??All I see from DR is trash talk,ESPECIALLY from your teachers pet Langlas.Unless you can back up your statements your nothing but talk,and talk is all I see.....
(claps)You realize your the first INC I've had in 3 days right???you can't imagine how happy I am to find someone worth hitting.....
You had 13 ADP last time I hit you... Evidently you're getting some attention. Do you know how many members they've had stripped in the last 3 days? Wait for it........Two.
Actually thats just some leftover ADP from when this started lol.Erebus out of ZA wanted to brawl so I appeased him.And don't worry,we strip just as much as you do.IRS a double edged sword..
Idc if I get in a clan I will be hitting MDK regardless with no clan there just a bunch of ppl that think they can bully ppl with there clan name or alliance name why dont the one's I'm fighting grow a pair an leave ur clan out of it u can talk big no action but crying in ur CVS for help