Discussion in 'Wars' started by LoW_aNd_BeHoLd, Sep 24, 2013.

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  1. I may have to send a spy in...
  2. Yea queen sucks couldn't beat me with 2 accounts so had to call in friends
  3. An ty u see all MDK in ur newsfeed
  4. You are an absolute perfect fit for oG.

    Try using more slang. Throw in a few "yo's".
    Don't forget to make derogatory remarks towards women!

    Also, be prepared to post forums.

    A LOT

    Put these in your copy/paste,

    I banked in bronze bars

    Keep hiding behind your eb's cowards!

    I'm not getting incoming, my butt hurts:(
  5. Op, I understand why you posted with a statless alt. Good reason too. And I agree, all the trash talk does need to be cleared up. Warriors need to know why they fighting. But let's be honest- you just gonna get more crap- no answers. Leaders aren't gonna post.
  6. I now have to add hypocrite to my list of descriptive adjectives for oG.
    That is, besides mentally handicapped and dishonest.
    What next?
  7. ^Only meant towards those I oG who do not, at least, respect WDGAF.
  8. How about you add my name to your newsfeed??All I see from DR is trash talk,ESPECIALLY from your teachers pet Langlas.Unless you can back up your statements your nothing but talk,and talk is all I see.....
  9. Check GF EB history. Guess who adopted the tactic of "Make more than they can strip."
  10. German Foxes.
    We receive no inc while a 3x haunts is running there.
  11. (claps)You realize your the first INC I've had in 3 days right???you can't imagine how happy I am to find someone worth hitting.....
  12. You had 13 ADP last time I hit you... Evidently you're getting some attention.
    Do you know how many members they've had stripped in the last 3 days? Wait for it........Two.
  13. Actually thats just some leftover ADP from when this started lol.Erebus out of ZA wanted to brawl so I appeased him.And don't worry,we strip just as much as you do.IRS a double edged sword..
  14. Its(my autotype is stupid.....)
  15. Who's BCE up against? maybe we'll get matched up next. :)
  16. That was supposed to be they GRRRRRRRRR
    We've stripped 8. :p
  17. Idc if I get in a clan I will be hitting MDK regardless with no clan there just a bunch of ppl that think they can bully ppl with there clan name or alliance name why dont the one's I'm fighting grow a pair an leave ur clan out of it u can talk big no action but crying in ur CVS for help
  18. Damn phone in ur cc
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