Discussion in 'Wars' started by LoW_aNd_BeHoLd, Sep 24, 2013.

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  1. Correct but pinning helps your team from not being stripped or stripped so bad it makes it easy to see them xstal so you can check your rosters not to mention save a lot of sdp
  2. If these was a 1 VS 1 Clan OSW that would be the case, but in this instance it's alliance wide. Pinning one clan won't prevent inc. Do you know anything about OSW?!
  3. You ought not talk like that, you're just an alt (sling blade voice)
  4. Hmm did I ever say pin just one clan? In this case you split clans vs. clans till all clans accounted for and if your outnumbered do what you can to pin actives in each clan
  5. Everyone should just go statless like you so no one could get pinned and we could fight our wars on forums instead
  6. ^That doesn't typically work, not unless you're either:
    (A) Extremely coordinated
    (B) Outnumber the enemy 2-4 to one.
    (C) Use xtals
  7. All it takes for a well coordinated strip to take away >75% of the gold is a mere few mins :lol:

    Let me share a teeny weeny bit of how we do it without going into the details.
    Step 1: Strip 20T.
    Step 2: 25 hansels (usually much more) standby, 4 crystals each (usually less).

    Job done. This is actually the easiest part of the whole OSW, contrary to what most newbies are thinking.

    If you think pinning your enemies can reduce being stripped big time, try us.
    If you think pinning your clan mates can reduce being stripped too, try us.
    Kaw Mechanics are easy to understand and apply effectively to OSWs.
    Been there, done that.

    Everything else listed by the statless OP speaks of OP's plain ignorance as well as the low mental capacity. :lol:
  8. You think anyone is going to waste Xtals on every large strip? Get your attack builds to hit potted.
  9. Although the strategy works. if peeps are willing...
  10. I'm willing to Xtal for a strip. Show your main and ill show you some Xtals =D
  11. "You think anyone is going to waste xtals on every large strip"
    How on earth is that a waste? Please tell me better use of an xtal that isn't stealing a large strip from your enemies roster. And absolutely there are players using...or I guess wasting? xtals on ever large strip in both your alliance and enemies.
  12. I am using this alt because I don't want my friends mad at me :(. My friends don't even know why they are fighting, how it started, or who I really am! So ONLY leaders need leave comment so I can know who is telling the truth. Hear me roar. Disclaimer. Please ignore my stats.
  13. I didn't mean to use "waste." Unless you buy frequently I find their usage, during anything other than a 20-25 tril strip, is superfluous.
  14. In other words op is WDGAF/ZAFT, as oG/Apoc/UC know why LOL
  16. ️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️
  17. Op, you wont get any answers.
    you asked with no stats
    you have no direct part in this war.
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