Discussion in 'Wars' started by LoW_aNd_BeHoLd, Sep 24, 2013.

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  1. That's why one has banks.
  2. Is it me or is the EB arguement old and stale, both sides do it shouldnt that alone void any further arguements?
  3. Yes, Aztec, it should. Personally I have a ton of respect for Outlawz, they don't, typically, run EBs during OSW.
  4. Okay, first of all, who are you? And why do you deserve any sort of explanation ?
    Second, the fact that this isn't even with a main adds more reason as to why they don't need to say **** to you.
  5. No point in the bring-your-main-out thing with this guy, he chats **** about being a  … I mean, being neutral, then ignores you.

    He is awesome.
  6. Oh wow gib your classic with your banter XD and precisely Lang my point osw is to pin the opposing side so they can't pin or strip your own. Banks are used to fund strips. Am I the only one on this thread that read the basics of osw thread XD it should sum up for you half wits y I question how this is an osw to begin with. And keep going on the insults guys it is so original
  7. And as I also said hand I don't need the explanation a lot of warriors in the osw do and I firmly believe they are deserving of it.
  8. Umm, other people gain OSW knowledge through …  … OSW! Not reading threads that people have written about it.

    And thanks for the 'classic' comment. I value your opinion
  9. Of course how silly of me. I assumed that the biggest osw clans in kaw knew what they are about.
    Clearly they need some noob who read an outdated guide in the forums to teach them how to war properly.
  10. Please quote EXACTLY where you said this. Otherwise I'll just assume you're lying, like everywhere else.
  11. Yes fighting knowledge is gained through osw. info on the osw ...... Only get one side of the story in cc.... So clear up the questions and this statless alt goes to being an eb fairy XD
  12. I shouldn't have to Lang that's basic osw knowledge
  13. But where did you state your "point"?
  14. Lol alt is requesting REAL ss from OWNERS of the clans involved. Got me giggling like a idiot. Dude post with your main for ffs.
  15. Well atleast this alt wrote half decent thread. Other ones either write "zaft sucks" or "res players are idiots". I will give some credit.
  16. In my post I said completing ebs in osw is unforgivable and that as is all clans involved should ff ebs and go full force on opposing side. That enough of a point?
  17. ZAFT doesn't suck... Everyone knows ZAFT blows.
  18. And they swallow
  19. OP is clueless tool. Like I have to answer to some court of public opinion to play the game.

    This fail troll should go back to his habit of fondling collies.
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