Discussion in 'Wars' started by LoW_aNd_BeHoLd, Sep 24, 2013.

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  1. Not just balless dude.

    You lack the complete set. All of it. Gone. Ceased to exist the second you had the idea to make a little baby alt to post this thread.

    Didja wave goodbye to your genitals?
  2. You ask too many questions that people basically dont care for anymore, it is a war... So far all we know is that you lick booty period :lol:
  3. As if I haven't been in an osw myself pup and btw this I device just came in today, and I was reading borings post and realized iphilo post had been graveyarded. So as the download finished I decided to go into forums and freely speak my mind. As it shows in my post I'm not taking sides so I'm sure u can imagine I don't wanna be the lone man taking hits from both sides being the only thing both sides can agree on. And my non statless alts are banks with trillions on them awaiting if my main goes into osw so no I'm not gonna use them to post either. Not to mention I rather like my current clan on my main so no need to have myself kicked or lose any friends. So as I said say what you will but I still stand firm on my decision to use my new acc to post a forum before its big enough to get trashed by 40 clans.
  4. Good lord. :roll: His name is Phil or The_Philosopher. You're getting him confused with Iphito, the mod.
  5. 

    Oh you have trillions on your banks? Why didn't you say before!!

    Oh yeah, 'cause it's a lie, that you just made up.
  6. @ OP
    You keep saying that the warriors should know why they are fighting? ...I can say that we in UC are informed just fine as to why to fight and there is no reason to post anything all over forums. please do yourself a favor and just lock this.
  7. Noooooooo! Don't lock it!

    I am VERY bored and reading OP's 'sit on the fence' ******** is giving me something to do.
  8. Lieing hmmmmm 6 accounts now (all on devices XD) 4 banks holding a little under 2 tril between them 1 now statless and my main which is a barcode. Good luck finding him XD
  9. The reason you put Laoda as your bank is because no one can hit Laoda and therefore Laoda can have so many trillions of gold out for strips.
  10. And yes rtf we all know the reason to fight to protect and defend family. That's a given. But what's the reason for this fight and if its an osw y are ebs moving fast and smoothly in almost all clans ?? Doesn't seem to be much fighting and those putting their necks out and hitting opposing team are getting smashed while their brethren are smacking ebs. Simple answers and I will request a lock on the thread. Seems to me like the questions are being dodged, and attention reverted to me being a balless alt. and btw sorry Phil done a bit to much foruming recently and names are to close XD
  11. In oG we know why we are fighting. But the people who I talk too on my side, we don't care.

    There are players on the other side that we want to see without allies and broke.

    Truth be told, this is OSW, it's fun, it's great, and it is why we play. No one that is in this OSW cares why we are in OSW. We just want to fight, strip, have fun, and win. Rather that win is in a form of the enemy requesting a cf, them disbanning clans, losing a ton of members, or breaking the hated or disliked leaders of the opposition or--- if it all goes to a mutual cf and what is won is respect.

    People say no one wins in OSW, far from the truth.

    Only those who noob rage and quit lose (ahh the resets)

    All who fight to the end win in one way or the other. (Unless you just get your rear end handed to you on a rusted platter).

  12. This may be true devil but if that was the case why would his stats have jumped so fast after osw started? I understand the logic in using him as a bank I don't understand how he's at max buildings and hoarfrost lands as quick as he was after osw started shouldn't that upgrading money went to strips?!?!?!?
  13. Why would anyone bother finding a make believe account

    No need to out your banks ()

    Just don't be a *****. Got something to say? Say it with an account that I can hit

    On a completely different but much more interesting note than OP's crap … I just had Monster orangeade with tea in it.

    Not offensive, but has a weird aftertaste.
  14. Rusted I respect that view of opinion, then I look at your eb history why would anyone request a cf in a war where ebs are still flowing almost regularly ? It's a contradiction if you look at it osw is meant for PEOPLE to go head to head not turtle in ebs and talk crap in forums.
  15. Is it just me? Or does anyone see this as far from being nuetral? It looks like he is bashing zaft and siding with UC.
  16. Warlor is a war clan. Does that answer your warlar question?
  17. Nothing wrong with hitting eb during an osw. Keeping opponents pinned is a waste of time effort and pots. Osw is won with strips, not with pinning, and strips need to take people by surprise. I can totally understand clans making cash off eb while they watch each other and try to build up gold and plan strips.
  19. I'm not siding but I read 697 pages of Phil's forum before graveyarded some of the questions most had we're answered by UC leaders(excluding the bs ss's) but ZAFT hasn't said a word which knowing them I know why. Reread the thread.
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