ZAFT vs Mercenaric Inc.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlIlDIlIlAIlIlRIlIlWIlIliIlIlN, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. Well zaft is winning right now
  2. I like easy bets. Lol. I will gamble on the horses when they are already mid field. It makes it easier to pick a winner
  3. Lmao ikr moose
  4. Yup. Gotta agree. Merc inc is a great clan. IAC was also a strong contender but dont know what happened to them..
  5. I respect Mercenaries Inc for their resilience and tenacity to war. Don't let the results fool you. It's definitely not and will not be an easy win for ZAFT especially when everyone is fighting from pin position. Let the better team win. ZAFT FOREVER
  6. ZAFT 4 Life lol like that was a hard decision 
  7. Merc inc wont be able to call in help to bail them out in system war so i think zaft will win
  8. Zaft wins summer wars...get over it (yes, this is my main, no I've never been Zaft besides a few visits)
  9. Zaft's top 20 is intouchable... Or maybe just top 15 lol