Discussion in 'Wars' started by *Death_Doc (01), Jan 20, 2013.

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  1. Lol Oli.

    Never judge a book by its cover. :)

    A 4hour EE war has definitely given Laoda a Chest Plate. Higher stats at Level 5 too. 9m/12m/12m/14m.
  2. Wait... If the pen is mightier than the sword then why are actions stronger than words? :cool:
  3. No offence meant to you apoc, but if zaft have all their clans in the war. You are outnumbered big time. The numbers should theoretically overwhelm you.
  4. **Note : This is completely my opinion, not a voice for my clan**

    Honestly , I feel that ZAFT is made up of a bunch of EB Noobs that have not had action in a while because of the name. With that being said, when they start waking up to constant inc in their newsfeed, they'll get overwhelmed and start running.

    Then again, you never know
  5. Actions speak louder then words.

    Yet, words are mightier then the sword.

    In my understanding, it's through the fact of a wordsmith can destroy near most anyone in the format of words. Swords will always have limits, words don't.

    Actions can speak a thousand words, like a image.. So there for words are still mightier then the sword.

    Also.. Actions to the compassion of words that are spoke. Actions will always be remembered, yet the words can be lost or misunderstood. Twisted and even broken.. Actions are just there, they are done and saw by all.. There's nothing that can be misunderstood or twisted, unless they transfer the story through words.

    After all, words are a format of speech and communication and there for... It's the basic of everything.

    So in theory... The sword is only sharp because the words tell you that.
  6. The pen represents communication and coordination, as well as unity. The sword is limited to the damage it does, while the pen can cause the masses to unite, and become stronger than the sword.

    Some wars are won with words, not swords.
  7. Zaft they have been around as a family and clans for a far greater time.
  8. This is too funny ! LAODA needed to get bigger stats (chest plate ) coz otherwise he would have looks rather silly being a weak leader lmao!!!
    Just my opinion 
  9. The hell? So said laoda is a weak leader?
  10. Miss sexy you must be mental. 90% of KaW can't even touch Laoda. Why would he need a breastplate. Same as Chongo_Hombre can't be either.
  11. What's goes up most come down.

    For every action there's a equal and opposite action.

    I think in a way, Zaft has been put on a pedestal, too long at the top. Grew too big for that pedestal, created the supports to become weak.

    Zaft maybe grew too fast and their roots are now dying and the tree may begin to bow and become top heavy. Leaving the balance to be gone and they'd soon be falling back to earth.

    As for Zaft being untouchable, they are touchable and should be treated like any great thing of history. Respected for being what they've done... Yet sometimes a old mans ego can cause for them to read and react wrongly.

    All that being said... Who doesn't want Zaft to prove and be tested to see if they live up to their name.
  12. @Vengeful, just a quick history lesson since I'm seeing this in numerous threads now....

    Apoc is not a new alliance. CR, KotFE, TS, and WoG are all old war clans who have had a standing alliance for quite some time now. CR and WoG go way back, even further than the rest. Plus the bulk of the core members in these clans have been around for 2 years. It wasn't until recently that they actually gave this alliance a name (Apoc). Clans like HoG and MG are the newer additions.

    Zaft is very similar. A core group of clans/members that have been around forever, but also many new clans/members. But since that Zaft tag has been around for so long, the family seems "newer".
  13. May I point out, that many of members that once was may not be in the same place.

    Many tend to change clans and things, yet the reputation stays with the clan not its members.
  14. Comley, I been watching and I am near certain I seen you begging to join either side of this war in a previous forum. Which is commendable. So i see now you are in an Apoc clan. So the question is would you be saying these things against Apoc if you had gotten into ZAFT ?
  15. I have warred with apocalypse on many occasions and know that this family is a very well oiled machine that never quits. I have said this in the past, the only family of clans that could present apocalypse a challenge is zaft. I have also been in wars against zaft and know that they are a very well oiled machine. Both families fight very diligently and strategically. As for an absolute winner of this war it is hard for me to say that there will be one. I can say that I will be here at SE till the end. This war has been fun and I have seen many actions going both ways. I respect both families for the fighting and actions made in the battlefield, and I could care less about the constant forum bashing that's been made. All I ask is that we all remain classy and keep our swords and shields held high throughout the duration of this war.
  16. Lmao. I love how the IG/BH and LR war has just been swamped and forgot about because of this war.
  17. I think zaft is all talk. I cannot say for other family clans wat is going on but we run no eb here. So ppl neef to stop posting bs in forums. It just makes you look stupid.
  18. Actually King you just made yourself look like an idiot because their are Apoc clans running Eb.s although failing. Still running none the less
  19. Go Apoc!I have no respect for ZAFT:twisted:
  20. But he said he cant speak for other family clans...... In his they aint rinning an eb 
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