zaft vs apoc who will

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -ShyCutie-, Jan 19, 2015.

  1. Re: zaft vs apoc who will win?

    That EE5.
  2. Re: zaft vs apoc who will win?

  3. Re: zaft vs apoc who will win?

    Zaft is pro they would farm somebody for messing with them but apoc would just allow it
  4. Re: zaft vs apoc who will win?

    Your name is what you are
  5. Re: zaft vs apoc who will win?

    Instead of hating on OP like the rest, I will post my thoughts.

    ZAFT, a clan with heart and years and years of time on this game, most likely has the most gold in KaW for pure OSW.

    Apoc, was not always feared, but has now become more popular with severe acts of violence. They terrorize KaW and make their presence known. They are reckless.

    Both have a good member base and love PvP. ZAFT is noble, Apoc is insane.

    Will be a fun war to watch!
  6. I like ur style dude
  7. ₮Hミ Ǥཞミ₳₮ ʑ₳FㄒㄕㄩR₲ミʘཞDミཞ 66
  8. FYI this isn't the first Apocalype/Zaft osw. It's actually the 3rd.

    OP really needs to learn how to put a sentence together. That was some of the worst grammar and sentence structure I've ever seen.
  9. Y is everybody on this form obsessed with grammar lol
  10. Theer are more people for apoc at the moment but not a lot more
  11. Now it seems a wussy from apoc has decided to scout me lol
    Apoc is full of noon can't even attack me

  12. Because it's the only interesting part of the thread 
  13. The moment u came onto kaw 1million players quit
  14. :lol: dtw
  15. do your research before you make a dumb ass thread. Apoc clans been around for just as long as zaft, especially KotFE, xioxias made KotFE back in 2010 noob.
  16. I reckon Elmer Fudd will win easily 

  17. He's definitely got my vote 