zaft vs apoc betting polls

Discussion in 'Wars' started by XP-NUCKENFUTS-PX, Jan 17, 2013.

  1. 100:1 that one of those two will win.
  2. Me resetting had nothing to do with zaft forfeiting their OSW im just a whimsical kind of guy and wanted a name change
  3. Your not whimsical. You are obviously mentally handicapped dude. Your incessant posting on these threads for attention proves it
  4. villy,

    you are a complete idiot.
  5. And your horrible lack of sense, intelligence, and punctuation only goes to further prove my previous statement
  6. Apocalypse gets my vote. Zaft hasn't been really challenged before. We all know reg has won many osw's but zaft has not
  7. In a 1-300 odds, it seems very good to go with Apocalypse. Basically, bet 1T. If you win somehow, you get 300T.  Strongest player in KaW instantly (except spragga?).
  8. ZAFT 1bill $ 1000000000-1
  9. wow i coulda sworn id stated that even if the bets were placed nothing is being followed up on this subject so how does it come to u that i make money if u somehow lose
    (⋋▂⋌)Йϋ€ķεЙ ΦƯ†(⋋▂⋌)
  10. Zaft has recruited too many EB noobs to have a chance against Apoc, there ripe for some serious stripping and Apoc is organised for it
  11. Zaft 100000000000000000000 and ill reset if they lose
  12. Villy... Your not infamous... Your "saying"

    VILLY OUT - yet you end up posting something else lol
  13. I believe it's gonna end in a CF...

    I'm a genius! :p
  14. It'll end in a CF, but APOC will be the ones who post..SO i guess im saying ZAFT wins. i'm willing to bet 103B
  15. stop bumping these threads! I'm srsly getting tired of all these threads :-|
  16. I'M BETTING $6000000000000000000000000 ON I don't care.