Blablablabla blabla im an statless alt bringing fake news to everyone blablabla... Principal thing: BEFORE you say something, get your facts right, investigate harder, and then bring news, if not you only illusionating haters and yourself. Second thing.- Post with main, trust me you'll get more attention. Thrid thing.- ZAFT is nowhere close to its end. Think what you like guys, mistakes happens, continue whacking and cheers to everyone involved in OSW ZAFT UK Green
Lol by harbinger of war I presume u mean harbinger of wrath. I know for a fact he'd rather reset than disband a zaft clan. U have no idea. Go back to hitting ur quests to grow fool!
And what is the excuse then . And zaft carnage just ??????? Becuz then and ?????? ???hen and then loada that's why
I'm guessing a member had ownership and headed to a different clan for EE or something and mistakenly disbanded. Seems like a legitiment reason.