ZAFT - The End is Near PT 2.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *UmbrellaorZaft (01), Oct 11, 2013.

  1. How does that have to do with anything?^
  2. They see me rollin' 

  3. Turning point in the war
  4. When the rich wage war it's the poor who die
  5. Interesting...
  6. @balto

    Is that your own quote? I like that one. :)
  7. Lol Balto and your quote. :p
  8. Nope I quoted linkin park it's my favorite one as well :)
  9. Blablablabla blabla im an statless alt bringing fake news to everyone blablabla...

    Principal thing: BEFORE you say something, get your facts right, investigate harder, and then bring news, if not you only illusionating haters and yourself.

    Second thing.- Post with main, trust me you'll get more attention.

    Thrid thing.- ZAFT is nowhere close to its end.

    Think what you like guys, mistakes happens, continue whacking and cheers to everyone involved in OSW 

    ZAFT UK
  10. Mujihadeen :lol: you know it :p
  11. So "Carnage Elite" aaaaand? What's the other clan?
  12. ZAFT - Carnage but I believe it is disbanded also
  13. Lol by harbinger of war I presume u mean harbinger of wrath. I know for a fact he'd rather reset than disband a zaft clan. U have no idea. Go back to hitting ur quests to grow fool!
  14. Yeah yeah "mistake" LOL
  15. Lmao u wish we were disbanded ZAFT CARNAGE  family don't disband !!
  16. And what is the excuse then . And zaft carnage just ??????? Becuz  then and ?????? ???hen and  then loada that's why 
  17. I understood that thing... Or am i just imagining there's a message with those leaves?
  18. I'm guessing a member had ownership and headed to a different clan for EE or something and mistakenly disbanded. Seems like a legitiment reason.