I'm pretty sure after 4 years of OSW most of apoc have respect for them for holding strong despite the betrayal of the ZAFT bigs
When i look back at my time in kaw of almost 8 years my days at ZC were undoubtedly my happiest. I wish you all the very best for the future Carnage ( without the full stop at the end ). I will not wish you good luck because you dont need it. In my opinion you have still the best owner in kaw 1SL. SiL
Respect to Carnage. Sharing the battlefield, both with and against, these guys stood strong and never abandoned their clan value of family. Off the battlefield, having gotten to know some of them personally, are some truly remarkable and awesome people. I would go so far as to say many of them are selfless, even tho some would not agree, this is my belief. They displayed class when they were outnumbered, and by many with low class. Their spirits were high despite countless losses. They were one of the few war clans who could actually fill their own ll ee roster. That's family. This is what builds character, and anyone would be fortunate to have a chance to share their cc. I am personally honoured to say I fought them, and bled with them, and am very grateful I had the chance to do so. Thank you sexy, vamp, lsutiger, harm and the many others who are now heading in a unique, innovative direction. Love and respect
A great ride and a great experience. Once again Carnage surprises everyone. We stood when everyone said we would fall, we became stronger when everyone thought we would crumble and now we - together - decided to move in a direction the Kawmmunity didn’t expect. Great respect to all of our opponents - I never thought of them as enemies. ️
Trash Talking makes everything more enjoyable & fun Bachkeda, that's what you'll get in a game. Good luck Carnage.
1SL and Carnage, I wish you nothing but the best in your new chapter. You have always been a loyal, tenacious and dedicated family regardless of the clan tags you have worn. It was an honor fighting alongside you during the ZAFT Era and I will cherish all the great memories. I hope you remain the good humored and fierce group I have known and love. Y’all are a rare elite class of warriors remaining in KAW and you have my respect and support always. Lp
I have fought against ZAFT twice for well over a year. I can certainly say you all should be proud of what you built. ZAFT deserves to finally have its place in history, I still remember back when I'd visit ZAFT Faith and ZAFT Corporation. I'd love seeing CheckMate_, -T1-, Laoda, Alaska, Marco, Bear, and so many others I could not mention them all. So much of our community as a whole has at one point been connected to ZAFT, wether as an enemy, or a former member, ZAFT has in its own way made us all better warriors. I'm sad to see you go, it was an amazing time fighting, but all legends, at one point must stop being written. The stories remain, they are engrained in us all. ZAFT will never be forgotten. I look forward to watching as Carnage writes its own unique story, I hope you have much success. Laoda would be proud. -Tanner(Chocolate)
lol it went way way way beyond "banter" ...if what I do gets characterized as trash talk same standard should apply to Apoc ...never once got any trash talk from ZAFT not once, and until a few months ago only ones that would cry in forums about their OSW was Apoc/Kotfe. Go through forums 99% of the trash talking about that OSW came from Apoc The way I see it Zaftees are/were true gamers ...Apoc buncha cheating insecure clowns
Don’t do that on this thread please. We aren’t here to trash anyone. This is a respectful retirement thread. Please don’t post here if you can’t stay on topic.
Glad to have gotten to fight both within and against carnage! Y’all have always been a fun group of warriors. Probably one of my biggest regrets in KaW (if such a thing exists) was getting mixed in with BH during my time at carnage. Y’all will always have my respect
Wow this is hard to believe. Most of my Kaw time was spent in Zaft and now just like Ld it's gone. So many great names have been Zaft and thinking of the times people from carnage or faith or wherever were blowing up my phone will I'm being stripped, I can't even put a number on it. Great times and great people. I've met and became friends with so many people in time time in Zaft and even become friends with osw opponents. But all good things come to an end I suppose. Things weren't always smooth but great times were had by us over at Corp and I'm sure all my fellow Corpies would agree. Sl and Carnage I wish you good times in your new path you have chosen.
In March 2011 I tested these players, these are my actual naive notes I recorded the action... “ Gorak 3/5 lose win xtal win win lose Laoda 3/5 lose win xtal win win lose Reaper 1/5 lose lose xtal win lose lose Then I pin 0.5bn then pin 0.5 bn Retaliation: 3/5 win win lose win lose after pin reaper spy att steal 7/5 “ Amusing eh Xtal after two hits but these were high LB players and I was the young pretender half their build testing my luck... ...by June that year I faced Zaft in OSW for the first time it wouldn’t be the last. They certainly rocked the house it was a massive unforgettable rush. I still have many SS tucked away for rainy day. At one point much later Laoda very briefly joined my clan with his huge strip funds at my disposal (I doubt it went down well in Zaft/Corp.) but I can tell you this was only through mutually earned respect, I didn’t ask him to, those that knew him know this was a rare thing. Zaft, iG, Minions of the Shadow (MOS),Chaos Reborn (CR), Kreutzritter, Clan A, to name a few all legends in their time and part of the history and fabric of ‘OUR’ amazing WORLD. ‘WE’ have made it this way...Thanks for the memories to all Zafties. Ajax!! Feb 2018