ZAFT OSW Update ::::::

Discussion in 'Wars' started by bOrInG, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. If I felt I had to prove anything to any of you i would give names. But I don't so you will just have to ask you liar ass alliance about who is minus a few banks. No fear though more are coming. Look though, the baby rectums who aren't even acknowledged as part of the war came to forums. Y'all are like little insects who won't get of yard but do no harm.  Keep up the work
  2. Respect to boring. English is not his first language so you guys should give him a little credit for his ability to communicate in multiple languages.

    Hell...sicniss is almost all euro/USA and I can't understand half of what they post on here on in their super "secret" pal rooms. Which, by the way, must have a requirement to wear a flat bill cap sideways and to talk like dis yo cuz we all da illest group of baby gangsta wannabes who live in white suburbia but are living the "gangsta life"

    Considering ZAFT/WDGAF are fighting 30 clans versus our 20 or so means not all of you will get incoming 24/7. Especially those of you with mp allies (listen don't matter..we aren't afraid if being scout pinned)

    Chances are If you have less than 4m sdt you will be stripped this osw. Speaking for our side, I cans say that is meaningless to most of our players. All expect losses in osw. It's worth the thrill 

    I can reiterate Boring's statement that we have a list of targets and we will not rest until each is stripped and burned down. 1 year...2 years..( if I'm still playing) doesn't matter.

    ZAFT/WDGAF are united as one force against the leadership of certain elements of UC/apoc/og.

    Good luck to all and see you in my news
  3. Oh wait. Pup- I do recall that you all stripped deathsicearcher- who had surrendered to ig last war and was booted and banned from LR.

    I found that humorous. It was so cute that you stripped a guy who had received a cf from your alliance.

    Who had zero ties to WDGAF or LR and sure as hell wasnt a bank 

    Is that what ur counting? 

    I only heard about it cause he msg'ed me afterwards and asked if he could come back to LR. I told him no because we don't accept surrender monkeys.

    How many other "banks" (wink wink) did you accidentally strip?

    Cause we haven't heard about any others 

    Epic fails.
  4. I gave up about half way through the posts. There's the intelligent Kaw community then there's the base trash talkers. Nice Post Boring its just unfortunate that after going to there local govement office to get there weekly support most of your ditractors couldn't really see the point of your postApoc well they just the jackells looking for a free meal so they don't feel so overwhelmed as they did in the last warits a game play it enjoy it if not there's the reset buttonjust down thereoh and to all the alts posting guess your just not brave enough to post with your main you will find the smurf game in the app store probably more your speed 
  5. Oh my fury lol I love you 
  6. I love this..

    Really? Destroy? Like farm them till they reset?

    Is Apheriun the only person on that list to be destroyed, because WDGAF clans have been running and seemingly only hitting haunts far before Excape was released.

    So go and talk, send bellemorte out to post meaningless ss, have your turtle, I mean iReg, come out and make real life jabs because he can't talk smack about in game anything.

    Zero, with you, I'll give it to you. You are well written, you think out your post for the most part. You jabs are in game relevance. But don't mimic b0ring, that's boring. You really do say a lot of nothing when you post at times, though I do it too.. So in short, be your damn self and stop following your leaders so blindly.
  7. This thread was a complete waste of my time.
  8. Lol belle, yes that's exactly what im talking about /end sarcasm. I'm not gonna say who. If your alliance didnt have their head up their saving face you would know. Everyone ran their mouth when ZT was stripped successful or not due to 0ne cover up. Now you doing the same thing acting like no banks been found. Typical hypocrisy from WDGAF though so Im not surprised. Cheers though belle 
  9. Pup, you sound real angry. I'll step away. Don't wanna read about you in the papers. Be cool boy, it's just a game.

    Random UC dude, sweet forums post. Use this as a link to my newsfeed.
  10. Turtle, damn, sorry..iReg, who is this random UC dude? And why don't you hit them?

    I know it's not me because I'm not uc. :p

  11. Why is oG always so firmly obstinate that all WDGAF clans are capable of is hitting EBs? It's not basic WDGAF policy, period. Also I noticed you just joined the clan we're smashing. Despite that we're, allegedly, constantly self-pinning ourselves, we've somehow managed to keep nearly every one of our members at MP. While half of GF are naked. They have 64 members on their roster, we have 53.
  12. Thanks Rusted. Found you. I was the steals you didn't see. Feel free to return fire.
  13. Ireg, once again I ask you to respect my allies or I will be forced to visit you at night. And we all know you don't want that
  14. Yeah, I'm sure ireg is simply trembling... He has VP EQ and 6 mil SDD.
    • I'm from Foxes, I was just visiting our family clan. German Foxes.
      Again with the numbers.. really? Butt hurt much? It was your clan that attacked German Foxes.. Don't like the heat, run away!
      I only talk crap about the eb's because it generaly gets a responce and I find it funny all the different ways people go about saying it

    Plus, how do you destroy someone while you are only tapping on haunts?

    Though, I know you are not 'Destroying' German Foxes. I will say one thing though. At least your clan hits back and will initiate hits also. So I really have nothing negative to sat about DR. (Yes, German Foxes has had some of their members stripped. Some was successful some we caught.) But we are all family and we help out our brothers and sisters get through and recover from strips. Either way, I dislike your comment on your view of what you are doing to GF because no one is distroying anyone. But cheers, GF vs DR seems like that is one of the funner match ups in this OSW.
  15. I was under the impression I wrote "Smashing," "Destroying" doesn't appear in my comment. Although the words are, incidentally, synonymous. I didn't say GF weren't fighting back either, I have respect for many members of the clan. The fact remains I receive very little return inc.
  16. Hahhahahhaha!
    [Quote="iReg]I was the steals you didn't see. Feel free to return fire..[/quote]
    That's the first incoming I had since I when on a tangent and decided to hit everyone in .AE. multiple times. Nice lie though.

    I will say one thing though that did make me laugh! OSW is a blast! But I do support more incoming!

  17. Bb code fail.

    And true. But I am also getting no return fire on my end. It will happeb all in do time. Maybe switch up you targets?

    Both sides have their targets. Both sides have those few members who just don't really hit.

    Lol. Listen I am having fun and I enjoy OSW. From banter, to incoming, to strips, to just about everything.
    It's a game and a fun one at that. Though I wishnI could sit her and just lay on the trash talk, I can't. Lol I don't take it that far to heart. I love doing strips, and I like that my clan and family clans help those members who get stripped get back on there feet again. You meet awesome people in this game through OSW.

    Just the same, I find it fun talking smack to iReg. He is a fun person to talk **** to. Lol so happy osw every one. I have a few news feeds to fill. :)