Zaft eclipse the eb division

Discussion in 'Wars' started by HBmang, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. Bahahah vane you mini chump. You're about as inpressive as ps boy here.

    Why are you all butthurt? Someone pee in your cereal this morning?

    Same offer extends to you. Got a big build worth pissing on then bring it out. Otherwise go back to your warbeasts sucka.
  2. Oh wonders, let me guess. Ally less pure spy?

    Of course. :roll:

    Smack talk when you actually have something to lose.

    +1 for being a forum warrior, another important aspect of battle eh ;) :roll:
  3. i know the owner since long ago and i havent any bad comment or thinkif you are having issue i would like to know due to dont explain very well
  4. Ok sak I'll try and neatly package it so you can understand, outside of the realm of ebs players occasionally hit each other... Mr scarface decided to but in and post that he "protected" one of my targets. So I then called out him out on his little post about don't hit my friend again or else, I'm still waiting for his or else so far just words on his own wall no real action

    I'm not pretending like I have some good reason to farm people Ido it for pure enjoyment for myself. The thread was merely to piss off some zaft fan boys any anybody else who hates pure spies again for some entertainment for me
  5. how was your friend hitted? Usually like guest u cannot get involve or similar.... it seems like your friend was a target or.... I'm not judging you.Only trying to know the why.Most of times are misunderstood for example if you wall a friend another may spam your news
  6. I have no friends involved, I was hitting person X for fun, mr Zaft leader butted in, I started hitting zaft guy, trash talking bagain... I'm not sure how much more I can simplify this story if you do not understand it after this reply
  7. Lmao. tnt was bragging about a strip on alt of mine that had nothing to do with him. I got alts ears and eyes in the clouds mate. Don't think I'll forget either.
  8. And HB obviously has no main. You don't need to be a genius to work out he's bluffing
  9. Hey Val, I wonder how many threads you're gonna say that exact same thing on? I'll start ss'ing every time so we can make a "Val riding TNT's nuts" slide shown.

    You're right I wasn't involved with planning your strip, and I never said I was. You can bet your ass though that you ate a good amount of bars from me.

    You're not gonna forget it? Good, I hope you don't. Watch out though, if Ipro sees you in forums he might come and disband whatever clan you're in. Just sayin.
  10. That makes a total of 2. As you can see I hold a mean grudge.

    As you can also see I tried to insult both you jokers evenly
  11. Tnt u have 7.6m defence. That is more than enough to rack up 10k plus loses with ease in an active OSW.
  12. Lol I hope that "mean grudge" sticks with you, as you can see I'm pretty worried about it. Getting bored anyways, all I can find nowadays is chumps like op to argue with.
  13. What's that have to do with anything?
  14. You claim your build means you'll always get spy inc and no troop Inc. If you where in a proper OSW you'd rack up some loses, considering you prob for a few hundred failing on EB'S growing up to that point..
  15. Oh, that's a nice theory you have there. Too bad I'm not gonna justify the battle losses on this account.

    We'll go with the assumption that I havn't been in a "proper" osw.
  16. Well. You know, one that actually tests your individual ability maybe.
  17. And please, Stop using the word "chump". You just remind me of salty, a big ass joke.
  18. How many losses would I need to have to have been thoroughly tested?

    As for chump, it's my kaw word man. Picture what you want when you read it. I know what you look like, and sadly I would rather be pictures as a salty, big ass joke myself.
  19. First, support for tnt.
    Second, ur the joke val. Y? Ive been thrashing u ever since i started this alt. Dont u pretend u dont care. Otherwise u wouldnt sent ur pathetic alts over.

    Im sick and tired of ur all victorious, all the time talk.
    They have stripped u. Disbanded the clans ur in. How can u proclaim ur a victor u moron? U r delusional.
    Dead end is the latest of ur failures. Just sayin.... Chump
  20. This is hilarious, HBmang you are full of fail