Zaft eclipse the eb division

Discussion in 'Wars' started by HBmang, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. I blow other things to make my living
  2. I believe if you order knee pads in bulk you get a discount... Might want to consider it for your health
  3. Thank you for your concern
  4. Bromance? * slowly backing down*
  5. Lol ya man, I hit ebs because they don't hit back. That's why I've spent half my kaw time in osw, including the last alliance osw where I was stripped over a tril on 2 different occasions.

    I do that because I don't like getting hit back.

    Couldn't possibly be because I see stripping months of work off of somebody overnight to be more productive then sitting around whining that nobody hits me when really I have nothing to offer to a fight.
  6. Haha "months of work" that is the exact thing wrong with this game. Perhaps you do not remember the days of kaw before ebs, but I do and that is when I started and that is when this was a great game... There was no ebs to sit and get fat off of, "osw" was the only way to play and I don't mean your pansy ass lets hit this eb for months build up xx tril ad strip somebody who has no idea it's coming wow you must feel very proud.
  7. Ok now ur both just milking the tank
  8. Another chump stuck in the glory days. Adapt or get left behind. Your method of pvp is no longer effective, but that's cool I guess every clan needs it's fanboys that actually think their attacks achieve something.

    And if you were truly into pvp, you would see the advantages of being a hansel over a pure spy. Guess the thought of being attacked and not just scout bombed is too scary a thought?
  9. Supportīˆ®
  10. I disagree that a spy is ineffective, and I have adapted over the years I have experimented in all aspects of kaw such as osw, pwars, ebs, ees, with all sorts of builds. I still have attack builds and hansles. Just because I choose to play with nothing to lose doesn't mean I'm inefficient, I can easily walk away from kaw for days if I want and sleep at night with no fears of loosing my fake gold. I can still pin/strip/burn pots just as effectively as any hansel my size and I can pump out these alts in no time with very little effort.
  11. Yeah he doesn't like hitting ebs. That's why he has fully enchanted high tier eb equipment and not a single piece of war equipment.
  12. I have my full set of pvp gear but this is just a ps eb gear is easy to get and quick why waste 8 months warring for ee gear
  13. For each of my alts*
  14. True that draxton, that is some shiny eb equipment he's got. He also built that account in 4 weeks, but he has his "12 hoarfrost lands discovered" badge 8 weeks ago.

  15. The stats in 4 weeks, doesn't mean I started 4 weeks ago... Ebs make it easy to grow lol
  16. Oh lol. That's some heavy eb'ing to get those stats in 4 weeks.

    Hardcore pvp'er in 'hur!!
  17. You have attack builds? Come on bro, bring em out. You love pvp so much let me have a go with your biggest attack build. Preferably one with a lot of allies.

    Probably hiding in some eb clan.
  18. Lol another ps trying to be hero.grow a pair and fight like carnage you moron.he's a hansel and fight so many clans.
  19. Haha I will bring him out soon enough TNT but not today ;)
  20. If your half as good at pvp as you think, you could probably find my main and strip him before I wake up you got about 6 hours :)