Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) I don't see anyone crying about numbers. I see people explaining to your noobs why they're not getting much incoming. If you only go to war when you have a large advantage in numbers, you're not going to get as much incoming. It's just basic math. Incidentally, that's one of the things we find amusing about Apocalypse. You only go to war when you have a large advantage in numbers. Then it's non stop bragging about how awesome you are. I'm not saying it isn't a good strategy, but it's not exactly the stuff of legends either. That's why they write books and make movies about the 300 Spartans and not the Persians. It's the smaller forces that fight and kick ass against a larger opponent that becomes the legends. Not the ones that are always timid unless they have a big advantage.
Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) New Age Legends Just felt that was the proper place for that after the legends speech^
Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) Black Dragon Shut up and fight If zaft would have controlled their players, then you wouldn't have to be crying in forums now!! You started the aggression
Re: 300+T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) Wasnt ZAFT the biggest, baddest alliance in the game... Therefor making Apoc the legend for being one of the only ones to stand against it yet again.... :| By your logic of course
Re: 300+T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) @ Dragon. I love your speech about numbers. Perhaps the reason why apoc have such a numerical advantage is because of the amount of sprinters zaft have. Your very clan being a prime example of this were over 50% have jumped ship. Not to mention every top 50 ally lb done a Usian bolt out of there too. To make comparisons to 300 is laughable not to mention moronic but I guess it's cute
Re: 300+T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) @ Jupiter Perhaps, but you had more numbers at the start of both wars so the comparison is apt. If it reflects poorly on you, that's not my problem. @ Kenneth I am fighting. And we all know this war has zip to do with "controlling our players" and everything to do with Apocalypse wanting revenge for their defeat last war and your desire to establish some kind of KaW empire. By the way, that's another things we find amusing about y'all. You complain that we're either "afraid to post" or can't post because of some make believe no posting policy. But when we do post you say we're "crying". The reason we rarely post is because we'd rather not play silly ass word games with you in the forum. Talk to ya later. I have chores to do.
Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) Using a 300 reference here to describe zaft is great morale boost for them. Or wait. All 300 were slaughtered ......... Sounds about right. Carry on.
Re: 300+T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) I looooove how these idiots keep saying we only go into fights with bigger numbers. How long have you guys even been zaft? Look back, not just to our previous fights, but to ANY post about zaft. Please give me even one link to where it shows you guys had less numbers. You have never been the under dogs. I'm not here to preach about bullying because idgaf, but I will tell you that throughout the years zaft has almost never been out numbered. Apoc has fought you from the bottom up. We have continued to grow stronger, and smarter after every fight. Now you are getting crushed and you are becoming wannabe underdogs. You're a pale reflection of the old zaft. I actually got inc in the previous wars and I was half the size I am now. Your attempts to make it sound like we only fight while we are the larger force ate pathetic at best.
Re: 300+T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) Sure. Last apoc vs Zaft war. Find the thread about that war for ***** and giggles. See how much crap apoc was talking on there and how similar it is to current war lol history repeats itself Didn't u say u were done with this thread?
Re: 300+T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) I see more ZAFT than Apoc on this thread. I also see a reverse in numbers, leadership, and overall complete flip flop in desire to fight. History repeats itself, eh? If I were you, I would hope not.
Re: 300+T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) I was done with the thread because it was filling with statless alts, which is what your side seems to be good at doing. I'm not sure what your talk about losing the will to fight is, we still have strip targets constantly.
Re: 300+T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) :lol: I did. We have fewer people on here than ZAFT. Ours are just a bit more active in defending our family. What ya think ZAFT is talking about as Fury does all the work? Whos next to seal? Or if Ph2 items are closed? Taking bets.