Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) Dear Stephen : As I said before I invest in SDP, the real quantity was 25,000 of each one (To buy sdp is a normal rule in all the clans, sure your eunucs have a minimun of 5k), but your 500 eunucs burn them in 1 week more or less. U didnt play kaw because you are younger in this game and I was managing a couple of osf at many plunders wars so I know what is burning millions of pots.
Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) Another question, if that's IMF's name, why is he disclosing it in a public channel?
Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) Does anyone else feel like Thor just walked in with the hammer...
Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) Apparently I have a stalker named Cameliard who calls me the Alpha Male of KAW. I would normally laugh it off if I didn't just notice some strange female staring up at me through the office window from the bushes outside. The harrassment is kinda creeping me out a little eeeek.
Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) IMPORTANT - World Chat & Forum Behavior Do not share or ask for personal information, including last name, usernames on third-party apps, addresses, and phone numbers. But about first name nothing the nothing. And is more friendly call him Stephen, than flatulent as people does.
Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) You seem awful besotted by IMF, it's borderline disturbing tbh .... Just saying
Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) I am pretty sure you see "INCLUDING" There... It means that is a part of it, That is still PERSONAL INFORMATION. Damn.. Don't be dumb all your life
Re: 300+T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) Hey harb sweetheart... quick question since your acting all stalker Barbie on our boy imf.. has your ass healed yet?
Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) Actually, no support. The "including" is followed by a list, and first name is not on there. Otherwise it would say "including, but not limited to." We regularly list personal information in threads here, for example, gender, but that's not banned because it's not specific to any one person here. First name is not actually all that person specific without a last name as well. For example: My first name is Mandy, good luck finding out which of the millions of mandy's I am.
Re: 300+T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) This happened because of a hire hit? Troll hire hit me a few months ago so thats a bit hypocritical
Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) She must know how much of a boss you are on your iPhone game
Re: 300+T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) Dear Mr. Flatulent: Hippocrates himself professing, "Passing gas is necessary to well-being. The Roman Emperor Claudius equally decreed that "all Roman citizens shall be allowed to pass gas whenever necessary So better out than in.