Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) This is the first real Osw between apoc and zaft so I'm interested in how this will turn out
Re: 300+T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) This osw with apoc and zaft wont last! Words persuade and lames refrain! I call cf in a matter of days.
Re: 300+T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) NA is at war with yafi and zaft. We want and have no ties to apoc!
Re: 300+T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) And all you ***** ass haters, quit trying to put words in our mouths! Find something better to do with ur time u lames! Yafi lames be like, bla bla bla bla. Bla blabla. Ah bla bla.
Re: 300+T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) Sad ass yafi here trying to rub elbows with apoc. All that subtle ass kissing. Save all that ********.
Re: 300+T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) Did Saxons post get deleted? Edit: now back under this post.
Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) Damn, I take a much needed weeks break from forums thanks to the generosity of ATA support, and one of my multiple moderator fans, and I come back to this trash. So time to set a few records straight. Now I did take umbrage to Nightmare's accusation that we at NA are all liars, so had a lil chat with him in PM, offered to provide him with substantial evidence. As you'll see from the following SS, I didn't even need to supply the SS for him to come to the realisation that NA had in fact played a significant role in Harbinger's strip. I had to laugh when he started choking and tried to all of a sudden claim that we were on the same team, after all No we are not. At the same time as that conversation, another was taking place between my lil mate Wibutos and Duna, following this comment. Not sure what Wib had to say, but it appears that Duna was quite impressed; and yes our intel, despite what those YAFAIL clowns post, is generally very good ️ Now, Nightmare claims he opened Harb's strip to WC at the 10 minute mark, and that's how Twicc and NA might have become involved. Seems like a plausible theory. Ooops but once again, just slightly wrong Please note the date of the following SS. That's right, Twicc and selected NA knew about Harbinger's strip at least 12 days prior to its execution. I wonder when Nightmare became aware I do wonder if the close relationship between some APOC members and ZAFT Alliance members has anything to do with why NA was trusted more than 90% of it's own members Well Cambji, the reality is your members are all over this thread, yet have declined to assist their brothers at ZAFT in what is obviously a time of need. As for NA's appearance on this thread, it was earnt. Yes some of it has been clumsy, some posters haven't had all the information, others wanted to protect those at APOC who have shown faith in NA's ability to handle a fairly sensitive situation. Yes a 340T strip against ZAFT, when the majority of your alliance isn't trusted to be involved, is pretty sensitive. So now a lil proof about NA's participation ️ Now bare in mind that we don't claim 100% success in all bars counted, he was a rather large target. I for instance averaged about 50-60% wins running full Mith and Pots; but it was still worth the 24 crystals. Point 1: you don't countdown to a strip already in progress Mr Nighmare. Point 2: his allies were still being stripped when we were stealing, now Nightmare please tell me you aren't stupid enough to open on WC while your strippers were still buying allies. You're not, well there goes that 10 minute theory Point 3: NA contributed over 160 FB of steals to the Harbinger strip, even with a significant fail rate that was a major contribution to the strip. Point 4: ah **** it, there is no point 4 But it's nice to have my voice back ️ -SaXon- Just some noob
Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) Lol NA is pathetic. Talk about clinging to the coat tails of other people. Go find your own glory.
Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) Yak you nailed it. Apoc aren't the one trying to claim they pulled the strip NA trying to claim they part of something they weren't. Sad!
Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) Says someone who probably didn't get an invite to the strip
Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) Not really I only know about 1 6month Osw the left more questions than answers but aside form that if you mean when apoc hoped in on the uc v zaft war I don't really count that one nor this current war
Re: 300+T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) Dam even after saxon u put up the ss these lame fucks are still talk ****! What the **** is wrong with these lame fucks! Hahahah