Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 19, 2015.

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  1. Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    So if i convince a chica to take off her hat I should consider myself lucky because she "stripped" for me?
  2. Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    If you have to convince her then yes you are lucky 
  3. Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    Its cold and winter here. One just don't take hat off just like that.
  4. Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

  5. Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    You're probably doing it wrong or she's just not into you.
  6. Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    Lol now at least we are talking about the right thing now. Hi Ron
  7. Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    Don't be thick, it's all context based from the same word
  8. Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    I remember this time I was ally hire hit for like 50b per hit, good times
  9. Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    What small clans are you talking about?

    Name one besides your fail clan that is potless and ally-less.

    You are just one of those guys that likes to hear himself talk. Just making stuff as you go.. But in this case I am the stupid one for replying to you after you have been corrected many times
  10. Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    Our small fail clan smacked the crap out of FURY. you just butthurt your clan doesn't stick together through adversity like ours. We all knew fury would be one of the first clans to pack it in and tuck tail.

    We kicked the crap out of you guys at fury. We aren't done yet either. Just letting apoc walk all over you clowns for the time being.

    Anyways, you should get back to making up stories about how quest pinning catches outsiders. Seems the only thing you are good at:)
  11. Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    i wouldnt even class most who have left Zaft and left the war, as runners, more that people have stood up and made a stand against Zaft leadership
  12. Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    Ah I see that I continue to be butt hurt? I'm impressed by your vast vocabulary and how you use the same word to start each point you make. You made one strip into Fury and suddenly you smacked the crap out of us?

    Dude stop trying to act like your clan is anything more than you and Twicc with 30 devices each :lol:

    You and Pusang just love making things up. Just keep telling us stories about how you are a millionaire that smokes and plays video games all day. Your frustration, lying, and obvious insecurity about your clan is a tell tale sign of your little wiener 

    Oh btw quest pinning caught iDD and brought them into the war. So I wouldn't make fun of something that worked on you

    ^did you see how I addressed the conversation instead of making something up thy was irrelevant to the convo? Now you try it..

    And you never answered which small clan we picked on unless you are crying about what we were doing to you before we got pulled off
  13. Re: 300+T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    1..2.. Apocalypses coming 4 u 3..4.. Zaft will be no more 5..6..Harb got his fix 7..8..Harb got laid out stait 9..10.. after Zaft hunting Omets again
  14. Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    Poor notorious. NA did much more to FURY than fury will ever be able to do to NA.

    You guys jumped on NA with all of zaft and still got your asses handed to you. It's funny actually.

    Also funny that you have to resort to personal attacks such as the one you just made. Goes a long way to show the character of Fury members. Can't beat them in game, attack their RL.

    I also never mentioned small clans, that was Musang. Seems you are so irked you can't even properly address comments made to you and seperate your arguments. Flustered much? It's obvious fury will fold like napkins soon. Will never be a true osw clan like NA is.

    I will be reporting that last comment, FYI.
  15. Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    I will say this though NA how about you get off the forums and hit people. I'm kinda tired of reading about your noob tears and drama.

    No offense.
  16. Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    Some of Zaft's member are starting to become self aware
  17. Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    100% agree Vix. It's only now can people stand up and say I'm not putting up with this any more without fear. I wouldn't begrudge or label anyone who leaves and would actually have more respect for those who do. This isn't an ordinary osw against an ordinary enemy, this was about us saying we won't take this from a few individuals and others can do so too.
  18. Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    Yes poor Notoriuos. At least you didn't call me butt hurt, congrats your vocabulary has expanded.. But yea Mickey the small clan comment is something both of you have on repeat for some reason.

    You also have some nerve saying something about people's character and personal attacks.. You guys do nothing but lie. You are so insecure you had to claim that you funded the Harb strip. You won't even tell the truth about your pm with Larry during Apoc strip.

    So go ahead and report me. I can see I found a touchy subject :lol: Reporting me is not gonna make that thing grow
  19. Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

  20. Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc)

    First off, name 1 instance I have lied. Instead of making character attacks, please provide proof?

    When apoc stripped Larry for 7t, Larry claimed it was 10t. I have SS. Wouldn't have said that if I didn't have SS to back it.

    I also never claimed Harbs strip... get off that.

    Val poked fun at NA not stripping anyone for 2 weeks. I mentioned It was because we had been sending our funds to help with Harbs strip. In total I believe we sent around 12t. Not much compared to the totality of it all.

    For the record, NA knew about the strip before even KOTFE knew about the strip. That's why they keep coming and discrediting us. They don't want to admit to having a leak in their inner council. KOTFE doesn't want to admit that even BlackHand knew of Harbs strip before KOTFE knew. Hence the discredit.
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