Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 19, 2015.

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  1. There, I fixed the order for you.
  2. Are you a bear or are you a machine?
  3. Easy to talk smack with the deck stacked in your favor
  4. Phil is stupid
  5. And u have a big mouth hiding behind an alliance I would like to see u go 1v1
  6. The irony is big in this one
  7. You sir are DTW
  8. Why would you even try? There's an EB on at carnage
  9. Wasn't it zaft who had a hit one hit all policy during their prime…
  10. An excellent point !

  11. This was meant as warning for everyone posting here, Apoc included.

    Strip reports, war reports, even banter is fine, as long as it pertains to the thread. Personal insults, divine intervention, years old incidents do not pertain to this thread.

    Let's keep it clean, let's keep it classy. ️
  12. Inferno is power tripping right into the looney bin.
  13. Power tripping by giving a warning /).(\
  14. Hes going absolutely crazy!
  15. C'mon guys lets take this kids game more serious
  16. Lol at the stupidity in this post.
  17. Either show a lil maturity or dummy down either way derailing warnings have been cited.

    Once again any latest news or is it the Dog Days of OSW?
    Any real spokespersons can update your adoring kibitzers?

  18. Who is this guy?
    Get lost dude
  19. Well nighthawk. The update is the same. We keep driving the strip train right up the tunnel. The tunnel keeps screaming from being violated by an angry train. Zaft cries and apoc smokes cigarettes.

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