Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 19, 2015.

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  1. Looks like someone skipped elegant's literacy classes
  2. I hate when that happens
  3. Queen Leo said blah blah blah Owen Too
    Not gonna make the playoffs with that record...
    Living in the past that's all we got....not really we didn't save a years worth of butthurt you gurls did with the Harb strip sucks losing that long
  4. I bet it sucks losing 300t in one night a little more than us being "butthurt".
    How long do you guys plan on losing this war for? We can take your gold and allies but At least we can't take away your ability to ramble incoherently in forums you guys look like a bunch of morons trying to hump a doorknob
  5. Remember the cf agreements? They speak for themselves. Heavily ZAFT favored.
  6. Hey vultron. What's zaft's record against Apoc? Still 0-2? Thought so. Your argument is invalid. Keep hanging on to those mutual cf. There won't be one this time.
  7. Thanks professor
  8. How can a mutual cf be heavily favored towards one side? Thats not what mutual means...
  9. Benefits cf on fury barcodes wall 
  10. Lol had a personal issue with another KoTFe member, it has since been resolved. And I never said cf. Asked nicely and he stopped hitting. End of story. Geez you have a man crush on me to? Mare doesnt like to share....
  11. Huge crush I love build dropping quitters 
  12. Corrupted__Baba got stripped 35T and almost cleaned two days ago. Did you know that chubby?
  13. "You are too strong for this opponent." Nuff said
  14. Didnt know there was a rule saying i cant change build to suit my playstyle. And a zaft furby calling anyone a quitter is hypocrisy at its finest.
  15. More than 150T taken from zaft in the last week. Nuff said
  16. That's impressive no doubt inactive strips or not
    What you do during that week rage?
  17. Loads of stuff. Ordered new guitar which is awesome. Had a good time running bars on all the strips too. What did you do?
  18. Hmmm i wonder why they were inactive???
  19. As he does a fb of fails on me lawl
  20. Lawl haven't had a fb since event started got entire kaw jumping on the ZAFT purge bandwagon lawl so doubt it
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