Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 19, 2015.

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  1. So you are purposely not hitting us to prove how bad we are at hitting you? You're an idiot.
  2. Proves the point - I'm hitting he battle list but I do look for apoc first and foremost.

    It's funny that a 42 mil hits a 16 mil when they don't have pots 
  3. Ur potless and mostly ally less sadly not worth most are time Id rather hit others 
  4. All but I made cp of awakening - must be doing something right!! :)
  5. After osw over then we can go back to keeping u pinned 24/7 k Atm we sorta busy kicking zaftie ass.
  6. Shh I'm in a zaft clan 
  7. Thought u guys said u were fury not zaft?
  8. Proves the point that you're an idiot. I didn't give you love taps, I pinned you, and you take out your frustrations on the poor unsuspecting players on your BL instead of helping your alliance and hitting someone in the war. what a concept. No wonder you're the laughing stock of KaW and getting your asses stripped and whipped. I'm done with this zaft idiot, NEXT!
  9. I'm really sorry but unless you wasted an xtal on me you didn't pin me - welcome to the mechanics of the game - you waste more troops and spies than I do in an unload!

    But thanks for coming out - maybe one day apoc will find someone worth the effort!

    Ps I already addressed the bl issue above - I recommend some literacy classes to help that reading comprehension!
  10. No xtals and I'm still open for return inc if you have any troops left. When you show DTW that means you're pinned. This isn't EE war idiot . You can't lie to the person that pinned you. Hopefully the rest of zaft believes you I guess. Go easy on them poor BL players with whatever you have left in your troop bar lol.
  11. Yes you already addressed the issue that you would rather hit BL than help your alliance. I can read! Omg I can read! I'm done here, I'll see you in my news fe... Wait sorry. I guess I'll have to wait till I pop into your BL.
  12. Stop while you are ahead.

    Go back and read where I wrote I hit apoc off my bl.

    Now come back and give your head a shake.
  13. What's apocs osw record against zaft? 0/2 still?
  14. Hey chubby, what's zaft's osw record against apoc? Still 0-2? Thought so. Mutual cf means nobody wins, nobody loses. But I wouldn't expect you to know what happened last 2 wars. You're still new to this zaft thing.
  15. I think its so funny how zaft tries to claim victory in the last 2 wars that ended in a mutual cf. Especially from people who were not even in either of the wars. Those 2 wars were a million times better and i thought this one would be good aswell. Its ok tho i dont mind u guys claiming false wins in past wars, its all u have left, PAST victories lol just glad after the wave of bans I'm seeing tons of opens that used to be dtw 24/7 so thanks for that it makes picking appart whats left of your alliance that much easier.
  16. U say our alliance left.

    What about ur clans fight amng urselves .

    And dont say "Wat he is talking".
    If u doubt ask council

  17. So instead of returning inc, you hit Everyone on your battle list to demonstrate how bad we are at pinning. Did I miss something here? Like I said, you're an elegant idiot, NEXT!
  18. Can anyone decipher what ken is trying to say? I'm pretty sure it's trying to communicate...
  19. Don't understand him lol 
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