Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 19, 2015.

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  1. Tis true that there are a lot of accounts that hit me for half a day on regen times perfectly, and now no inc. very odd. Must say i was truly impressed that the person was so prompt on his timing. He was a beast who never slept, but myst be hibernation time cause hes wide open now....

  2. You are just regurgitating what your Lords tell you to say. Calling us irrelevant makes no sense because you are working so hard to hit us and strip us. If we were irrelevant then I wouldn't be getting incoming from multiple clans. What you said in essence makes no sense. Take your head out of your ass and open your eyes to how ineffectual ATA has become with running this game, in a way that will drive this game into the ground.
  3. Don't lie. Your thingy is little
  4. Lol...larry, keep flapping you lip..tbe butt hurt wont go away.....
    Just So you know...

    KotFE MaCHiNE Lord
  5. How would u kno? U think I would fail on ur puny spy stats? I think not.... and u guys really care about people's stls lol.... I'm almost 10k ...u guys are like a broken record!
  6. 

    Jack I was waiting for someone to call me butt hurt. You are just going through the motions here and throwing darts at a generic response board.

    I guess this game has made me butt hurt, but one thing is for sure.. Your little thingy can't cause my butt to hurt. When people have names like that it's a strong indicator that someone has minimal endowment
  7. Look at you winner. You are quite the battle hardened hansel with almost 10k steals. This osw is 3 months old and I gotta admit you guys are really actively stripping. My question is... How do you still have less than 10k steals?
  8. Great info Larry...thought I was average....(sniff sniff)
    please Dont share how you researched go cry in your pillow.
  9. What am supposed to be crying about? Didn't realize I was crying or had something to cry about?
  10. Less talking....more hitting!
  11. Say what you will. I'm just glad that RS put her **** sucker where it belongs for once.

  12. All I see these last couple pages is off topic complaining from DirtyLarry and Chubby about the KotFE structure. Let me enlighten you guys on a few things:

    KotFE stands for Knights of the Fire Emblem, so naming their leadership "Lords" is on theme with their clan name. Hope that helps.

    Now let's look at your clan name, "wild or violent anger, [Tears of fury and frustration]". See you two befit this name as well, what with all your complaining and frustration. On here smack talking people's steal achievements while your clan gets battered by them. Whenever I see your posts and I can't help but think you're in the right clan... fury = internet butt hurt.

    Or how about ZAFT - Zodiac Alliance Freedom Treaty. Did you know you allied yourself to a Japanese anime cartoon themed clan about flying robots? Look inward little angry dudes.

    When I load KaW I see a chick in armour with a sword and shield, I think KotFE is closer to theme than either of you.
  13. O Snap! Weez teaching them factual knowledge.!
  14. Watch out Weez. Incoming achievement comeback.
  15. KotFE - making our enemies hate their cellphones since 2009
  16. Weezus you didnt just post something that


    made sense

    I can hear the sound of scrambled confused brain cells working overtime trying to think of a witty non butt hurt sounding comeback
  17. Weezus. Ah. How's the marriage working out?
    Out of rehab yet? Heard about the issues with alcohol man.

    We're here for you. Remember, you might be a POS in RL, but here you matter, in your little shinny armors and flaming swords.

    Support to the "Lords" in a game meant for kids. 
  18. Says thorn the chump who dropped build  cos he couldn't handle the consequences of his actions n words 
  19. Marriage is great, person I've never heard of - just celebrated our anniversary, thanks for asking :)

    Literally none of the rest of what you said is true lol. But I see your angle - discredit me as quickly as possible.

    Weak, at best, desperate at the least.
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