Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 19, 2015.

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  1. Let's see - you're clan less - no allies - low SD - less than 150k Attacks won - and posting on forums how much badassery you have - YET - you are whining about "eb hansles" destroying you - yep - we should take you seriously - LOL
  2. Apoc and machines suck!

    That is all!
  3. Oh now we are comparing accounts? Your account is crap and you call yourself a "Lord"

    Btw why do you guys call yourselves Lords? I swear you are RP'ing over there in kotfe.

    Obviously I'm an alt, maybe even a busted bank. Do I have to spell everything out for you? Are you really that dull?

    My account is crappy because I'm a certain type of alt. What's your excuse for wielding your crappy account? Did you spend too much time on 3rd party apps having gamer nerds calling you a lord? 

    Duna go ask some of the real players in kotfe who I am or who I use to be anyhow... Chump
  4. Out of curiosity how is the war going? Zaft pull any big strips lately? Any new big ones by Apoc?
  5. I'm well aware of who you are lol - and it makes you more of a tool, not less of one. And thank you for your concern over Duna - he's my favorite account and he drives just fine.
    Why don't you make anther thread about your greatness with another alt? That one was enjoyable.
  6. At least you recognize greatness. I'm gonna bump that thread it was filled with epic apoc butt hurt

    Clanless Lord
  7. Lol @ dunas chump account

    Fatty LORD 
  8. I can actually win attacks on him 
  9. Butt hurt continues to the desperation grows....DONE WHEN WE SAY WE ARE DONE......RIP zaft and your sub clan the furbies.
  10. Someone pulled the string on this guys back 

    Jack you should tell us why you don't need any Vaseline
  11. I have certain alts but post with this main.
    A true forum warrior not an alt warrior 
    Stand up n be counted if being serious n join me watchin this comedy that keeps giving. Why the big mystery n tell ppl to find who u r?
  12. People who are a part of this osw know who I am. Sideline cheerleaders like you wouldn't know because you are on the outside looking in.

    If you want to be in the know I suggest you grow a set and join a war clan. Then you can really play this game.
  13. Alts should be seen n not heard.
    Delusions of grandeur aside.
  14. Who are you son? Why do you think we care what you have to say? My main is on your wall ass clown. Try rubbing your two brain cells together to figure why I'm posting with this account
  15. Phil is dirtylarry, but as larry had a perm forum ban he cant post his main

    We caught him volleying gold to his main from phil account, not for funds but to upgrade

    so we stripped those delightful volleyed trash allies - fast
  16. I can't believe you guys actually bought 5T worth of statless allies. You must really luv meh

    It really surprised me. I know it's possible to catch people volleying. I got in on a volley between Coxxos and someone else a few weeks ago. I had a laugh.

    If you caught the volley good on you but if you found a way to trace allies backward shame on you
  17. and yes we Lord RP all the time, in fact Kukie is making me a Lord's sammich at this moment. Duna is massaging my feet in a special Lord's way...

    And Mare, well we will be busy later ... well couldnt possibly divulge But the baby Machine's Lords we make will be beautiful

    I think someone is jealous they not gonna be a KotFE Lord - cause they not a cool cat, or they werent clever enough to mith and hide their allies whilst volleying
  18. 

    True the fact that I'm not a Lord on my phone game is really hitting me hard. I gonna have to excel in rl to compensate for it. Lol

    You do have a good point about mithing and hiding allies. I just didn't care. I have a very cynical view on the future of this game because I'm witnessing the direction it's going in. I don't want to get into bashing ATA but I did tell you a little bit about how I feel in pm.

    Plus I was shocked you guys actually bought those crap allies 

    Nice job catching me though
  19. The direction the game is going??? If you mean cheaters get banned, zaft is destroyed and baby furbies irrelevant. Then quit.
  20. In response to you only hurts for a little bit.
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