Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 19, 2015.

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  1. ... Says the Lazy MACHINE.

    Irony much?
  2. Here comes this noob again :roll:
  3. Yup, I just press buttons.

  4. W O A H

    He's a wee bit angry

  5. You at least press buttons better than the rest of the furbies.
  6. Yep I went against rules got kicked open to all
    Have fun 
  7. I'm already having fun.
  8. Ouch. I'll learn to improve my forum skills. Respectfully bows and walks away.
  9. Waiting noob I have had no inc weak ****
  10. You are completely useless, worthless and have no real meaning. Why in the world would anyone bother?
    Well, except as a joke.
  11. Jem typical dumb ass WOG idiot
  12. I love you too
  13. Get out of pin ***** love u too been a long time since I smashed ur weak ass JEM 
  14. Been 100% for hours everyone here is DTW grow some stop talking ******** fuckheads
  15. Off topic need new thread "JEM(WOG) the weakest fucks in KaW "
  16. Umm You sir are an idiot because I'm open atm
  17. I remember my first beer.
  18. Ur full of **** Jem ur DTW always try him if u don't believe me
  19. Nice pin bro. Wait ahh snap I pinned you.
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