Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 19, 2015.

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  1. Ask Sparta Elite what ken? How you're cr 12 in a once might Zaft Corp as a allieless mid-tier spy. Where nobody in ur top 20 has over ONE ally? Ask away... 
  2. Fight with words ? Ask Harb about our words
  3. Jesus, one strip and you think you are GODS.

    Please join Lwp on Mount Olympus!!

  4. when imitationCheese did his fake retirement he never really retired he just changed his screenname into ....aNeverEndingStory and joined Faith clan .
  5. Were you elegantly wasted with sells for her bday? :D
  6. Sorry I only read English and French and this appears to be neither..
  7. That makes no sense.... :eek:
  8. That was me politely explaining I didn't understand what you posted
  9. One? You must not have seen the strip list. And maybe didn't hear about the 56T we took from Sells just today
  10. Guess you werent aware. Ill just let it sink in until you figure out what i meant by that.
  11. What about the other lb we just harbed. Was lb 144 on allies
  12. Well all I see in this thread is Harb this and Harb that so I'm not sure if anyone in Kaw is aware of anything else.

    Living in the past instead of being in the present.
  13. Its not one strip. Its many many strips. Just the 300t strip has been the biggest ever
  14. And? I'm hating to break this to you, but both sides do strips.

    It's kinda, you know, possibly expected in an ️osw!!
  15. One side just does them a lot more successfully and frequently :)
  16. What 1 fail strip a week and maybe one successful a month
  17. It ISSS expected, hence our confusion why I can count all successful zaft funded strips on my fingers
  18. I'm still laughing at the Noobs who use strips to rally their troops and provide propaganda with it.

    So old. So uncreative!!
  19. It's an osw / you are supposed to be strip and strip back!!


    I'm laughing harder at the moron stealing 12 mil a hit and me with no pots!!


  20. Said like a true loser.
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