Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 19, 2015.

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  1. I love reading your posts Russian. Not because you're super smart or that u cry about people repeating themselves but sound like a broken record yourself. I love them because no matter how how dumb someone sounds on this thread you will always come up with something to top it. So Russian please don't stop replying to every post on zafts behalf! Keep the butthurt flowing it suits you ;)
  2. I don't want to be that one guy, but …

    Your messages could really benefit from some commas placed where they belong

    Edit: also, please teach me how to read pots, I've only just learnt how to read palm
  4. wow lol that that rs chick is such a tool
  5. Right. Ok.. Right.

    I disliked blazey in every single way. I disliked her from the moment I started to see her in BH cc 4 years ago. Damn she wouldn't shut up. Mouthy Little vodka slurping gymnastic Russian! How dare she try to teach me how to use my xtals! I was a whole 6 months old!

    Blazey is a tool, she's a arrogant big mouthed down right P take!

    However, no matter what side I'm on (me and blazey have warred lots of times but never been on the same side!) I will always respect that Ravershing Russian. She's fiercely loyal, never runs and stands up for what she believes in.

    Sooooo, moral of the story. dirty rat she's a drunk and a alcoholic. Best to steer clear of blazey

    Btw i reserve the right to regret this I'm the morning when I've let the alcohol flush out of my system 
  6. RS

    Less is more in the PR game in this case.

    My free $.02

    You can of course not listen as it really does favor our side.

  7. Ok lets try this again. R S how come you hate zaft lb runners and call them out everychance you get, but fury lb runners are never mention and u never call them out. I take it its ok to run from this osw as long as you used to be fury ?
  8. What apoc doesn't realize is as long as one Zaft clan fights. Regardless there is no winner. The only way to win is disbanding clans as fury had done. So keep thinking we lost and yall won. Apoc actives are going inactive so soon the numbers will even out and um apoc might be singing a different toon. Only time will tell.
  9. what you fail to understand is. we know what you're doing. you know what we're doing, the lil cowards from GHOST LEGENDZ have ran. but you won't be able to stop us.
  10. indint disrespect them either. i have a healthy respect for them. wbut. im gonna smash them.
  11. So fury made MG disband don't believe so 
  12. No they made silent shadows and evil shadows disband. Before u try too call someone out do ur homework.
  13. Haha don't need to do my homework edit ur post because u Didn't say the clans I'm just telling truth they didn't make mg disband
  14. Plus u didn't make apoc disband the other wars so you basically saying u didn't win? Fail!
  15. If I had it my way they would have but I'm just a peon.
  16. Everyone should remember this is the conclusion of a 4 year rivalry. Zaft has stood our only match since The beginning. It's all in fun but the way things played out over the years this is a sweet conclusion for us. Zaft will never recover. They will never pose the same threat again. To us anyways. So many things went on on the build up to this war and for all of them to fall into place to allow this massive ass kicking is I will admit kinda lucky for us. Nevertheless, it is happening, keep the trash talk fun. Russian U just don't get it lol

    There is no need to try to propagate for either side. Only a fool thinks this will end any other way than the continued steam rolling. I like forums. They add depth to the game, although I like to keep it funny myself, everyone allowed their own style. I just don't want people to take anything away from either side to be honest.

    Without Zaft and our history this war wouldn't be possible. Without my enemy Harb I would be lost. And without me all U haters would be low on hatorade. Just keep fit and have fun 

  17. Lol who the hell are they?
  18. Aww, he would be lost without me. Want a hug bro? Xoxo? Lol
  19. You are fun to hate lol
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