Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 19, 2015.

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  1. I write him poems daily.
  2. we have nothing to lose either. smile smile all you want. look i can do emojis too. 
  3. I am cute. That is all.
  4. Debatable naturally I am cuter
  5. Lol @ duna

    Captain-save-a-nOob to the rescue I guess.
  6. I think the fact you needed to come and defend a statement not even directed at you shows the true hilarity of the situation.
  7. Correct me if I'm mistaken...
    This is an OSW forum.
    Or a ping pong match 
  8. "Wahh you commented on my post on an public forum you must suck and I'm so keWl."


  9. Lol @ the peanut gallery coming out of the woodworks here
  10. Lol at you still being irrelevant to this osw.
  11. Oli returns serve....
  12. Judging by your acct and amount in allies, i'd say I'm about as irrelevant as you are
  13. You've had 30t in allies that hasn't even rotated in weeks. 30t isn't even enough to abyss BC from hfbc lmao. Pretty stupid to convert to waste a whole build just to hit hansels you absolute lemon
  14. Hey look, it's my own personal cheerleader. I don't even have to pay this girl to follow me around a shout my name. It's just a perk of being me.
  15. Still the same bs going on less talk more inc please. Tell u what apoc put me in every clan you guys have ca. I'm not getting enough inc. thanks in advance
  16. Jeez DM. I've known u for years. U too have dropped pots and allies before, and posted in wc/forums while being in Zaft. Is it apoc that converts everyone into a hypocrite? U won't know what is rule and what is a recommendation these days - things have changed long ago. U see me having a banter and I'm not kicked. So what's ur point? Find another defense tactic, ur 'Zaft isn't allowed to post' is outdated and obviously doesn't stop anyone from bruising apoc's egos
  17. Awaiting ZAFT to post strips Ty
    The public awaits with keen interest
  18. I do love how this went 'unnoticed'

    *waiting for mare to post his 'we stripped Harb off 300t' in attempt to divert attention*
  19. U are just an apoc groupie who evidently can't read. It's been said before, repeatedly - We won't post anything. If u wanna know our reasons for not posting, go back few pages and read again. Or u can just accept the fact that we like to keep u waiting️
  20. The fans need news bad unless its as one-sided as it appears.

    APOC posts strips n ZAFT demands proof.
    ZAFT posts no strips n APOC asks for no proof
    Just a noob forum warrior but refute this SVP
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