Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 19, 2015.

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  1. Not that I've anything to do with this war but I've a few curiosity questions -

    1 - who's winning, by winning I mean getting their ass handed to them ( if anyone ) ?

    2 - have there been any recent big strips from either side?

    3 - Are Russian and Roni the same person? They sort of write the same crazy way lol

    Just wondering thanks
  2. Because u don't just declare a war on Fury in forums and forget to hit. Or return hits for that matter. Instead, Vaik decided to put 2 lb clans on our baby sub with 50 members lol So we welcomed him into war. Still no inc :(
  3. Beautifuly worded.
  4. up until a few pages ago this was a thread on harbs strip- of course his strip was mentioned to keep it on topic lol

    we been good only mentioned terror a few times, and that Zaft Ul guy who lost lots ....

    but its ok you got valk like 60% and had to compromise a bank for it - nice job well done - have a gold star RS  you are the bomb
  5. Compromise bankwe couldn't wait to add him to our roster and he joined right away. 60% in 10 min 5 of which he was pinned (not by apoc or clam a btw) is not bad at all. Why did clam a had others watch their roster is another story. Can't rely on u huh? Of course not - u keep contradicting Vaik's claims of not helping apoc with fighting Zaft. How can u trust someone who doesn't think before posting? to u for being such 'reliable' allies or whatever u are to each other
  6. And let's see now how long can u last without bringing up strip on Harb - since it's no longer a topic of this thread
  7. Contrary to what your limited mind believes Russian. It is still a topic of this thread since it is part of the OSW.

    Just because a mod didn't want his name in the title doesn't mean it isn't relevant.

    So anyone notice harbs build change?
  8. hey, I agree - any strip in this osw is on topic. I'm just surprised to see that this was the best explanation vix could come up withBut don't complain that we bring up strip on Vaik in few posts (being relevant to the conversation) when apoc throws strip on Harb on this thread every time they feel cornered and got nothing better to say

  9. You use the word 'reliable'to describe apoc's and clan A's relationship in a negative manner... Did you forget how YAFI and WDGAF bailed on you the moment you looked to them for help?

    So much for that alliance...
  10. Ummm I don't think it's a good example. U have no idea as to why Wdgaf or Yafi aren't in it or what happened. A better example of unreliable would be Red/cella/silph and other runners lol

  11. I know perfectly well why Wdgaf isn't there, I was fighting them, and I still am outside of the osw, and yafi is getting crushed by 1 clan, it's kinda sad that they couldn't lend one of their clans to help you.

    Despite my dislike for wdgaf i have to respect them but yafi is nothing they don't know how to fight and obviously loyalty isn't in there vocabulary, i actually pity zaft because all there "friends" and lb are too afraid to make a stand, the real zaft is all that's left, almost as good as it was in loada's time (if you weren't almost wiped out) which I got to respect too.

    But in conclusion I despise yafi more then any other group in kaw
  12. This is how I picture ZAFT and FURY now that we are almost 2 months into the war:

    you're the black knight obviously

  13.     

  14. Fury and zaft when they're talking about fighting forever :lol:
  15. TROLL, I think its more like Monty python when the one person lost his arm and says "tis but a scratch"

    i would have added a picture but I'm horrible at doing those things
  16. Was there a strip on harb? heard it was 300tril....WOW
  17. Best Monty python movie ever. "It's flesh wound"

  18. Ehhhh, it's my old owner
  19. Stop licking trolls bum deserter. It's embarrassing

  20. That's funny, shouldn't you be hitting those ebs? Maybe you should grow a little, it's embarrassing
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