Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) Grrr u got me!! And I actually know how to properly spell convenient I don't do gossip. I may know more than u can imagine. First hand And I could call milestone way worse than just a runner lol but u're wrong - this is the first time I responded to him. Ur posts, however, are addressed exclusively to me. I can't remember mentioning ur name. Are u defending him just to 'attack' me personally? Lol idc if u do, but I find it funny
Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) Almost as meaningless as your taunting neh? Actually, was wondering when you would show up. Seeing as you and Ms.Spy are very tight with each other, for lack of a better term. Is my size a problem? Because I do not have the same stats as you? Didn't stop you from hitting me before or even asking me for a link to me Neh? So obviously, we hold meaning if you seem to care enough to throw some incoming our way <3 And No My dear Spy, it is not to attack you personally. Far from it actually, rather take it as this. I wish to see the extent of your knowledge. The extent of your ability to cause a stir and draw attention, whether wanted or not.
Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) What's it like being on the side line cheering yoshi? Maybe you can be like Rudy one day and join in.....maybe
Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) No u don't! Lol and even if u think u do, I don't see the need for it at this moment
Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) Well for a time it was rather... Interesting to say the least when I was on the outside watching WC. Hearing of players being stripped, never actually seeing them but hearing about it. But now, actually being apart of strips and helping fund some strips, even if minuscule in scale, its rather invigorating! Its like EE, but at the same times its levels above it that I can barely fathom! Again I warn you Chubby sir, if your idea was to insult me in any way, shape or form. You are wasting your time, I have an attack button like everyone else on my profile. I am sure you can find it, or am I too small for you to hit? And Ms.Spy, trust me or don't. I harbor no ill towards anyone whether in this war or not. That is simply all I wish, nothing more.
Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) Well said Mr. Yoshihiko. I've missed every OSW except the ZiG v UWF. The 1st OSW messed with my career. And after that, I realised my career, life and other more important things, are more important than an OSW. I'm glad I'm out of this OSW. I've always enjoyed the camaraderie in KaW. Former Clans (3-months and above) WiT/WiG, ZAFT (OSW), -WiG-, StaRLighTLoNeLy, Kings of War, Forever Friends, ZAFT RST, Cyborg, Hong Xin Association, Kreuzritter, Silver, ZAFT UL. Now Clan: Fire Emblem. I'm finally at peace. Relaxed.
Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) Chubs, do u think he's related to the yoshi accts we ruined in mg war? Yoshi, my apologies but I'm gonna go back to pinning on oli. I'm working on his battle losses - it needs to be on the proper level with his almost 12k forum posts. Doesn't mean I expect u to stop burning my sct pots
Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) Well I know there were bound to be Yoshi accounts, alas I was not one of them myself. The MG war was one I heard of, but did not participate in. Besides, I can only pin your spies as you seem to dump your troops the moment you get them. Hard to get to your pots, when you are in a near-constant state of defender too weak.
Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) Yayy kuummbaya......thank you for the personal history lession nobody cares about maybe you and yoshi wanna RP in pm about this osw neither one of you are in?
Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) Ahhh the good old rl excuse. Why join the war clan to begin with if the osw interferes with ur rl this much..Yes, things happen to all of us from time to time, but ur post clearly states - u prefer pve Kaw in general. Then maybe u should stick to pve related threads? Or just lurk. I know u're good at that
Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) Pardon me if I am mistaken, but you seem to be quite annoyed by his words. And If I am not in this OSW, then why did you request that I give you a link on your wall? Was it to talk to me?
Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) I think milestone's words are rather touching than annoying in any way lol
Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) Poor Spy and Chubby owned by Yoshihiko for few pages now and they didn't even noticed. You can combine both your brains still not good enough. Better stay on your clan dumb common forum post like "No support".
Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) Don't mind this guy, English isn't his native language either. He can run his mouth but reading and understanding seems to be the most challenging for pusang No support
Re: 300 T on Harb. (Zaft Carnage vs. Apoc) Did I hurt your feeling spy? I apologize for your sensitivity but go on please continue on Yoshihiko if your nonsense would work