Zaft asks Faith for help against Apocalypse!!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by WhiteHazeBBR3, Feb 1, 2013.

  1. Oh cool.

    Thanks to all the sidelines making their opinions on the war - and to those in it.

    If you are a sideliner - your opinion counts for about as much as the average forum troll's iQ - something around 0...

    If you are in the war.
    Please just fight it, your opinions on who won are valid when someone actually wins.

  2. Anarchy as it would seem you yourself are not in this war, so do you really think anyone cares what you say either? It's forums here strictly for entertainment. We are aware that half of what is written on here is garbage. So just sit and enjoy.
  3. I knew it ZAFT are losing to apocalypse but respect to both of them
  4. Right, why else would u call for reinforcements?
  5. Obviously folks don't know anything about Faith and its ties to ZAFT. All it needed was an excuse to get involved. Apparently someone gave it to that clan by trash talking and such. Not that anyone or any clan needs an excuse to war in a war game.

    As for winning and losing? Again, ignorance at its best. Anyone who says either side is winning or losing at this stage is just making it up. Both sides shed the players weak-knees and then hunker down. If this ends soon, it's because of a cease fire, in my opinion.
  6. Sounds about right lormaster!
  7. @Op
    Your father needed my help to impregnate your mother. Sorry about the lack of child support. I'll be back for Christmas.
  8. **** MG. Long live