Zaft asks Faith for help against Apocalypse!!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by WhiteHazeBBR3, Feb 1, 2013.

  1. FAITH are fighting HoG not Apoc if im not mistaken.
  2. lol, I like the way you think, RoP3y.

    So I guess what you are saying is when SE hit ZE, they are not really hitting ZAFT? Or you mean SE is really hitting someone named SE_Sircozza_SE, they are not hitting ZE at all...

    I think we understand what family means....
  3. Faith is smacking hog on their own reasons.
  4. A noob Accout post a question And most important is how true can it be?!?
  5. I'm confused , I heard faith wa fighting HoG and ZAFT was fighting apocalypse
  6. Zaft asked for no help. Get ur facts straight.
  7. Let me just clear a question up that seems to be puzzling most!! FAITH are hitting HoG no one else this is due to the fact that LP hired an ally from a member of HoG as we all know ally buying is a part of the game, the said HoG member didn't take kindly to this so farmed LP and smack talked on her wall. That is the reason FAITH started hitting HoG, at NO point did ZAFT ask for help from FAITH. It's clear to see on LP (the owner of FAITH) wall the situation, so the answer to the questions are:

    ZAFT did NOT ask FAITH for help

    FAITH had their own reasons to hit HoG.

    I hope this helps clear up the situation

    Is this a good enough reason for a lock now?
  8. you want them to fight Apoc?
  9. Well we have all heard that story Swiggy_Mr_Lover_Lover ..... but most know it was a well planned set up to get Faith involved. Cause we all know Zaft was getting crushed, along with knowing how the lack of handling a true OSW really is. Whereas Faith does know how to handle and OSW and are extremely active in one, all the time. In fact, thats why Faith and Zaft separated a long time ago... but on good terms because they believed differently on how OSW and being active should be. Ive had many friends leave Zaft because they are not active enough and are to busy with eb's and leader board stats. Now with Jayde & iprophet... they have always been known for sticking their noses into anything to do with HOG's business because they have always had a vendetta against Poppabear for yrs now. So anything they can do to distort the truth so far, to make him look bad or anyone else involved, they will do, along with iProphet and his many alts/accounts. These 2 are true stockers of needing to know every move HOG and what Poppabear does. They spend countless hours searching for HOG players, and what they are doing day in and day out. This is true psychotic behavior!! Who cares whats going on! Its has nothing to do with you Jayde or iProphet! Why cant you 2 just live your lives happily as a couple! Posting here all the time with negativity on HOG and Poppabear will eventually get people to ignore you cause your crying wolf. You both need to move on with your lives. Ive been watching the forums since this all started taking place. I give high props to HOG and others in the alliance for not posting on here. I know it must be extremely difficult, giving the negativity against you. But to me that speaks true warriors. Your letting your actions speak for yourselves instead of your words, unlike Zaft and Tweedledee & Tweedledumb. I will have to also give props to Faith and for them not doing a ton of posting here too. Goodluck to the true people in the war. I wish the best to both sides.
  10. Here's what I see: Zaft is attacking a family, then another family (faith) jumps in. Look at LP's wall...Zeus (according to his status is a Zaft leader) calls him :) family. There is also an apology which looks like Hog.

    Hmmm, the last I heard only family clans join war, right??? Does it look like Zaft needed the help and took advantage of the situation? I would tell others to stay out and deal with it after the war!
  11. Bump for pure laughter.
  12. so an ally was hired in an osw. it is well known most of kaw is a bunch of bitches about having allies hired in osw. read banners on zaft and apoc side. they all say the same thing. many wars have been started over ally hiring. To say that faith didn't know what they were doing when the ally was hired is more than likely giving them too much credit. looks like a set up.

    We all know faith is zaft at heart. so faith got involved.


    looks like hog fell face first into it. if hog is anything like their forum/wall posts lead us to believe, they are a bunch of morons that deserve faith's attack.

    but faith knew about the osw. they hired off hog. they drew first blood. it was intentional.

    the ties between zaft and faith are too deep to discount.
  13. PublicSpeaker, if you do any kind of ally trading or hiring of allies often. You know that the majority of people do not look at owners when they hire. Now was it a set up? Who knows. From what I hear is an ally was bought but not a strip as their was not hits. No one made the HoG member wall LP022 and start running his mouth nor did they make him start farming her. But I guess it is what it is and their is no going back for either side at this point.
  14. forgot the last poster on the page before this name already.

    even if they had a vendetta? so what? plenty of clans do with another and big wars have started over it "fox and ig, chaos and ig, nal and hollow, zig and KaW, ETC;)
  15. Sounds like Zaft needs all the help they can get...or make excuses for letting other clans hit their "targets". Sounds weak sauce to me!
  16. there is a saying: buyer beware.

    zaft or apoc could call in all of kaw to help them for all I care. War is war. I understand zaft wants the appearance of not asking for faith's help, but having an ex-zaft clan with residual ties all of a sudden get into a farming issue with zafts enemy in an osw is jut a little too convenient for me.
  17. Name of ally that was bought off? Value? Quantity of allies bought off same person? Number of incs after ally bought off?
  18. Whitehaze you're defo in the right clan if you think Zaft need help 
  19. My opinion, ZAFT needs to grow up, it's a game -_- so what if a player attacked someone else or hired their ally... The last time I checked KaW us a 'war' game!! $#¥