Discussion in 'Wars' started by _xllAAllx_DeMoN_xllAAllx_, Jan 23, 2014.

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  1. Oh really chair. Don't wanna mess with this guy, he's a professional fail scouted

  2. LMAO.

    Can you say, pinning on you? Now show them the hits I got in.


    GUYZ, this attack build just attacked a hansel 3 times, EVERYONE CONGRATULATE HIM!
  4. Val the tough talking spy with towers yaawwwwnnn

    A ZAFT reject hahaha
  5. Can you please, stop quoting everything. Just respond, you don't have to post everything I say twice
  6. If I did get kicked from Zaft,

    I was kicked for being a farmer? Ill take that as a compliment!
  7. Nah you were kicked for being a bully. Your memory is not that bad.
  8. That's why you have  build
  9. Quit whining candy ass. You wanted to play, you drew first blood.

    And FYI I can hit you cash out or not.
  10. Bully my ass. I'm just aggressive. I don't start on people for no reason at all. But I will if there's just a fraction of a reason.
  11. Whining? Your the one bragging about your 3 successful hits on a hansel build, which you required full pots for, resulting in 0 profit
  12. Who is Cashpoint?
  13. Nvm another Val account *yawns*
  14. Oh please. I don't hit people for talking about me in the forum. You do. You're a punk who hides in spy clans and tries to intimidate people. If you ever had to fight a real war, you'd wet your pants.
  15. I don't keep track of your alts. I have better things to do. Face palm that lol
  16. Why the hell can no one see the same tags on the left and right side of the name.
  17. Hides is spy clans? Whaaaat the ... Are you talking about?

  18. Refer to my previous thread. It will explain the math to you.

    And it's not always about the money, Sport.
  19. Grr both accts pin ... Figures.

    Ok have fun in forums I'll be sure to visit your feed and check out your ally shop. I'll Pm before hire scouts honour 
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