Discussion in 'Wars' started by _xllAAllx_DeMoN_xllAAllx_, Jan 23, 2014.

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  1. Lemme go take pic
  2. You wanna see PM me for my pal iD, and ill show u in a second

  3. Take whatever you want. I couldn't care less. I'm fixing lunch.

    Talk to you later, Sport.

  4. Aright. Don't think of me too much
  5. This is now immensely boring. For the last what, 5 ******* pages it's been the same people.

    Ill be the first to leave, and do all talking via newsfeed. G'day Fools
  6. Seen the ss firsthand a couple months ago when I was a skeptic of Vals accounts.

    Needless to say I was impressed. :lol:
  7. And?

    None of them are from Destiny. I'm the only one here who's hit you, and you hit first. This is between you and me. ZAFT isn't involved. If you have 10 people in your news, maybe you should stop annoying people?

    Now, I got a pork chop sandwich that needs my attention.

  8. Inferno are you a val fanboy?
  9. Yes kill.

    Because I was impressed at the number of accounts Val has, that totally makes me a fanboy. :roll:

  10. Let's talk about that. I always laugh when big hansels whine about getting hit. They usually use the same line "You hit me? Wow, I'm impressed. Look at our stat difference" Well, YOU'RE here bragging about stealing me. Look at that stat difference. I'm supposed to be impressed? Get a clue. If you want big spy stats, don't cry if you get hit. It's that simple.

    And yes, you hide in spy clans. You know damn well it allows you to intimidate small clans who don't have the firepower to fight back. You farm them KNOWING that they're not going to do anything. That's how it works and everyone knows hit. You picked on Rouge because you know she didn't have a clan backing her. You tried to pick on me because you figured ZAFT just ended a war and wasn't going to fight. Well, I don't NEED ZAFT. I fought Zombie for weeks and he's much more skilled than you. Hell, I fought the Machines. They know how to fill someone's news. I've fought Judgment too, and they're a hell of lot better than any spy clan you ever put together. I've been at war for YEARS bro. I've fought some of the best on KaW. You're nothing. Just a punk with a big mouth and the cash to get big stats on multiple accounts.

    What annoyed me about you is you running your mouth about the CF. If you wanted to war so bad, why didn't you? Now you want to talk crap about people who DID war? We're "weak" because we agreed to a CF? What have you done, besides talk and play the bully?

    You want me bro, come at me. And bring your friends too. I don't care. You don't have to worry
    about ZAFT. They're not gonna get involved. They don't have to. You're just a zit on a real warrior's ass.

    Is that clear enough for you Val?

  11. i am a merc

    If any clans ever need help wall me and I will not help if the eb is hire the origins if any clans are doing brb revenge of the war beasts I will stay with them until they stop doing brb 'revenge of the war beasts and try to remember to wall me first then I will join I will post in wc a lot and call me jay for short and I will always be a merc unless I decided to make my own clan I am a !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!merc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!##!##
  12. Hey chair, I don't give a **** what you just posted LOL. You see a cf from me?

    NAHHHHHHHHHH. You are a hypocrite. You say I need two accounts, yet you have your little barcoded spy fail bombing to try keep my spies down. You didn't say anything about supposedly kicking me from ZD when I supported you. Now that I disagree with you, is when you come up with your stories.

    You hide on EB, you've been keeping yourself zero an in pin on EB for hours now. You say you've fought the best, nah, you got smashed by the best. You say I'm no good, I've only just started hitting you. Ill keep you in pin for hours on end. Well, your doing that yourself. I haven't even had a proper chance to hit you yet, your balls deep in that epic.
  13. This is some great read. Should re name thread to lets bash val and show his true colors!!! Im all in for that. Let the fun continue.

    Merges bh and worms together to help fund strips for OG. Then once CF is called. Goes run to make new clan since he is left out for dry. Then uses his wall as his drama location to make excuses for him self. Best part is he is losing his faithful followers 1 to 2 a day.
  14. Solange, ex worm. After season he left and joined retribution for 2 MONTHS, while the rest of us where fighting in OSW and funding. Sol was supposedly my second in command, he didnt come home once after season, actually, he did a single time for 10 minutes then went back to retribution.
  15. He'd best pot up too, because 7adp ain't cutting it. I get hits in from pin and I don't even need to use full pots. His win/loss is 103/140 and that number is going to start going up. His choice.


    All noobs fall for that trick. I have the top SDP and top DP. It's a little trick. I don't have an of the cheap ones.
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