Yup Seals AGAIN

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by MOMudd3, Oct 10, 2013.

  1. No limits on the number of seals used by any one person sounds reasonable to me
  2. Lots of noob stuff going on here
  3. Where's de noobs
  4. Lots of reasoned arguments awaiting reply KaW admin
  5. And STILL AWAITING :shock:
  6. Why'd you bump this ?
  7. Because kaw made a promise to look at the way seals could be brought and used and I would dearly like to hear the reply
  8. I would rather they either sold seals in packs In the oracle or rounded the price.
    59 nobs is a pain in the ass!
  9.  another thread showing "things in the works" that never happen. Great idea though  Does seem like a win win. More seals would be bought and used this way IMO.
  10. Agree wid u buddha :/ :/
  11. Still no reply MOOSE any Idea's, or thoughts on how to get a reply ?
  12. No one is replying I wonder why. Just another conspiracy theory !! 
  13. Vixen any ideas on how to get a reply ! 

    It was promised 
  14. You sound like a child OP lmao

    Devs didn't promise squat they said they were working on something similar. They also said they were working on pvp incentives about 6 months ago. There's only so much they can do and as a business they're inclined to first work on what will yield the greatest profit
  15. Thx for your opinion cyndar
  16. May cause confusion on items phase...dislike
  17. What's confusing !????
  18. Confusing: something that causes confusion 
  19. Seriously, great idea Mo. Not gonna hold my breathe on waiting for a reply tho
  20. I like the first part,but after reading the last paragraph, I got like meh?