YUKI Stripped?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 12, 2013.

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  1. Lol TNT I laughed when I read your post :lol:
  2. Another giant strip against WarLor? Keep details coming.
  3. Hmmm sexy naked warlor member
  4. Okay. A reliable source says this is indeed Ya_judgment_fi. they are saying it is 29 T :shock: :shock:
  5. As far as I'm concerned, no strip happened unless we know it was done by a specific player or clan. So, give me some specifics otherwise its not worth a thread.
  6.  Now you tell us! 
  7. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. Hopefully, warlor will fight back this time. As my pops always told me, never let a bully smack you around without hitting back as you'll be smacked around until you fight back.
  9. …Will there be retaliation :eek:
  10. Apparently she is being stripped as we speak. Hellhounds have requested this thread be removed so yafi won't receive outside strip help. Seems like a reasonable request to me.

    Request lock until after strip finishes.
  11. We need a full congressional hearing to find the party who did this atrocity, my bet would be  and  had something to do with it in retaliation of players hitting them.
  12. Hellhounds have stated that they didn't learn about the strip from this forum.
  13. Yafi really knows how to pick targets. 0.o
  14. Why should warlor care? If she has been stripped and knows it, then she should just pin and bank.
  15. Isn't someone gonna try and pin yukis troops? Come on Warlor help him out!
  16. @rpa - yuki is dtw.
  17. Sources say Warlor will osw this time. Everyone presently adding spy defence.
  18. This is interesting
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