Your voice matters to me

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Amun-Ra, Jun 15, 2015.

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  1. I agree with most of AJ'S listed issues.

    Full support to you TG. I'm looking forward to hearing updates on how things are progressing.

    I know this thread has been up for less than 24 hrs but I'm interested to see how many other mods will support this endeavor. If a majority of them took your stance, I believe the devs would have no other choice but to make changes. Keep up the great work!
  2. Ty titan. Atleast someone is trying. I've resorted. to just farming big ps . They pay better than haunts. And if they wanna grow hitting me will be counter devs have made it to where I have to hit big ps in hte clans to get any type of reasonable gold lmao so bad.. have to admit though I break all my toys I find. Please ask devs to make ebs pay better than big ps. Right now I get 130 mil first hit 56 mil TCS ps. 63 mil on haunt.even bonus at end of eb doesn't get me the ps farm what they done by low tier eb low eb payout is make it to where events and xstals aren't needed. Wars aren't needed either cause I'm in constant war. So tell me how they gonna in Tice me and others like me to start spending. Actually osf oaf prob pay better then haunts . Something to really think about for low tier players. Stop doin events and find ur inactive oaf osf now . Screw ebs and promos. The extra loot you desire is on inactives lmao
  3. Support Titan. Thank you for doing this.
  4. dov with your size i wouldnt hit haunt anyway
  5. AJ basically said it all.

    Most important issue is HIT RANGE!

    This horrid hit range where people so big that even the wandering villager slices his own throat in fear upon sight of your enemy's massive army and lets their spies pass has got to go.

    Let players be competitive with others OF THEIR OWN SIZE & all of the gripes regarding pay to win events, hte, rotwb, becoming build complete, etc would be a thing of the past.

    Allow players to be the best they can AT THE SIZE THEY ARE (without worrying about fighting people 5x bigger then them) & EVERYTHING would improve.

    Individual wars were a step in the right direction & were/are a huge success. Why? Cause people can enjoy fighting people THEIR SIZE.

    Ty Titan_God. This is BR0KENSW0RD from S3 @ AoC. You were always a great player & were/are an excellent/fair mod.
  6. Titan thanks for trying, unfortunately the damage is done. These new ugs cost too much and add stats are too high. Devs only care about getting us to spend more money and their greed will kill this game. I'm done spending and would love to see a xtal and nob boycott till these issues are fixed. Only way to get them to open their eyes is mess with their income.
  7. Awesome job TG.

    My two cents. I'm a non paying lonely old attack build eb fairy. I see more aqua drop then inferno. I also see less scroll drops and my plunder sucks. These compared to spies and balanced builds in my clan. Not sure if I'm the only attack build who feels this way. I'm OK with it just a large hole I see
    Also make another way to get myth. It would allow everyone access to more options that can be used in the game and hopefully balance it out more.
    I always hate when a guild Hansel can hit me with myth gear bad part I cannot hit back. Also myth then can be made into a building material. That leads me into my next point.
    Make something that would give you bonus like a blacksmith. You find items it enchants gear and buildings.
    Allies are stupid now days. Makes it hard to find good ones. I still say there should be a reset on them ever so often. You get a refund and then you get first option of buying them back or like a auction for allies that last a day.

    Can we make it where there is things the clan owner or lead administration buy with items? How cool would it be to have a perm clan item. Make a clan bank and walla..start saving. Eventually you can get the ring of might or the lantern of holy marshmallow.

    OK there it is my thoughts about kaw.
  8. Mith equipment should be pvp only. I do however think clan based spells would be great to see.
  9. Great thread Titan!!

  10. What?...then bfa should only count against ebs
  11. You misunderstand he was asking for there to very ways to earn mith items without warring. I was saying mith needs to be earn through pvp only.
  12. Titan God much respect friend this is a big undertaking. I agree with the main list submitted by AJ. The one thing I have seen that stands out as frivolous is that people were complaining about plunder loss due to towers. That's a choice a person makes, not a requirement to play kaw and grow. It's either you choose plunder or you choose towers. No adjustments need to be made. It's no different than pvp'ers making less plunder that an hte that is a choice. Besides saying you can't grow with towers is nonsense. I grow just fine. Without dropping tons of cash on seals. So kudos for the undertaking but I'd leave out the tower/plunder issue.
  13. Support TG, sadly I think you might be the end of the line as far as who hears the players opinions. All they care about is milking every dime out of this game while developing the **** out of smash.

  14. I dont think they care much about KAW either sadly. Only updates are money makers
  16. Retrieving information 

    Thank you everyone that's posted so far.
  17. Sean is a noob that just started playing. I only know who he is because he posted right after this.. His account is very small so I'm not sure if your response is sarcastic. Also my post was meant to point out that the devs only cater to their cash cows at the top of the LB. I have also spent thousands but that's a small drop in the bucket by comparison to them.
  18. I support Ken_Ken's posts on page 12. The double standard needs to stop

  19. Your right mids are bigger nowadays. Your one year old account is not even a mid yet but it's huge compared to how big my accounts were after a year.. And no mids don't spend enough money to get noticed by ATA. I have been BC several times on multiple accounts. I hav BC'd before hoarfrost came out.. Before tier 5 and 6 level 4 and 5 came out.. I was BC before Abyss came out.. But what I spend is not enough to have a voice
  20. Why the hell would new players get hfbc? That is honestly the dumbest idea, i have heard in weeks.
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