Your voice matters to me

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Amun-Ra, Jun 15, 2015.

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  1. 70T for T7 lv4+5
    i believe 180T to build complete
  2. Support.

    Check out the game Monster warlord. That game gives free xtal (equivalent to Kaw gold) and a variety of events. Players can enjoy the game through not spending and still a fraction of the reward by spending real money.
  3. You start off well but then you face plant into a pile of dog crap.

    Mids individually do spend money or they probably aren't mids. They don't spend a lot of money comparative to the huge monster accounts. Hte clans are full of mids spending money and basically running in place because of the pace at which upgrades are released. You're just confused at what constitutes a mid these days.

    You're right about ata not listening because they don't pay enough. But that's due to ata's ignorance and short sightedness and decision to cash grab and milk what they can while they can. I don't believe ata has any interest in running this game long-term. Their flippant attitudes and lack of any actual response to the communities outcry over the last 5 days speaks to that. So, yea, people are wasting their time.
  4. You guys have to decide what a mid is. I spend money every week, but I'm puny compared to redstar. Am I then a mid? Or would I be considered a big?
  5. I'd love to see a breakdown of KaW players by stats, see how many people there are at each stage of the game.
  6. At this point a mid is probably around 50mil cs
  7. I would consider it somewhere around 33-50% of of max cs for your build type. It's obviously completely arbitrary and up to opinion but there's no real concrete answer. Probably little higher than fifty percent on the high end.
  8. 50m cs attack build is borderline small now. As crazy as that sounds.
  9. Cella is 100mil. If a mid is 40-60% of what the max cs a player can attain is, then a mid would be 40-60mil cs.
  10. Redstar is 160m but the distribution isn't even, I don't think there are that many over 80m in the grand scheme of things.
  11. Didn't notice red had gotten that far.
    I still say 50mil is a mid now. A really big mid.
    Smaller mids would range around 20mil I believe. And then below that are just the smalls.
  12. No way is twenty is close to smaller mid. Look in top clans on lb. I just clicked on the too one and scanned their roster. I went all the way down to cr 90 I think and they were around 60m cs. Twenty is tiny these days. Hell there's hte clans that have a minimum cs of 40m cs and I know off hand that retribution has a minimum cs of 65m on att side and 45 on spy side. Mid would probably start around 40m cs now.
  13. Titan, i find it irresponsible that the devs have not communicated about the level of dissatisfaction that is being expressed by the community about the new tiers.

    I appreciate you original post. The devs should have been visible in forums already. Silence can be interpreted as apathy or perhaps more kindly, temporarily being asleep at the wheel.

    There has been so much said, i am not going to repeat myself or others.

    Devs can and should read every thread, understand why people are saying what they are, warts n all, and take appropriate action before its too late.
  14. Retrieving content 

    Keep it up everyone awesome job voicing what you want heard. Im collecting it all day noon and night 
  15. It's great and all what you're trying to do. But why should we believe there is any meaningful dialogue between you and devs. No offence meant to you but we have been down thid road many times before. Moose and others have tried the same thing. Kaw admin came to forums and promised dialogue. We were given kaw community which turned into a complete sham. At this point why should anyone have any confidence that anything will be different? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
  16. 11 man rosters and 15 man rosters rotated in primal wars.

    Chaos wars were supposed to be 11 man for chaos but then they changed it to 15 man.
  17. It's better to try and fail than not try at all. If we don't try we can't succeed.
  18. At what point do you stop trying? We have the same people in charge that have blown off the community for years playing only lip service as an act of hollow appeasement like we saw from kawcom in this very thread. Everything in here has been said a hundred times, a hundred, different ways by a hundred different people in a hundred different threads. If this was a publicly traded company with a board whoever was in charge would be given a vote of no confidence and booted out the door. In any other industry this level of customer service would not be tolerated.

    I think that asking what is different this time is a more than fair question to ask at this point.
  19. Titan is the mod i go to for any kind of help. He is the most helpful i have found. A great mod and person. I support you fully.
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