Thanks for creating this thread Titan_God, and thanks to all of those sharing their feedback here. We'll be sure to look over every concern mentioned with the development team.
Gotta agree strength in clan numbers better than more clans needed. Increase clan cost works for me
Dear god, no one wants to be my friend. My home clan says I'm an embarrasmant. The only member of my clan left after an hour and no one will hire my allies
Thank you Kaw_community, along the list of related posts looking to be heard I'll be compiling data according to all I have received here and in pm to give more detailed information on the players voices.
You're so full of crap. It shouldn't of taken a mod to step up and do your job. Theres been days and days of issues brought up since update and you all didn't address a single one. Crawl back under your rock, useless tool. constructive or pout elsewhere. The theme of this thread is a collection point to voice concerns or ideas to improve KaW.
I suggest more free content which benefits everyone. Daily login rewards on our fancy new event page. On a 30 day span, rewards ranging from gold, to xtals, horns, and finally SOD for final day. FREE STUFF FTW
As always, Titan, thank you for stepping up. Whether it was as a mod, or clanmate, or friend, I have always admired your loyalty and dedication. Personally, I think that the first and most important thing ATA needs to focus on, and make it happen, is a change in the hit range system. It has honestly gotten ridiculous. I do not mind that I am 20 mil cs and there are those who are 160+, more power to them, great job. The actual issue is that these ppl can hit someone my size, and I am powerless to defend myself. This has got to be reworked, and needs to be done, like, months ago...but now, before s5, before more events, before more lands or ebs. Also, I think the Kaw community deserves to have these issues recognized and answered with blunt truthfulness, not just some messenger that shows up every now and then with the same generic "We will certainly look into this" message. It is like a slap in the face, and insults the players' intelligence. Speaking for myself, I would prefer simple, real answers to my concerns, even if the answer is not the one I want to hear.
Why only hte/rotw promo ? Why not raise plunder on every eb when u think its time for another hte promo. Shorter events.. Long events get way too borring. More reasonable rewards Like more chests/building tokens/land tokens/xtals/seals just all around better rewards would be nice. Take out round wars add more indi. Bigger punishment for being inactive. 2hour wars were fun add some of those maybe 1time a week see how it goes. More clan admin options.. Like silencing in cc/high rank admin can admin people>or give them ability to start eb or other tasks. Buy more slots in clan ? That sounds fun Cmon War Xtals plz!!! Android users should be able to see top 200lb also should be able to > when editing ca the previous ca the old one is not having to start a completely new one. Clan password to join ? Sounds so cool..can turn it off and on if it causes problems More colors! Plz I'm bored of the current ones.. Why not hflc colors ? Confirm ally purchase! These are just some of the things rattling around in my head
Adding to above Weekend Warriors 2hr IWar/Primal on weekends worth a try add a weekend war slot for Asia/Aussie 20 vs 20 2 war xtals each to enter - xtal spent for war xtal Admins can silence intentional cc spammers