I have an idea to a different topic but since the present topic now is about inactives in wars then maybe I would say it tomorrow then.... If I have time...... And I'll try to suggest I guess: Why don't they give a player a kind of spell which makes them not war for a few days or so?.... But unlike the shattered sword, it can disable some things like plunder bonus from blood rains or something....... Just an idea... Edit: Nevermind Aj has a point..... But if someone is active but not fighting or having any actions it can... But of course most are just really inactive......
I say it from personal exp. I have chronic migraines and fibromyalgia. Not a good combo. They can occur at any moment any time. Loud noises/sound/not eating etc. Starts off with splitting pains and my eyes don't work together. Then the pain intensifies and I start to lose my vision. As in, black splotches appear and completely block my vision completely. If I'm driving, I have to struggle to pull over. And try to struggle and call someone to help me. The pain normal lasts two more days and there is nothing I can do. This has only occurred to me once while EEing. I just couldn't do it.
I experienced clusters of migraines years back n understand that much. Debilitating in 5-10mins n i had to shut down ALL my senses to escape n hope to sleep so it passed. I can truly sympathize with u.
If the clan loses, they lose one lvl anyway. If you cause your clan to lose you should lose two levels, and lose one if they win, not the other way around.
I see that I posted what I said in a confusing way. Here: The inactive in EE should receive a three day suspension and a loss in EE. If the clan won, you'd loss two levels(You'd loss what you didnt work for + penalty.) If you lost, you only lose one.
Player A has level 3 EE If the clan wins, he goes up to 4 then back to 3. No loss. A loss you lose one. I can agree to losing two both ways though.
Yep two either way probably best. Only thing I disagreed with is only a single loss if clan loses. Would be on par with everyone else that participated.
Either way. I like EE bonus is suspended til Shattered Sword expires. Must e-mail support to grieve it.
I find it annoying when people say they're quitting only to find them applying to clans doing HTE days later. Oh, fix the hit ranges pl0x
Of the devs could treat it as a set infringement, If one intensionally causes a loss, ie Spamming cc Inactive in banner Then devs can cross reference ip address of other data and ban repeat offenders accounts. As in all accounts that can be linked to a single player. The term of a ban could be varied statless being perm banned and mains a week to a month. Those who set out to ruin the game for others should be removed from the game. I say repeat offenders allowing for real life emergencies. With emergencies legit ones then its not hard to email the devs and explain. And no decent clan should hold a member in low regard for a legit emergency. Regardless of a loss.
That's all well and fine. If you want to feed info, go ahead. Nothing you can do about that. If you intentionally disrupt CC to the point were no one can communicate, that's a problem. Because CC is so useful in these type wars, disrupting it can cause a war to slip from your fingers.
As far as closing 'the gap'. The best and fairest fix to the game that wouldn't cause mass problems and ppl getting pissed is to re-work the upgrades vs stats increase curve across all the lands in my opinion. Should be like a square root graph (steep at the bottom and gets shallower as it moves up). This way the ppl who are considered 'big' get to keep their stats, no one gets a 'handout' as ppl still have to get the same amount of gold to lcbc. But gap gets fixed. Some will argue that this 'decreases incentive to grow but I think people hit out of habit and will continue to hit at the same level. Furthermore when the prospect of lcbc is as depressing as it currently is, there's little incentive already. I think this would have a psychological effect that could even increase activity.
Since the war topic has been stopped I would tell my idea before then... It was about some mods who don't do their work... Yes I understand vacation and stuff but if a mod is in vacation can they have a sign that they're not on or they wouldn't be in duty because it pretty annoys me... But this isn't my idea yet. My idea is that whenever a mod is going to silence someone, they should tap something which shots someone's profile or wall (by shot I mean the picture one and only mods can do this) before silencing someone (or they cannot silence someone without clicking/tapping it). The pictures from those shots would be send to the devs and whenever a mod silence someone without a reason or was silenced in an unfair way, someone who sends a feedback about it will have a proof in devs' hands and devs can unsilence them and continue playing unsilenced. This way whenever someone is silenced for an unfair reason or without a reason they can be unsilenced. Take note that mods cannot silence someone without clicking/tapping that icon or ui.... Just an idea ....
"Closing the gap" ? It's a 5year+ gap for new players... This is a impossible task but ata can't even be bothered to address the issues put forward they just roll out the events yet again it makes me sick
100% accurate scum but the idea of a new curve I think would go a long way to helping it I think. But let's be honest, after that 'reply' who gives a anyway? Devs have made it blatantly obvious now that, contrary to what they have said, they really DONT care. Also makes me sick btw. Well actually more ticked than sick but yeah.