Your voice matters to me

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Titan_God, Jun 15, 2015.

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  1. Show some patience is all.
    can PM Ops also if urgent.
    He does not speak for the Devs its in their hands at present.
    Kaw_Admin said working on S5.
    EB plunder was raised
    HF n Abyss tiers changes for less strain.
    Only so much can happen at once.

    Lets wait n see
  2. i have written 2 post and when i hit submit it's gone . great way to listen :x :x
  3. It happens often on forums. Either copy before hitting submit or chance having to redo it. I've noticed it's usually when quoting from a previous page.
  4. Any chance that nobility and xtal drops could be raised in quests?
  5. Can Kaw_Admin let us know what other ideas r being considered or reworked n might be in the plans.
    No promises r expected.

    Or suggest what u might like suggested if needing more in depth input on any ideas presented to date? Eg War
  6. Dear Titan_God,

    You listen to voices?

  7. The Voice - Moody Blues

    Its the Golden Rule of a Mod
  8. Kaw_com anychance double regen could be added as a perm fix would make wars,ebs, overall growth more fun for all.
  9. I'd bet no chance...just a guessî„…
    Its a disadvantage for smaller ppl.
    An advantage for bigger ppl.
    The bigger the EB determines that n will be detrimental to most of KaW.
    Rich get richer unloading more often assuming all things being equal.
  10. Ppl who get a broken sword from non activity in ee, should lose all their ee lvls as well
  11. I 2nd that motion.
    Put the onus on ppl to be responsible.
    Others should not suffer for a measly sword.
  12. I strongly disagree. You never know what life has in store for you. Medical conditions, death, accidents. Etc.

    I can agree with them losing one level.
  13. There is always support.
    My wifi went down n cable repair was needed streetside. I was reinstated after an e-mail.
    Happened 2 days later again n drove to Timmy Ho's for wifi cuz no choice. I was inactive 1st 1/2 of that war n luckily we won anyways.

    Another option is EE is suspended til Shattered Sword wears off.
  14. Last night I was in a war with an inactive that had "inactive" in his banner. Those fools should get a harsher penalty.
  15. The problem is everyone suffers n not just the culprit legit or not. Thats not acceptable.
  16. Some people have a choice, some don't. I believe my option is a good neutral move not filled with emotions towards the inactivates who do so on purpose.
  17. When an inactive costs a clan a war whatever the reason its burden enough.
    Dragging everyone down is no solution if the penalty is not fitting.
    1 week shattered sword when EE lasts 2 weeks is insufficient.

    14/15 ppl have no say n wasted 2hrs.
    100 vs 100 is another story altogether.
  18. So it seems the transformers clan is back to their dirty play again.. Hehe
  19. 2 hours, an xtal, mith, 25% of gold they had out it's not about emotional it's about making people accountable. If you can't be active then don't cast. The chances of something debilitating just happening to coincide with that one hour is ridiculously low.
  20. Some people have the total intentions to war. I can name some things that can happen in a two hour period.

    A heart attack - In which you'll be at the hospital

    Burglary - Your house got broken into.

    Car accident - T-Boned and in the hospital

    Almost anything can happen.

    I believe the three day EE suspension the loss of an EE level, 2 if the clam won, is sufficient.
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