Your voice matters to me

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Amun-Ra, Jun 15, 2015.

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  1. What he said.
    Though personally I wish towers were totally removed from the game, make it truly about hitting and pinning. Not just a mass of towers absorbing hits. There is no skill in that. Just time/money to grow and allies and a non combative tower build.
    Imagine rocky fighting with a shield. Yawn city. It's why I quit ee.
  2. No skill hitting eb's n more plunder if no towers. U quit EE cuz u only wanna pitch n not catch. Yet u don't mind your mith EQ.

    Other than IWar there is not much opportunity for Att Tanks. Hopefully a new format is coming to offset clan wars to even up the playing field.
    Between RW n PW many builds r left out of warring with a reasonable competitive chance.
  3. I really don't get this argument. Having a defense adds a strategic component to wars. Rocky was a boxer, these are supposed to be kingdoms at war. Can you imagine how successful the Tower of London would've been without walls?
  4. I've seen many ideas along these lines of giving handouts and then people saying it's not fair cause others had to work hard for it. But I would like to point out that every time they increase plunder it's not 'fair'. I have people in my clan with stats 1.7x my size while I have 30k more attacks than them. How is that fair? I came on and did the hits like them but gold used to be two or three times harder to get 4 years ago. While bc total cost is 30x more. So why shouldn't my stats be bigger than theirs? I did more work than them. I could be twice my size or more if my four years started later. Tough cheese, suck it up. Am I ever gonna get that extra gold? No ofc not. I accept that. Devs aren't that generous.
    Now I don't think it's right to give handouts like that and that long term it's not a solution because every time someone starts it would have to be given to them too so what's the point of having it at all? But something does need to happen to bridge the gap, probably needs to involve some level of generosity which will piss ppl off. So, just remember- every time you hit an eb you are getting a handout that others had to work hard for. Suck it up.
  5. Titan is this most recent update all that the Devs have decided to do with the info on this threat? If so then all this was pointless  none of the suggestions have been acknowledged or solved.
  6. 2 Q's asking the same thing n u supplied an answer to them both.

    Teenie suggestion....
    Let him or Kaw_Admin reply
  7. Devs are actively monitoring this thread.

    Keep up with the suggestions. :)
  8. It's true.

  9. That was so well played it feels like a set-up

  10. The advocates arguments for defence is understood.
    First yes you are right there is no skill to ebs.
    Especially not these one bar phase heavy ones.
    Pvp is great fun except turtle or tower wars are boring as. I used to request different options for wars that would promote rapid fighting a balance between trying to stay strong for profit vs sko and go full bar. Make the player decide when and where to hit where skimming in a war held larger rewards than absorbing hits.

    But yes it was too big a leap to ask for.
    It won't happen. And I hate towers enough to ditch wars now the requirements have become so absurd. I do like my mith equip but I won't war for more now.
    I would love an out of war option or system player vs player fight system.
    A battle list daily reward so many hits and you get mith and maybe farmed for hitting the wrong player. Something different that's not to a schedule that suits a different timezone or demand I cannot meet due to real life.
    Pick up select a target, get x amount of success and get mith for it.
  11. "You voice matters to me"..

    Hmm.. I sound like a teenage girl when I try to sing Celine Dion in the shower..

    But I sound like Barry White when I'm trying to score at the Bars
  12. Since you're monitoring. Could you got give us some feedback on the idea of a similar system for lands as the new building upgrades. Just a simple have would you consider it, have you considered it type of reply not asking for anything concrete.
  13. God yes to the battle list rewarding mith.
  14. @nightwing -
    You want out of war player vs player? Pvp exists outside system. Noobs only pvp for rewards though. Cant hit the bl without a reward? The reward is the tears and/or returns.

    @everyone begging for wars -
    Theres 3k active accounts in osw atm, no schedule problems
  15. Cool, I still want rewards. I've pvped without rewards, it's boring. I want a competition with something to work towards.
  16. The vast array of points ppl made about EE lead me even more inclined toTiered clan EE. Maybe defining a cs tier more clans can choose n enter easier. If what i envision is correct all clans know what they r getting into n can slot into any level they like. Their is a Tier for everyone.

    Lords n Ladies of War: 1t> total clan cs
    Knights n Thieves: 600-999m cs
    Realm of the Damned: 400-599m cs
    Chaos n Mayhem: 100-399m cs
    Boot Camp: 0-99m cs

    - Implement a war vault
    - buy war regen spell with nobs/xtal to WoC
    - need more war eg add more tourneys

    Loose n random thoughts...
    Idk if tiers need tweaks..tweak away
  17. Would probably just lead to stacking and other exploits. It would be cool if people of the same size stuck to the clan of their level. Perhaps only certain cs ranges allowed into certain total cs level clans. Probably the only way that would work. Not sure how it would function with the difference in att and spy cs.
  18. Maybe so but defining 5 Tiers allows for more separation. The huge builds will top the list n slug it out. They generally war to war n like smackin ppl. At the other end the Bottom tier is small n less prone to problems. The middle 3 Tiers afford pretty much anything goes.

    Overall variety is created within the choices.
    KaW adding any other War changes would only further make it better.
  19. @ Omar.
    Totally agree about the osw aspect. Have been in a few of them in the last 3 years.
    However yes I would like a reward system that benefits osw play style as well and out of ee war pvp.
    A war game where only organised wars ( friendly wars ) are rewarded.
    Why do we all have to miss out on mith and leave it to those who can clear a schedule around a set timetable?
    My life doesn't work that way even though I wish it did, so even if I wanted to ee I couldn't at this time.
    So yes I want to be able to log on and hit someone for mith when possible.

    Also extra pay for pvp would help many more find the appeal of wars.
    People growing are very off put about pots costs payout of ebs and being stripped.
    The only real incentive of pvp is the noob tears. Long term it slows progression, though it can be great fun in short doses.
    But growth now is a demand to crack people's towers. Vicious cycle. Maybe a compromise would be a max % of towers available.
  20. 2 Q's asking the same thing n u supplied an answer to them both.

    Teenie suggestion....
    Let him or Kaw_Admin reply[/quote]

    Sorry you lost me so my voice doesn't matter ? I'm asking Titan a question not currently asking for people to scrutinize my questions unless they can answer them all if so feel free...
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