Your voice matters to me

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Titan_God, Jun 15, 2015.

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  1. The clan atoms is everything the community does not want kaw to be
  2. I agree with every change you suggested apart from the more pro packs one. There is already a large divide between pay to play and free to play players due to HTE so really if more were introduced something would need to be done about HTE. Just my opinion but there are already enough in the way of pro packs.
  3. One step at a time friend.

    There's a long list, got to scratch them off one at a time!
    Imagine how much work they got to do, I imagine it gets overwhelming. :shock: :lol:
  4. I also added "More Free Stuff" in my original post after the better pro packs.

    Here's the thing. These same pro packs have existed since 2009. They are honestly outdated. Other unnamed games in the app market offer better products when you purchase in bulk. In kaw, all we get is 6 extra xtals when we go the extra mile and buy the one hundo pack. Some retail stores offer 10% off itunes cards on certain days of the week, its the only loophole and discount I have for kaw tbh. LOL

    The pro packs as they stand should have an additional starter player bonus. Discounted for the starting player dramatically. Just my opinion though, I tend to compare Kaw to alot of newer mobile games and like to highlight what I see. :)
  5. More free stuff such as daily login rewards would be a great incentive. I am sure even a few pots here and there would be a nice reward. On top of that the total cost of all the pro packs together is $76 which isn't a lot when you think about it but when that is spread over lots of players that amounts to a lot of potential income. More pro packs would just scream money grab right now which isn't the publicity or kind of attention the devs want right now.
  6. They already have the old mystery boxes. Seems like it would be pretty easy to give one out daily with chance at a few nobs or an xtal.

    Maybe even allow one extra per day to be purchased. Thats a pretty win win scenario as we get something free and they get a little extra revenue they wouldn't otherwise be getting.
  7. Agree
    Once time goes by the benefits will show.
    Still more tweaks oughta be comin.
  8. I miss my fork on a stick from April fools event :(
  9. I just saw a positive post from crazy...WOW...guess thinks are changing for the better
  10. It's not a good update. Easier to smalls to gain cs? Yes. Easier for former bigs, prior to last update to get those huge cs? Yes. The values haven't changed, people will still take the same time to get those huge cs. Bad? No. It's just a no change update if you see it, so I can understand some people see it as a bad update.

    Hit ranges, even how hard it is to fix, apparently, are the main thing they should work. Even if it takes time to do it. Time wasted on a non game changing update in my humble opinion, that I see as bad indeed.
  11. Easy analogy.

    You need a pair of track shoes to run. Buying only one for the left foot puts you closer to be able to run. But you still the one for the right foot.

    At the end without both shoes you can't run on a track.

    You can still run track with no shoes (for the obvious trolls that will come around).
  12. I have to agree that it's not a very... Important update but it does reduce risk when saving for upgrades which will help ppl in war and osw so it's definitely positive, just not what I think needs to be focused on right now. It doesn't change the amount of time or gold required to upgrade. But again, positive update so good job devs- step in the right direction, even if it's a small one.
  13. Apparently our voice only matters to the Devs enough to sprinkle trolls on this issues.

    Kaw_Admin talked about a bridge and gave us a stick.
  14. You think this is the only update that will come? Calm down 
  15. What is really like to see is a use for all the aqua and inferno we have. Why not allow us to buy eb equipment with it? Only allow equipment to be bought with aqua and inferno that is upgradable with aqua and inferno, so no dragon or newest eb equips.

    This would be beneficial to those that do not so EE wars but participate in PVP events whose equipment is no where near par to EE peeps.
  16. ^^
    Wait till you have to upgrade all the new Dragon armour you run out of aqua and inferno fast. Probably ran through 3k of each on all my eq. Still have 100 aqua but no inferno
  17. This is a war game yet Wwe beg for war! In this war game I see eb fairies reaping the benefits (plunder) of their builds with no intentions of ever warring. The true warriors in this "WAR" game are penalized (plunder) because of their builds. Wwe spend real money for xtals to war, yet it is the eb fairy that is catered too. Smh...come on devs!
    This game is "Kingdoms In Fairy Land"...has nothing to do with war

    If Devs want ppl to start playing "warring" and stop just tapping a button repeatedly, reward the warrior by making towers pay!! Eb fairies are raking in the gold cause they aren't penalized like Uus warriors.
  18. Pvp updates haven't been updated at the same speed as builds (pot burning used to be a viable strategy)which has led to mid/smaller builds becoming obsolete. I'm also sick of rampant botting and account sharing being ignored by the developers (either let everyone do it or no one).
  19. Calling people that do this scrimmage wars true warriors is like calling someone that plays paintball a soldier. You're one xtal per war isn't supporting kaw, nor did you get those stats without hitting ebs. In short pull your head out of your butt and shut your hole.
  20. With your equip you are clearly an EB master. There has to be some sort of penalty for towers (reduced plunder), or else everyone would be over towered and unhittable. Which sounds like fun! (Sarcasm for those who can't detect it)
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