I made the OSW thead for Apoc/ZAFT, not sure what you mean.. I do notice you accuse people of Fury of crying often, because maybe that's all you can do. I did however see the ss of you crying about being in their CA, now that was funny.. Stop crying and try to give something constructive Cloud
Ok, I'll try to start over. The solutions have been posted. In many threads. NOTHING HAPPENED. You know what's easy? Having the players put out issues/solutions in threads, not doing anything, then making another thread when they get disgruntled.
Yeah, because that's on topic. I have 1k'ish posts on this account, odds are at least one is positive
There will be changes soon. There's a plethora of ideas here, as a result the devs are clearly doing something about it behind the scenes. They'll come forward when they have something tangible.
Dirtylarry i have its been in pm because if you read first part of his first post you will see pm also. Crying about your fails and lack of ability to pin me or prevent me from having larger stats and more pots then when you started was made in sarcastic pms to individuals.
You're in a clan doing b2b sub one hour hte. It's literally impossible stopping someone from growing and buying pots in that circumstance. That's one of the main reasons pvp is broken in this game.
My ideas have been used in the past individual and primal wars me and vixen talked and she forward my ideas to devs. We were in talks for a few months on them. Another idea that was used was no ee extended on no match because of some clans trying for no match. There was many ideas they Haven't used but to say mods dont pass on your ideas are false. Changes take time and testing. Because if there is an error or mistake forums will fill with tears
As a result of the ideas here the devs are clearly doing something behind the scenes? Where have you been? That's illogical, highly unlikely as that wasn't the case with other threads, and not surprising to hear from a mod. Why didn't they have anything tangible in response to the other threads? At this point, nothing short of implemented fixes and improvements will mean anything.
After a few more Xstal and hte fueled promos and some new lands/buildings/levels we'll be back here having the same discussion.
Devs just posted. viewtopic.php?f=4&t=175296 I actually was at EDC in las vegas for the last week, just got back!
Wow could we keep this thread as ideas. Someone start a thread for this popcorn fest elsewhere please. Just got to go out and buy mine
One thing has been implemented yes which is a great start, hopefully we will see more updates from the devs and I have to say this is one of my favorite updates so far as it makes progression easier due to smaller increments. I don't think anyone can say truthfully that this is a bad update but then again I am sure someone will find something to complain about. Either way I am interested to see their fix for the hit range.
Again, the developers are keeping an eye on this thread. If there's a time to post suggestions it's now. Of course, there is no guarantee that it will be implemented. But they will look at each suggestion critically, rest assured. Changes I feel need that are necessary: -Hit ranges tightened -New Clan updates -Daily login rewards via event page -New player tutorial -NEW PRO PACKS WITH MORE BENEFITS - :mrgreen: MORE FREE STUFF :mrgreen:
I can agree that this looks like a positive step forward for increasing the retainability of players, and I'm happy to see it.